Think I might be hooked
Apr 19, 2006 at 11:38 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 5


Apr 19, 2006
Got my first set of really good cans today, Grado SR80. Not anything super super high end, but far better than anything I've ever owned before. First thing I did when I got them was plug 'em into my iPod. I didn't buy them for portable listening, just for use with my PC and home theater setup, but I wanted to give them a quick workout and get a rough first impression.

First track I fired up was the title track off Rush's 2112. For those unfamiliar with it it starts off with a bit of atmosphospheric synthesizer. I immediatly noticed a few little details in this bit that I'd never seen before. Wonderful texture. I love the sound of a classic analog synth!

My main rig for using the phones is a Creative SB Live in my PC, through an RCA adaptor to my stereo (fairly low end Sony system) and then into the Grados. Even without any breakin I'm already pretty blown away. Can't wait to see how these things sound once they've got a few dozen hours on the drivers.
Apr 19, 2006 at 11:46 PM Post #3 of 5
Welcome to Head-Fi, sorry about your wallet!

I got my start in high-end headphones with a pair of SR80s just like yours. That was less than a year ago. Break 'em in, fire 'em up, and run like hell from this website!

Congrats on your new cans though, the SR80s are a great value for the money. Queue up some of your favourite albums and enjoy a whole new level of music!
Apr 20, 2006 at 12:08 AM Post #5 of 5
Well, the money thing is pretty easy. Being an unemployed college student, I am in fact, broke, or nearly so. The pair of cheap sonys I've been using for the past few years broke (Won't knock 'em. For $20 the sound wasn't horrendous and they handled 3 years of my abuse). Sure I'd love to have a $1000 rig with a nice amp and some serious high end cans...but I'll live. The Grados are extremly good I think, for the price point. I figure to get something that sounds twice as good, if even possible, would take about 20 times the cash

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