Originally Posted by nitrotron /img/forum/go_quote.gif
But anyone know why the id's are there on the pictures and not on the actual phone itself?
Did you mention where you got the photo? Two possibilities: the photo is of a fake, or it is a picture of a prototype? The padding on the headband looks different from mine as well.
^ Photo is definately a fake, look at the padding, there should be no circular indent where the transition from the black plastic goes around the mesh.
The HD228 label should NOT be on the outer side. Fakes have HD228 printed out on the outer side.
I have had two pairs from Sennheiser Australia, both replacements for HD228 from mymemory.co.uk (Sennheiser UK verified them as authorised resellers) and the 3 pairs all did not have HD228 printed on the side.
However, with the second replacement pair from Sennheiser Australia (first replacement was exactly the same as the ones from Sennheiser UK), I did notice a drop in sound quality... sounds like the newer HD228s have changed factory or something, the bass sounds like its emphasising the bass from a rock-guitar, furthermore, the mids aren't as distinct as the previous pair.
Edit: I have just done the astroid mod, and it seems like there is still a tinge of that strange new-bass as compared to the older pair of HD228s that suffered the cable-death problem. But it does bring it much closer to the SQ of the older pair of HD228s (didn't need to do astroid mod).
In regards to fakes, take off the padding (do it GENTLY!) from the headphones, if there are plastic seals over the screws, it's a good indicator yours are not fakes.
How I know? I tried to search for a replacement pair of HD228s (mymemory.co.uk doesn't offer them anymore
), bought some fake ones on ebay and failed with counterfeit-dispute (for future ref, just do Item not received dispute, less hassle, much higher chance of getting your money back, counterfeit-disputes almost guarantee the seller is going to keep your money)