To my Headfi friends....
May 30, 2007 at 12:29 AM Post #16 of 44
As I sit here sipping on a Corona.....
May 30, 2007 at 1:20 AM Post #19 of 44
i'm not addicted to anything. i guess i'm just a strong willed person; i haven't had a craving for beer, tobacco, or weed after the first time, and all three are pretty overrated. i will not go into detail because it may be against the rules of the forum, as it's illegal. i just hope the mods let me keep this little stub of a post, i know i am on thin ice and don't want to add an offense.


Originally Posted by robm321 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Totally agree. My days are behind me as well. And for those who think 420 and alcohol is a casual drug that is harmless, you may want to look into the way it affects the brain over time. Drinking in moderation doesn't seem to be a problem for most people however.

The tragic affects of the harder drugs are more obvious.

Just look at Van Halen...


cancer hit him HARD. he looked pretty damn handsome in the early 90s:

May 30, 2007 at 1:23 AM Post #20 of 44

Originally Posted by robm321 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Totally agree...


Just look at Van Halen...


Me thinks Valerie wore him out.

EDIT: I didn't know he had cancer. In light of this, my comment above is callous, insensitive, obnoxious, mean, and insulting to all those battling cancer. I apologize.
May 30, 2007 at 3:39 AM Post #21 of 44
I do not know if this post belongs here but....I was in denial of being depressed and then I became suicidal. In Maryland there is a law that a Doctor can involuntarily commit you to a Mental Institution. I was told by a Doctor that I should voluntarily check myself in or he would have me put in a straight jacket and have me checked in. I went in on my own and stayed for 4 days and 3 nights. If you are suffering from depression, please get help. Depression is a mental disesase. People that have it (that's me) have a chemical inbalance in their brain. Just my 2 cents
May 30, 2007 at 6:26 AM Post #22 of 44

Originally Posted by ricksome /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I do not know if this post belongs here but....I was in denial of being depressed and then I became suicidal. In Maryland there is a law that a Doctor can involuntarily commit you to a Mental Institution. I was told by a Doctor that I should voluntarily check myself in or he would have me put in a straight jacket and have me checked in. I went in on my own and stayed for 4 days and 3 nights. If you are suffering from depression, please get help. Depression is a mental disesase. People that have it (that's me) have a chemical inbalance in their brain. Just my 2 cents

Now this is something that a person does not ask for,doing anything to lean towards, or anything unlike Drugs and alcohol. this is a very serious problem but whats worse is the people who never had it just don't understand what it really is or does to you. no cure, no reasoning, and whats worse is even if the person that suffers from it knows and understands it they can never ever stop comes and goes almost like if it had its own choice to..
also unlike drugs and and alcohol there is no Rehabs or health centers to help, sure there are pills and straight jackets but that only buys you time..
time to let you pass from the valley to the peak..
to anyone who has not suffered from this the best way to describe it as..
you know how you have a voice inside your head telling you what is right what is left, what is rite and what is wrong, you know your conscience?
well imagine if you conscience and everything you ever learned in life tells you its perfectly fine to blow your brains out..even if you say no its still justifying the end of your life..and as time goes on and the more and more it comes and goes..well it gets stronger and stronger..remember its your brain working to kill least that's how I would describe it.
there's a good reason why I never touched a loaded gun, the second I do will be the last second of my life..not that i am suffering now from it or anything close but the voice is always in back of the head and justifying the end..
it can come up that quick and fast, the only help is to buy yourself time and no react on thought rite there and then. think you'll do it next week instead of now, hopefully by then the thought will pass and you'll be back to what some consider normal.

i think there are two types of depression though, emotional and chemical.
emotional can be had by a very very very good psychologist to help you understand why the thoughts are in your head, for example if your father called you a p.o.s. everyday of your life maybe the good psychologist can help you by asking does the voice that says its OK sound like your fathers. but regardless of the understanding and maybe even accepting of the emotional side you still will never beat it..its always there..
chemical is an unbalance of something a normal body needs and for what ever reason is not getting (for example Serotonin levels). pills help somewhat if they increase your bodies manufacturing of the chemical your not getting enough of. but regardless on how many pills you pop they can not cure the brain from itself..they more or less just even you out and buy some time..

either way your stuck with it for ever..

I am not writing this as an expert or even to possibly help someone who thinks they have it, instead I write this for people who don't..
cause your the people that might be able to see signs in someone else around you..just please what you do just buy them time..anyway possible.
May 30, 2007 at 12:24 PM Post #25 of 44
One thing that makes me angry is the media. On a lot of shows there are lots of very famous and influencial folks that get up there on stage and explain in excruciating detail of how they came to their addiction and in even more excruciating detail of how they've overcome it. What heroes they've now become!

To some of our less mature thinking kids, I fear; the road to greatness may be in part through addiction and recovery.
May 30, 2007 at 12:57 PM Post #26 of 44
I agree 100% Ken, of course.

Just a thought though, not everyone is unaware of the damage they are doing themselves. Some people are well aware of the future they are heading for when they first start down that road. Sometimes that's the whole point.

As said, if you can, ask for help. If you know someone who might need it, offer help.

Just be aware that sometimes you can't help, some people just don't want it.
May 30, 2007 at 1:02 PM Post #27 of 44
For those who have overcome, I applaud you and it gives me great joy and hope to know that it can happen. My family will endure.....we have each other and really have no choice. Still, this is such a risky thing to experiment with. There may be some that do not have an addictive personality but for those that's tragic or can be for both the user and their friends/families. Even though I grew up in the 60's and 70's, I really didn't understand or have the ability to relate. I'm rapidly being educated though.

I've recently come into possession of a wonderful book called "Beyond the Yellow Brick Road" by Bob Meehan. It's been a tremendous at helping me better understand this situation for what it really is. A great source of encouragement as well. I hope some may read this thread and perhaps avoid the pitfall or if they're early on this destructive path, maybe it will prompt them to seek help before it reaches a critical stage.

I appreciate the well wishes and words of encouragement from this thread. My hope and prayer is that those who are involved with the "casual use" and/or abuse of drugs will come quickly to the realization that they are not, in fact, controlling the drugs but are being controlled and that grip is likely tightening with each passing day. As we approach rehab and counselling, we do so with the hope of a life restored and regained.....a family reunited and stronger for having bonded together and come through this with more understanding and love for one another. It's my fervent hope that someone else will benefit from this thread in some way.

As for this post/thread, I hope my words don't come across as preachy. I only wish to express my concern and encouragement for any individual or family who may be in a similar situation.
May 30, 2007 at 3:38 PM Post #28 of 44

Originally Posted by Thelonious Monk /img/forum/go_quote.gif
cancer hit him HARD. he looked pretty damn handsome in the early 90s:

I think meth has more to do with it - checking into rehab. Alcohol is a PR reason to check into rehab. It sounds better to the public - I've been around older cranksters and well... he looks dead on, but I could be wrong.
May 30, 2007 at 4:38 PM Post #29 of 44
There's always something noble about saying something important to you regardless of which side of the position you embrace.

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