The Sony 40th Anniversary Walkman Thread
Dec 27, 2019 at 1:41 AM Post #1,621 of 3,003
also could it be Sony launch their new high res streaming music "Sony Mora" for Japan market ?

This as well of course.

Sony's Hi-res streaming service Mora qualitas is now in service for Windows and Mac while iOS and Android app are in the pipeline and that most definitely factors into the decision to keep the Android on the Walkman as stock as possible to get the Walkmans Google certified and have full access to Play Store.
Dec 27, 2019 at 4:49 AM Post #1,622 of 3,003
All sonys eq/sound effects are available system wide. The wifi battery life is weak on wifi, like my sr15. But using the Sony app really extends battery life- although yes it drains much faster streaming.

And the A series has always been pretty much for iems and easy to drive stuff- not enough room to get the extra caps and stuff to boost the digital amp for balanced out.

Yep the screen is small for sure. But luckily I don't have any problems making things out in general use. But yes it's small for android.

And the 507 doesn't really have a bigger screen with that blank bottom, but it does have balanced out though. Sony is Sony for sure. I wish they would have made it a touch bigger than the normal A series and put a bigger battery and balanced out, but well....

And also I guess the battery life on the 507 is weak when streaming also. Oh, I've been using anker battery bricks to extend my battery time when streaming and I don't hear any electrical noise.

Oh and btw someone made an extensive guide for disabling and tweaking the a105 and zx507 a few pages back and it does help battery and standby time. Just search the thread for battery tweaks.

Oh and I've looked for a small full android dap and the R5 is more complete and has more power, but it just doesn't sound as good to me. Neither did the sr15, even though it had more power on the balanced out it just doesn't sound as lively and realistic as the Sony.
Fiio have taken off the whitelist block and let you install anything now if thats any use on the smaller models such as the m6 and m9?
Dec 27, 2019 at 5:51 AM Post #1,623 of 3,003
Got this player last week, Asian version, also blue. Really like the blue color.

The good: it sounds really good. Like, the presentation is maybe not to everyone's taste (bass is more of a rumbly growl than a fast thud sometimes and the mids are warm) but overall good stage, separation, very good. I don't think I've heard better at this price, but I don't have too much portable experience and I end up comparing to desktop dac setups. Sony really nailed it; I don't know or care too much about the exact architecture of this thing but it is well built, well made, and at the thing it was designed to do, which is play music, it's in good to exceptional territory.

The bad is...

..well, it's Sony. They're like the H&K of electronics.

Fundamentally all they had to do to improve on the A55 was to make it sound better and do away with the proprietary connector. They _did_ do this. They however also did a bunch of other stuff that I am just mind boggled by. Sony seem either committed to the idea that they know what's best for the user or simply didn't think too much about the user experience.

For example, Android. The A105 features full fat, full version stock android with one or two tweaks. The music player is an app. I understand the decision to go for full Android - everyone's doing it these days, and the way people access their music with Tidal/Spotify meant that Sony must have thought Android was a must. However, in an amazing display of not really getting it, it feels incredibly crowbarred in. The A105 is tiny; bordering on cute. The screen is not large enough for the full Android experience. A customized version of software that takes into account what it's like to actually mess with a smartphone UI on a screen that's like a third the size of most major flagship phones today would have been very much appreciated. Second, many of the A105's post-processing, clear-audio, augmentations and hi-res upscaling to the sound straight up don't apply to using any other apps to play music. So playing Spotify or Tidal doesn't take advantage of any of the cool music features that Sony built into the thing. So why even have Android in the first place?

Another example is the battery. Android has so much stuff running in the background that the only way to really conserve battery is by turning on airplane mode. Which makes wifi/bluetooth and all the fun wireless connectivity and streaming things the player can do an exercise in puzzlement. You can do it, sure, but it will drastically run down the battery life. Which is again, acceptable for a smartphone, but the A105 is not a smartphone.

Notably, the A105 lacks QuickCharge. Think for a moment about what that means; for every 5 hours of playback from streaming or wi-fi you'll need to charge it for at least an hour and a half. My phone can get up to full charge from nothing inside of half that time. I'm not sure why this decision was made - either Sony don't want to license the technology or thought it was unneeded in a music player. But then again, why use Android at all if this is the case?

Even worse, using the player while charging it results in significant electrical noise that I can hear with a couple different IEMs. It's loud and obvious enough to be distracting. Okay, so sensitive IEMs aren't the way to go with this player, right?

