The UE-10 Pro arrived
Oct 11, 2005 at 10:01 AM Post #46 of 78

Originally Posted by Jasper994
I'm still debating whether or not I want them to shave them down a little more since they become uncomfortable after 2-3 hours. After 4-6 hours my ears really ache.

In this case that is definitely a problem. The reasons could be as follows: not perfectly taken ear impressions; your ears haven't adjusted to the new material yet; or the very nature and construction of UE's- hard shell (I guess it's the point here).

My ears ached a bit after using Shure E3's for a few hours. Now, with the Sensaphonics I can wear them all day long without the slightest feeling of aching and discomfort. Once I wore them all the time (without taking them out a single time) for about 16/17 hours
to see if they are really that comfortable. They are; big time.

Oct 11, 2005 at 12:35 PM Post #47 of 78

Originally Posted by Welly Wu
I still don't understand why so many Head-Fi members in particular can not get the correct ear impressions made for them. Mine still fit perfectly and I only had one visit with an audiologist -- I have never needed a re-fit whatsoever. Plus, I was the first one on Head-Fi who got the Ue-10 PRO. I'm not trying to sound unsympathetic, but UE said that Head-Fi customers usually request refits. What's going on here?

I'm happy for you as you seemed to be one of those who were lucky on their first try.
Let's look take a look at UEs customers: There are something like two groups of customers

(A) Professional musicians (or engineers, whatever, just pros)
(B) Non-pro customers
|--(B.1) Head-Fi members
|--(B.2) Non-Head-Fi members

I bet that most people of group (A) just head over to Irvine and get their impressions done at UE. So at least one can be assured that the way they get their impressions done is correct/the way UE wants them. Group (A) most probably aren't the people who need a re-fit - so we may ignore them with regard to the question why so many people need a refit.
Group (B) lives across the world, just like Group (A) and a part of this group might also head over to UE and therefore might be happy with their first fit. Most people of group (B) though will probably visit one or more audiologists in their respective countries. Out of those audiologists I bet most will have never heard of UE and (1) at least their usual technique of taking impressions will differ from UE's technique (and might therefore either ignore the instructions or be at least inexperienced) or (2) the quality of the impressions might be simply plain bad.
Let's assume that the small percentage of those audiologists (who know about UE and) use the same technique + good quality will produce good impressions which need no re-fits. We can ignore this IMHO very small group, too, for our quest to find out why there are so many refits going on.
The before mentioned "inabilities" (1) and (2) will become problematic now.
As far as I know the main difference between the usual audiologist's technique and UE's one is the open mouth, so even if the audiologist at hand isn't familiar with UE's technique it will most probably work well enough IF and only IF (a) he/she/it is able to take some quality impressions (no bubbles, etc) and (b) he/she/it follows UE instructions. [There might be even more substantial differences than just the open mouth, these will just increase the probability of failure]
That's where the problems begin: I have gotten two impressions done so far, the first one was of a somehow bad quality (bubbles, "sharp" edges - maybe okay for hearing aids but not for UEs standards) and the second one wasn't done with a 100% consistence with UEs instructions (see my former posts).
I've have read quite a few posts where people (including me) willingly followed the instructions of the respective audiologists with variation on UEs instructions, because the audiologist told them that it will be ok if he/she just follows his/her instructions. Even going to a Sonus audiologist won't guarantee you everytime that they know about UE as we have seen (cf. solvexyz's post).

So we have a relatively big percentage of UE customers who probably won't get the impressions done the way UE wants them, due bad quality or failing to follow UEs instructions. Most of them will probably need a re-fit.
I don't know how many out of this group will be a Head-Fi member. Even if Head-Fi members are not the majority of those who need a re-fit, Head-Fi might form the biggest intersection (in the mathematical sense) of all those individuals. I somehow doubt that there are other communities who buy more UE custom products than Head-Fi, no matter if there are more individual UE customers than all Head-Fi UE customers summed up. That MIGHT be explaination why UE believes that most of the time Head-Fiers are in need of a re-fit.

