The UE-10 Pro arrived
Oct 12, 2005 at 11:56 AM Post #61 of 78

Originally Posted by GordonHo
hi markus,

are you sure?
well they could increment theyr serial for every plug they produce, including the ue-5 and maybe the superfi products. but that for the number is not raising fast enough i recon.

regards gordon

I was just guessing, and I think they don't include the, just the custom ones. I can't imagine that they've manufactured almost 50 custom phones since you bought yours, that would be too many phones for such expensive goods.
If they'd include the super.fis it would be definitely counting up much faster, because of the sheer mass of super.fis sold around the world.

Oct 12, 2005 at 12:03 PM Post #62 of 78
yes, i doubt that the superfi are included.

but then im not sure on the amount of ue-10's they are selling, or customs at all.

i guess they have a decent amount of orders.
thats should be at least about 1-3 customs per day. if you math it up, that serial can be true.

regards gordon
Oct 12, 2005 at 12:10 PM Post #63 of 78

Originally Posted by GordonHo
i guess they have a decent amount of orders.
thats should be at least about 1-3 customs per day. if you math it up, that serial can be true.

Hi Gordon,

you're probably right, I may have underestimated their rapid sale of custom products. I thought we are the only lunatics out there who would buy them just for the fun of it, besides some non-Head-Fi lunatics. In that case you're correct - damn, once the R&D is done custom phones seem to be a paying concern! Nevertheless I bet they're already working on an improvement of the UE10s, though they're probably more and more pushing into the universal IEM market (with success).

Oct 12, 2005 at 4:24 PM Post #64 of 78
well some sort of paying,

R&D means research and developlemt?

take 900$, 20% off for sale company
down to 720$
material probably arround 200-300$
down to 470$
working time probably arround 5 hours, 60$ per hour
down to 170$
devices they need, further research and co ~100$
leaves around 70$ revenue.

now, uve to take refits and remolds into consideration. if the item is bought directly you have 180$ left for that. if not well ...

of course all these numbers are just estimated, but i doubt that they are too far off.

regards gordon
Oct 12, 2005 at 5:43 PM Post #65 of 78

Originally Posted by GordonHo
well some sort of paying,

R&D means research and developlemt?



Originally Posted by GordonHo
take 900$, 20% off for sale company
down to 720$
material probably arround 200-300$
down to 470$
working time probably arround 5 hours, 60$ per hour
down to 170$
devices they need, further research and co ~100$
leaves around 70$ revenue.

I don't want to take it too far as it has been part of a discussion in another recent thread, but I highly doubt that the material costs round up to $300 USD. Whenever you send them your custom UEs for a re-fit they don't re-use it, they basically make new custom UEs from scratch (at least that's what someone stated in yet another thread I don't remember anymore, this person said it's direct information from UE). It would be possible to melt the custom mold in order to reuse the drivers, so I guess the materials as such aren't that expensive otherwise it wouldn't be efficient if they actually have $70 or $180 left for all refits.

"20% for sale company", to prevent misunderstandings, do you mean the money they use to promote their products, i.e. the money needed for actual sales? If yes, I'm not sure though - looks quite a bit. Actually I'm no business person, that's why I went into engineering *g*, so my estimation of a pretty good revenue for those custom products may be way off.

I guess we'll never know the real numbers and these are just speculations.
As said I'm no business expert therefore I agree with Wittgenstein:
"Whereof one cannot speak, thereof one must be silent" *g*.
All that's important to me is whether it is worth its $900 or not - for me personally it is (even with all the hassle of refitting so far, may change though *g*)!

Oct 12, 2005 at 7:04 PM Post #66 of 78
hi, marcus

for the refit im very sure, that they do a new mold. that is unless they have to do the thing again. for the 'little' refit they are taking off a little bit material, or adding a layer.
for these little changed, you dont need a remold i recon.

i have this oppinion because of my first refit, there are on both plug parts, where the wall is very thin and you can see material 'patterns'. these patterns wont be the same if they would've done a new mold.

20% i consider for the reseller, like headroom. maybe its less like 15%, but it should be arround 15-20%.

but well, its only guess work

regards gordon
Oct 12, 2005 at 7:23 PM Post #67 of 78

Originally Posted by GordonHo
hi, marcus

for the refit im very sure, that they do a new mold. that is unless they have to do the thing again. for the 'little' refit they are taking off a little bit material, or adding a layer.
for these little changed, you dont need a remold i recon.

True. I was only referring to refits which include new impressions. So if you send them your new impressions and they create a new phone your proposed $200-$300 would completely kill their revenue. That's why I think parts can't be that expensive.


Originally Posted by GordonHohohoho
20% i consider for the reseller, like headroom. maybe its less like 15%, but it should be arround 15-20%.

Ah ok, now I do understand what you've meant. I've always wondered how much Fischer Amps will receive once you've subtracted all those shipping costs and import taxes.

