This is disturbing!
Apr 30, 2004 at 7:38 PM Post #76 of 209
Today I must make a confession: I'm not proud to be a HeadFier...All what has been said about Vikram made me sick to my stomach. We failed him big time. I reread all the journal and saw something so evident that it is mind-boggling: the poor man has no sex life...

Yes ideed nowhere can you find any reference to any «noise» closely related to this essential part of life: sex. All we read was the non-stopping, the all day all night, all weekend stomping.... wait a minute, and if... Ho my God... way to go Vikram.....

Apr 30, 2004 at 8:21 PM Post #77 of 209

Originally Posted by genetic
Today I must make a confession: I'm not proud to be a HeadFier...All what has been said about Vikram made me sick to my stomach. We failed him big time. I reread all the journal and saw something so evident that it is mind-boggling: the poor man has no sex life...

Yes ideed nowhere can you find any reference to any «noise» closely related to this essential part of life: sex. All we read was the non-stopping, the all day all night, all weekend stomping.... wait a minute, and if... Ho my God... way to go Vikram.....


May 1, 2004 at 2:10 AM Post #79 of 209
Ok, Ozric seems to have answered my questions, and of course you make a good point. It's probably best to have a mediator when you meet with this woman. And if Jasper says it's a floor-creaking problem, then every apartment must have it. I can be a little sympathetic in that not all elderly people have saved for retirement, and perhaps she can't afford to move. I seriously don't buy that she has a business run out of her home. I think she's just home all day.

I also think if, judging by Ozric's name, that perhaps there is a bit of Xenophobia tied in here? It wouldn't be the roomate making the noise because he's not a foreigner? She probably wouldn't even admit that herself.

And I jump in and defend my apartment-dwelling overweight brothers and sisters and say someone of just about any size can learn not to walk flat-footed. It's a technique thing, not a weight thing. I know because I am the roundest person in our apartment, and also the quietest (we've tested, since I gave my husband a lecture in being a flat-footed monster!). Somehow it's something I picked up from mom, while dad is a flat-footed moster as well.

You know who the loudest person is in our apartment? The 8lb dachshund, seriously, so it's all relative.

A bit OT, but I had to say that. I've been noticing lately such words in the forum like "fat" and "ugly" as meaning the same thing to most people. It's sort-of my theme for the evening, but to make those words mean the same in your vocabulary is to take more narrow-view of the world. And how many head-fiers are in tip-top shape? Not many, I gather, so think about it before sitting around and insulting yourselves.
May 1, 2004 at 2:15 AM Post #80 of 209

Originally Posted by plainsong

A bit OT, but I had to say that. I've been noticing lately such words in the forum like "fat" and "ugly" as meaning the same thing to most people. It's sort-of my theme for the evening, but to make those words mean the same in your vocabulary is to take more narrow-view of the world. And how many head-fiers are in tip-top shape? Not many, I gather, so think about it before sitting around and insulting yourselves.

Where did you come up with the fat=ugly thing? I mentioned a 300lb person but didn't imply they were ugly. I was merely trying to make a point that many people I know that are over-weight walk rather heavy.

The elephant thing came from her calling him a yeti, and I figured an elephant would likely make a lot more noise when they walk than a yeti.

The part about the limp came from the fact that I'm 200lbs and tore the ligaments in my knee skiing recently. Even though I'm off the crutches, I'm still limping a bit which I'm sure causes me to step more heavily on one side making a louder impact as I step.

I was really just trying to create an image of a worst case scenario and pointing out that she has no way of controling such a thing. Even if Vikram moves out, her chances of peace and quiet are very low.
May 1, 2004 at 2:39 AM Post #81 of 209

Originally Posted by plainsong
You know who the loudest person is in our apartment? The 8lb dachshund, seriously, so it's all relative.


Your dachshund weighs only 8lbs? My dachshund weighs ten pounds more than that (when she's on a diet)! I love her. Dachshunds have a way of expressing emotion that makes me love to be around them.

This is her being curious as to why I put her onto my lap when she was having fun begging my parents at the dinner table.

And she thanked me for giving her one of my crackers.


I feel sorry for that woman. It sounds like she has a very sad life. Maybe you could offer to help her with something, just to bond with her and help you both learn how to be good neighbors.
May 1, 2004 at 2:44 AM Post #82 of 209

Originally Posted by genetic
Today I must make a confession: I'm not proud to be a HeadFier...All what has been said about Vikram made me sick to my stomach. We failed him big time. I reread all the journal and saw something so evident that it is mind-boggling: the poor man has no sex life...