Possible solutions are: We become more picky about choosing our audiologist, we won't listen to their differing opinions on how the impressions should be done. Out of my limited experience I know how difficult it is, you're not only limited by the number of available audiologists in your area but you also have to be selfconfident enough to tell an (possibly) experienced audiologist how to do his job and you should be able to tell whether the quality of an impression is good or bad (though with very bad quality UE might tell you to re-do your impressions).

All those assumptions were made with regard to the audiologist, i.e. it's a mistake of how the impressions were done and not a mistake at UEs lab. It might be a completely different theory if for example it's not the audiologists fault but UEs one (which is unlikely) OR if it's neither UEs nor the audiologists fault but simply due to the individuals shapes of the ear canals (not that unlikely).

BTW digihead, thanks! I will definitely look around and find a few other audiologists, next time I'll be picky about following UEs instructions exactly.

Oct 11, 2005 at 2:36 PM Post #48 of 78

im not sure about the molds, done by audiologists UE know or works with alot.
i had mine done by Jim Silbermann, aparently someone who is doing alot of impressions. he is working with westone, future sonic and ue. and i was told to go to him by ue.
now maybe the impressions are good, and my ears are strange, but i doubt this. so probably there is just a possibility, that the impressions are not perfect. he redid the left ear once, because he wasnt happy with the first outcome.

but on that, i have no clue. i just can trust what im told

regards gordon
Oct 11, 2005 at 5:58 PM Post #49 of 78
The point about correct impression technique is well founded. I would think that the seal required for hearing aids to function properly is nowhere near as critical as that for IEM's, as you're not really looking spcifically for bass response, soundstage and imaging, etc., just MORE VOLUME. Anyway, I had Noye at Ultimate Ears shoot my impressions this morning, and they looked fantastic when they came out. Keeping fingers crossed that it translates to a perfect fit the first time out.


The cheapest you can do is be a head-fi contributor, and order from headroom to get your 10% off.

Headroom just clarified/changed their policy on the Head-Fi discount. It no longer applies to custom products. I could actually HEAR ninety extra dollars being sucked out of my wallet when I read that

I ended up purchasing directly from UE...
Oct 11, 2005 at 6:35 PM Post #50 of 78

Originally Posted by BRBJackson
...I had Noye at Ultimate Ears shoot my impressions this morning, and they looked fantastic when they came out....

I ended up purchasing directly from UE...

Ah yes, another perk of living in sunny Southern California.

Congrats on the 10 Pro purchase. It seems that the UE tour really worked on us.

So far I can count you, LFF, and Jasper as new 10 Pro owners. And rx7fan on Team UE-5C. Of course, it helps that the SoCal head-fi contingent have been the only members able to audition universal fit 10 Pros and 5C's that I can recall. Everyone else had to buy them on blind faith. I have heard no complaints though from anyone who pulled the trigger.
Oct 11, 2005 at 7:15 PM Post #51 of 78

Originally Posted by BRBJackson
Headroom just clarified/changed their policy on the Head-Fi discount. It no longer applies to custom products. I could actually HEAR ninety extra dollars being sucked out of my wallet when I read that

I ended up purchasing directly from UE...

First of all, congrad on the joining team UE10 Pro. I do not know why they changed their policy because I remember last month some people are still able to use that 10% discount on UE5c purchase. However, thanks for the notice.
Oct 11, 2005 at 7:34 PM Post #52 of 78
I got the discount, and then they apparently changed their position, or clarified it. You can count me on team ue-5c. There is absolutely nothing like custom molds.

Please post pictures when you get a chance.
Oct 11, 2005 at 9:48 PM Post #53 of 78
Thanks guys. I'm excited about getting the 10 Pro's (in translucent royal blue!), plus my HF-1's just arrived from Todd. This is shaping up to be a very good month...
Oct 11, 2005 at 10:46 PM Post #54 of 78
Congrats Bill,

Good to know you've gotten them. I guess since so many people are getting the 10s, maybe I should give them a second chance? When I first listened to it on the ipod, i prefered the UE5c because of the bass, since i mainly listen to trance, hip-hop, and r&b. Hopefully, UE and I can work something out, maybe a trade in plus additional $$ maybe $300 extra? But that's still a lot for a student's budget. We'll see.