Oct 12, 2005 at 7:34 PM Post #68 of 78
yes, probably are the parts a little bit cheaper. the 'non sound' material will be arround 20$, but i have no clue how expensive these little drivers etc are.
the cable is probably arround 20$ too, leaves 3 drivers, bridge and what else is in there.
probably it is more like 100-200$ gives 100$ more on revenue

regards gordon
Oct 12, 2005 at 10:05 PM Post #69 of 78
Hi, guys

just another question.

When UE got your ear impressions, will they email you to notify that they got it and give you a date on which the thing will be shipped?
Oct 12, 2005 at 10:21 PM Post #70 of 78

Originally Posted by solvexyz
Hi, guys

just another question.

When UE got your ear impressions, will they email you to notify that they got it and give you a date on which the thing will be shipped?

At least I haven't got any e-mail, but as you know I used their German distributor so it might be that those people who order from UE directly get a response. Though, I doubt that! You might ask them and as they are very friendly they might actually tell you your wanted date.
If you're asking because you're highly anticipating your set of UE10s I can only tell you that I know how you feel. Until the end of last week I felt the exact same way, try to concentrate on your other hobbies or enjoy your current headphones. At the moment I'm waiting for my UE10s to return, it's a torture! *g*

EDIT: I forgot, didn't you use a trackable way of sending your impressions?

Good luck,
Oct 13, 2005 at 4:44 AM Post #71 of 78

Originally Posted by MarcusH
At least I haven't got any e-mail, but as you know I used their German distributor so it might be that those people who order from UE directly get a response. Though, I doubt that! You might ask them and as they are very friendly they might actually tell you your wanted date.
If you're asking because you're highly anticipating your set of UE10s I can only tell you that I know how you feel. Until the end of last week I felt the exact same way, try to concentrate on your other hobbies or enjoy your current headphones. At the moment I'm waiting for my UE10s to return, it's a torture! *g*

EDIT: I forgot, didn't you use a trackable way of sending your impressions?

Good luck,

I think I might be on drug or something at the time. I thought I might save a bit on the shipping and went for 4 days shipping, but without a tracking service via CanadaPost. Then I realize I have already spend a fortune on UE10 pro, and an extra $20 dollar is nothing for the fedex shipping, but I ended up with a $4 shipping.

Anyway, I heard the refit has a faster turn around time, so I think you might be getting your refit before I actually receive mine. Waiting is indeed a tortue.
Oct 13, 2005 at 8:04 AM Post #72 of 78
hi solvexyz,

actually i got an email when the impressions arrived, but then again i have asked for it, had a tracking number.

as im used to do organize alot of stuff, i am 'normally' forcing (more or less) the people i work with to give me a response if something has arrived, or is leaving theyr place.

its really not more work, but spares you alot of hassle, beeing unknown if your package has arrived or not.

regards gordon
Oct 13, 2005 at 1:58 PM Post #73 of 78

Originally Posted by GordonHo
as im used to do organize alot of stuff, i am 'normally' forcing (more or less) the people i work with to give me a response if something has arrived, or is leaving theyr place.

its really not more work, but spares you alot of hassle, beeing unknown if your package has arrived or not.

That's pretty much what I usually do, unless I have other means of finding out about its status. Actually it doesn't always work: As nice as the people at Fischer Amps are when you talk to them, I've asked them to please let me know when my impressions safely arrived at their company (simply for peace of mind). I haven't received any confirmation, nada. I don't think it's too problematic to send an e-mail, even an automated e-mail confirmation would have been sufficiant. I never got any confirmation of order until I actually received my UE10s.

solvexyz, see it from a different point of view: You already spent hundreds of dollars on those phones, so the possibility of saving some money at least on shipping should make you happy again :wink:
They probably arrived safely by now.

Oct 17, 2005 at 1:52 PM Post #74 of 78

Originally Posted by MarcusH
With my current fit of the UE10 I could barely walk through the inner city and listen to my music, I could barely even enjoy the music due the constantly broken seal and leaking outside noises. The isolation wasn't even close to my older E2Cs, and I don't have a tight fit, so I hope that thickening the stem will help. The promised 26 dB of isolation should be at least as good as the Shures or even better.


Hi Marcus,
My experience with UE10: When I talk a few words with the UEs inserted (naturally with no music playing) the seal must remain and should not break open. Eating a chewing gum however will break the seal after let´s say 2 dozen bites. If you insert the UEs very deep: hold your nose and blow against it - like when your ears shut down during an aircraft landing. This should not be the standart procedure for listening only to check how the seal is.
Hopefully the refitting works...
Oct 17, 2005 at 6:44 PM Post #75 of 78

yes what you describe is about what i expected. i had the chance to test the first refit on the flight back from new york to germany, i knew that the seal was breaking very easily. but actually with some more background noise than my quite room, i had to continously rearange the plugs to be able to listen to the music at all, thats without moving my mouth ..

i hope the second refit will do the trick!

we will see

regards gordon

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