Tidal vs Spotify
Apr 29, 2024 at 3:56 PM Post #346 of 384
Screenshot from 2024-04-29 21-54-33.png

tho this one looks better of course :D still impressive that they trippled revenue from 2016, i kinda thought they had more trouble with other streaming services

Does someone know how the advertisment apartment looks on Spotify vs Tidal? i guess Spotify is definitely more "mainstream" with maybe more ads? tho ads are basicly banned on my network with pihole, so i dont have a clue...

But also this is kinda interesting to see:
Screenshot from 2024-04-29 22-13-38.png
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Apr 29, 2024 at 4:38 PM Post #347 of 384

I only saw a few basic references to revenue for a sense of user base comparison.

Seem odd that they would be losing tens or hundreds of millions of dollars for 14 years and still be a functioning business.
Apr 29, 2024 at 4:59 PM Post #348 of 384
Seem odd that they would be losing tens or hundreds of millions of dollars for 14 years and still be a functioning business.
i think this has much to do with convincing investors/sponsors but yea they have to change something longterm... tho i wonder what they wanna change "drastically" at this point

also the revenue per user is interesting ... im not sure if they make money in some other form beside abo cost but if we take the raise of revenue and the decline of revenue per user... userbase growth is actually more than the revenue chart shows, maybe thats what is convincing investors...

kinda interesting.... i will keep an eye on spotify and what they will change in the next couple of years
Apr 29, 2024 at 5:51 PM Post #349 of 384
kinda interesting.... i will keep an eye on spotify and what they will change in the next couple of years
I dont hate Spotify, just to clarify, but for me purely flac is missing, if they would come up with FLAC i would give them a shot again, specially because catalog/algorithm/interface are still pros for spotify

Also i think only tidal came up with a similar function than spotify which is that you can control one spotify instance with another one (Spotify Connect i think it was called, right?)
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Apr 29, 2024 at 6:43 PM Post #350 of 384
I mean, they do something right for sure, but im still wondering how many people are just to lazy, dont know better etc to try another streaming service since they were happy from the start with it

i would even argue 50-70% of spotify users havent even tried to compare MP3 vs Flac and dont care for CD's

Honest opinion is that 99% music listeners in the world don't care about lossless nor ever even know what lossless means and that's why lossless is the last thing that the board from Spotify would even put on table
Apr 29, 2024 at 7:05 PM Post #351 of 384
If it’s done right there shouldn’t be any audible difference between lossless and lossy. Apple said it included lossless because people were asking for it, but their focus is on other things that make a definite improvement in the sound.
Apr 29, 2024 at 7:15 PM Post #352 of 384
but their focus is on other things that make a definite improvement in the sound.
Like? Atmos & Spatial audio?

i actually have to test spatial audio on headphones... on a stereo speaker setup you need alot of imagination to hear the effects, tho its far from "awesome expierence" imo
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Apr 29, 2024 at 7:22 PM Post #353 of 384
I said it before ..... what is interesting technically is not how good hi res sounds but how good high quality lossy, even bluetooth, sounds with so much data missing and how we can't easily tell any difference.

I know that is contrary to everything holy with some folks but I stand by it being true.

Speaking of bluetooth, I firmly believe those that say Apples AAC bluetooth is rubbish compared to the likes of LDAC are listening expecting it to be worse so the perception becomes true due to expectation.

I use lossless or hi res and wired connection because I listen at my desk while working and use a small DAP while out for a walk but I know that I am largely fooling myself that it makes any practical difference.
Apr 29, 2024 at 7:27 PM Post #354 of 384
Honest opinion is that 99% music listeners in the world don't care about lossless nor ever even know what lossless means and that's why lossless is the last thing that the board from Spotify would even put on table
yep, well i know myself 10 years ago, the only thing i have done was buy a new pair of 30euro headphones if the previous ones broke and having no clue about audio, just enoying the music.... funny enough also with spotify (tho back then i also had a completely different music taste, mainly hardstyle and hardcore and rock, now it has become much more diverse i would say)
getting my first proper speakers (the ones i still have.... i finally need to upgrade them... but i think they still sound awesome for the price, well with some EQ and room correction) actually just started the ball rolling and i went from there and thats what people are missing .... the jump from logitech speakers to the studio monitors where so huge.... no wonder all the people with crappy pc speakers dont care.... i was one of them :)
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Apr 29, 2024 at 8:00 PM Post #355 of 384
I said it before ..... what is interesting technically is not how good hi res sounds but how good high quality lossy, even bluetooth, sounds with so much data missing and how we can't easily tell any difference.

I know that is contrary to everything holy with some folks but I stand by it being true.
Well if you say it like this yea lossy formats are impressive in how close they come to flac while still saving so much data compared to flac

but for me personally there is still a difference that is hard to describe, usually i notice it with more bass impact (on speakers), in my mind this is maybe because MP3 maybe messes with frequencys under 20Hz (tho im not sure if this is true) or maybe something else is "overlaying" the bass in lossy that makes it audible like that, also i would say there is "overall" some kind of sheen on the music with MP3 that is gone with lossless, i heared kinda "similar" effects with different reconstruction filters on a dac, which im pretty sure all lossy formats have of some kind ( im not talking about early rolloff lossy formats tho, if you see me mentioning lossy i usually refer to either 320 MP3 or 256 AAC (or 320) )

actually i just googled (after my guess above...) and indeed MP3 seems to cut subsonics.... hmmm it would be interesting to verify if i actually hear the difference in actual subsonics or if i hear some kind of distortion... tho this means i prefer the distortion :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
Apr 29, 2024 at 8:09 PM Post #356 of 384
Now as i think about it.... i also tested a additional digital subsonic filter (my speakers already "should" have a subsonic filter...), these are audible too no matter where i place them ... either 10Hz or 30Hz... tho for me this sounds (well, feels...) really more like deeper bass impact and not just distortion
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Apr 29, 2024 at 8:09 PM Post #357 of 384
It’s important when talking about lossy to not generalize. A lot depends on the codec and data rate. An old codec with a small data rate can sound awful, and an up to date codec with a healthy data rate can sound perfect. You need to specify the details. When I say lossy is audibly transparent, I mean AAC 256 or above or MP3 LAME 320.
Apr 29, 2024 at 8:17 PM Post #358 of 384
You need to specify the details. When I say lossy is audibly transparent, I mean AAC 256 or above or MP3 LAME 320.
the thing is i never compared codecs directly (with selfmade lossy files) but mostly these:

either a few years back spotify vs qobuz
or youtube (as reference, no real comparison here since most music is far off on youtube compared to streaming services)
recently, actually a few times, on different days etc.... Deezers "high quality lossy" vs "lossless"
soundcloud vs deezer lossless, kinda recently

i think these are your usual 320 MP3 or 256 AAC ones, but i dont know the actual details on the codecs

i think my testing was so diverse that i can pretty much exclude different masters as the reason, specially as i was testing deezer lossy vs lossless
Apr 29, 2024 at 8:21 PM Post #359 of 384
Well if my theory is true about the bass impact, if someone is curious, i advice to listen preferably on full range speakers (or something close to that) with silly songs like this: https://deezer.page.link/tmsy2618sSpojeJx5 to "maybe" make the difference obvious (also listen to a volume close to 80dB to make differences more obvious...)

The rocket start is usually enough for me to hear the difference pretty clearly with lossy vs lossless .... with lossless it sounds like your house lifts up with some imagination.... tho this feeling is gone with lossy
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Apr 29, 2024 at 9:19 PM Post #360 of 384
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