Yes ideed nowhere can you find any reference to any «noise» closely related to this essential part of life: sex. All we read was the non-stopping, the all day all night, all weekend stomping.... wait a minute, and if... Ho my God... way to go Vikram.....


Could somebody PLEASE send the poor man some **** next time they do a transaction w/ him?
May 1, 2004 at 3:28 AM Post #83 of 209
And look at those kind eyes.
No, Pixel is just a little Pixel, the smallest in her litter of miniature doxies. She's of the wiredhair variety, but when coat gets long it's too soft, she's almost longhair.
If she'd loose just a few centimeters around her tummy, she be a kaninchen, or rabbit-sized. (we have three size divisions of dachshunds here).

Yes, they have a way of thanking when she had kennel cough and I stayed up all night with her while my husband slept. Then I rushed her to the vet in the morning. Wow, that day was all about me when we got back home. Mommy made her all better and she didn't even want to know Daddy.

That never lasts long though, her attitude between me and my husband is very much - love the one you're with.

Maybe this woman needs a doxie to set her straight. A few loud barks would cover up most foot-stomping.

Pixel's site, badly in-need of updating

Here's an image of Pixel getting touched-up for her first show. That's her breeder who was the handler - and you can see what she thinks of last-minute grooming. But you can plainly see how small she is.

May 1, 2004 at 4:02 AM Post #84 of 209
I've really gotten this thread off track and I apologize for that.


Aw jees, your dog is one of the cutest I've ever seen! I really like the whiskers on the wire-haired dachshunds. I wanted to get a wire-haired but my mother thinks they look like scotties, and scotties bark so logically wire-haireds bark. I'm undecided as to whether long-haireds or wire-haireds are more attractive.

I love that picture with your dog asleep on your husband's stomach. K.C. (my dachshund) has been too big to do that since she was a puppy. Small dogs are the most fun dogs.
May 1, 2004 at 7:35 AM Post #86 of 209

Originally Posted by Jasper994
I generally can't stand small dogs, but those are very cute.

I hate little yippy dogs. Beagles and certain other smart dogs that happen to be small I can stand. I don't know where the chihuahua came from. Useless for anything other than a good laugh IMO.
May 1, 2004 at 7:59 AM Post #87 of 209
*hint* Little, cute dogs are chick magnets!


Here's our toy poodle. She's really old and ornery now, but she mostly sleeps.
Smart dogs can be a real pain in the ass. They will often not do what you tell them They end up training you instead. It's the ultimate evolution of dogs. Being as cute as possible, so that humans will do their bidding.

Of course, apartment managers seem to have no problems with screaming kids, but an old dog that does nothing but sleep, well, that's obviously a problem.

It's a shame that no one seems to want to tell parents to tell their screaming kids to shut the hell up!

I avoid apartment complexes with lot of kids. I suppose I may think differently when I have my own, but til, then, I like my peace and quiet.

BTW, Vikram's crazy lady does refer to him as an elephant a couple times.

May 1, 2004 at 3:56 PM Post #88 of 209

Originally Posted by sleepkyng
DAMN! that's one crazy bitch.

thank god i live in a house with no set quiet hours.

people at my house literally put cds on repeat, blare their speakers at top volume, lock their doors and leave for the weekend.

the first two weeks killed me.

now i can sleep through it no problem. plus my e2's really help!

i suggest you two get married, here's what you do, put on Blur's classic "Tender" burst into her room singing it. it's a good ole powerful song and you just keep singing till she's yours... or is it a he?


That's too funny..the same idea sneaked into my head, too, but I didn't have the courage to say it..
May 1, 2004 at 4:05 PM Post #89 of 209

Originally Posted by ServinginEcuador
I hate little yippy dogs. Beagles and certain other smart dogs that happen to be small I can stand. I don't know where the chihuahua came from. Useless for anything other than a good laugh IMO.

Hey, I just rescued a Chihuahua from the homeless shelter for dogs in Malaga a couple of months back. It's now the constant companion of my Chinese Naked Dog..

The funny thing is, it's not really a pedigree Chihuahua; I think it's half Jack Russel Terrier but no-one's quite sure. He bites like a piranha, I know that
Anyway, I took him to my friend who's a Spanish vet near to where I live. I asked him if he thought the dog was a Chihuahua and immediately a big smile/sneering grin came over his face and he looked at me and howled: "deez dog is no Chihuahua!! Chi, maybe, but no huahua!!"..

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