Oct 12, 2005 at 4:21 AM Post #55 of 78
lol, i just got my pair last month. I use them for recording/performing too. It's a bit awkward using them as I record, as the seal breaks when I open my mouth really wide, but that's to be expected as I tend to move my ears(more than normal) when I move my mouth. My jaw also clicks with them in, but it's bearable. That was terrible with my sf5pros and E4c's- they got to be virtually unusable.

I have to say, it can get very fatiguing because they tend to move in my canal alot. I usually have to take them out after recording vocal tracks for about 30 minutes and take a break.

Just listening to music is perfect. I have a perfect seal and it never breaks unless I'm recording. I had to get the tips shaved down a bit because they were really hurting me, but now everythung is perfect. You can only truely appreciate the sound after you try going back to what you used to use. I had to go back to my sf5pros for 2 weeks when I was getting some adjustments. Those $250 headphones sounded like ipod phones.

As far as comfort, I've fallen asleep with them in (for about 8 hours) and had no discomfort- and I was rolling all over the place. It did take a couple weeks to get used to them, tho. I slo recommend anyone getting custom iem's to get an ear flush. It's not pleasant, but it's much nicer not having to deal with ear wax.
Oct 12, 2005 at 6:04 AM Post #56 of 78

Originally Posted by BIGtrouble77
I slo recommend anyone getting custom iem's to get an ear flush. It's not pleasant, but it's much nicer not having to deal with ear wax.

LOL... While Noye was shooting my ear impressions he commented on how clean my ears were... I Q-tip the outer part of my canals and ears every day right after I shower. Once ever 6 months or so I use the flush that you get at the drug store. The only problem I'm having is that my ears have so little wax in them in the morning that it hurts to put the UEs in. I'm thinking I'll end up dropping to cleaning my ears only every 2-3 days instead...
Oct 12, 2005 at 10:47 AM Post #57 of 78

Originally Posted by BRBJackson
Thanks guys. I'm excited about getting the 10 Pro's (in translucent royal blue!), plus my HF-1's just arrived from Todd. This is shaping up to be a very good month...

Hehe congrats, damn soooo many UE10s - somehow UE must be doing them exclusively for us at the moment *g* Na joking, but we should compare the serials. I believe they're somwhere at 701x or even higher now.


Originally Posted by rx7_fan
Congrats Bill,

Good to know you've gotten them. I guess since so many people are getting the 10s, maybe I should give them a second chance? When I first listened to it on the ipod, i prefered the UE5c because of the bass, since i mainly listen to trance, hip-hop, and r&b. Hopefully, UE and I can work something out, maybe a trade in plus additional $$ maybe $300 extra? But that's still a lot for a student's budget. We'll see.


Well, I listen to trance, too. While I wasn't impressed by the bass of the Etys, not even with the bass boost switch on of my SuperMacro, I found the UE10s to be very nice so far! Out of the box it has a tight and clean bass response, you don't _feel_ its impact too much and upgrading from the UE5c is a completely different story than coming from the Etys, but it's pretty good. Together with my SM bass boost it's wayyyyy better - it's pretty punchy for canalphones and you'll definitely feel it. My experience so far is limited because they're heading back to UE now but I found that it is pretty dependent on the recording/mastering of the tracks you listen to. On new or good masterings you definitely have a very clean and punchy bass and it's fun to listen to them.
That said, I haven't had the chance to listen to the UE5c, so you might be disappointed. All I can do is to give you relative comparisons - mainly to my prior IEMs Shure E2C and Ety ER-4P/S. As with all IEMs a good seal is important for a good bass response. I was lacking a good seal, therefor I've returned them for a refit, so maybe the bass will be even better once the fit/seal is perfect.

Oct 12, 2005 at 11:23 AM Post #59 of 78

Originally Posted by GordonHo

ive the serial 7000 i recon that jasper had 7036 or 7037 what about the others..

regards gordon

Hi Gordon,

I thought I had 7009, but actually I have 7059. Strange method of counting *g*. I can't believe they're incrementing by 1, too many phones IMHO.

Oct 12, 2005 at 11:50 AM Post #60 of 78
hi markus,

are you sure?
well they could increment theyr serial for every plug they produce, including the ue-5 and maybe the superfi products. but that for the number is not raising fast enough i recon.

regards gordon

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