But the A105 is hot garbage for driving anything that's at all thirsty. I kept wanting it to give more _more_. It wasn't that the sound was thin - in fact, the default presentation is a lush and warm sound, but I kept wanting _more_ from it when driving anything that wasn't an IEM. Jacking up the volume often simply raised the volume without adding the increase in texture that I was desperately missing when comparing it to desktop amps.

It's a very good portable player, and I will be keeping it. The build is impeccable, the size is just right, and it sounds great. But man alive, Sony are a company built entirely off the back of engineers, and it's almost fun to see how in 40 years Sony persist in thinking they know better than the consumer when it comes to consumer electronics. Sometimes it leads them to build great things, and the market understands it in due time. The rest of the time, it really makes me want to wonder - does Sony test their products for usability at all? In real world conditions, with people who aren't on the Sony payroll?

It is nice to see an open and honest assessment of the A105 warts and all. I was tempted by the promise of the sound quality alone but after reading this post a low powered full android DAP isn't for me. Friends in the audio trade were excited like me on the promise of this unit when it was announced by Sony. But full android and its battery killing bloat with a tiny screen and no increase in power has most of them taking a pass now that it has been announced as coming to Canada. Hopefully Sony will rethink the A series going forward and do what Fiio did with a stripped down version of Android. With the whitelist restriction dropped the M series is a pretty interesting alternative. Going forward if Fiio puts more RAM and a more powerful SOC in the M6/M7/ and especially M9 without a whitelist restriction they could be some pretty awesome DAP's. Heck for me the M9 already is an awesome DAP for sound quality, and features I need.
Dec 27, 2019 at 6:32 AM Post #1,624 of 3,003
Like some of you, I have the problem of the microSD card suddenly being not recognized when starting the unit. Removing/inserting it back does fix the issue at the cost of reindexing the content. Is that a known bug ?
Dec 27, 2019 at 7:02 AM Post #1,625 of 3,003
Like some of you, I have the problem of the microSD card suddenly being not recognized when starting the unit. Removing/inserting it back does fix the issue at the cost of reindexing the content. Is that a known bug ?
Got this on the hiby r6. A "quick" hard reset sorts it. Sandisk by any chance?
Dec 27, 2019 at 7:43 AM Post #1,626 of 3,003
It is nice to see an open and honest assessment of the A105 warts and all. I was tempted by the promise of the sound quality alone but after reading this post a low powered full android DAP isn't for me. Friends in the audio trade were excited like me on the promise of this unit when it was announced by Sony. But full android and its battery killing bloat with a tiny screen and no increase in power has most of them taking a pass now that it has been announced as coming to Canada. Hopefully Sony will rethink the A series going forward and do what Fiio did with a stripped down version of Android. With the whitelist restriction dropped the M series is a pretty interesting alternative. Going forward if Fiio puts more RAM and a more powerful SOC in the M6/M7/ and especially M9 without a whitelist restriction they could be some pretty awesome DAP's. Heck for me the M9 already is an awesome DAP for sound quality, and features I need.

Honestly the A105 is light years beyond the m6 in sound and the m6 is actually worse in battery life when just playing normally. They're pretty close streaming wise (battery life). And the UI is much faster/smoother.

Also a lot of the low volume complaints are for the UK model. For me it's fine, plenty of power. The way Sony designs their class D amps you're not going to get a monster output in a tiny case.

I honestly wasn't planning on keeping mine, but the sound and build and the fact that everything works- especially bluetooth. I had to keep it. Both the dx160 and r3 pro had bluetooth problems.

The r3 p does sound awesome through balanced, but upon further listening it just doesn't have the depth and seperation like the Sony does.

The m6 did have good bluetooth, but like I said it just sounds lackluster compared to the a105. It's warts are more like beauty marks :wink:
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Dec 27, 2019 at 9:18 AM Post #1,627 of 3,003
There's also the issue with distortion. Some dap might boast alot of mW of output but when you try it out in the real world with harder to drive headphones, you might find the sound quality to decrease(much increased hissing or harmonic distortions) when you push the dap volume level up.
Dec 27, 2019 at 10:52 AM Post #1,629 of 3,003
Honestly the A105 is light years beyond the m6 in sound and the m6 is actually worse in battery life when just playing normally. They're pretty close streaming wise (battery life). And the UI is much faster/smoother.

Also a lot of the low volume complaints are for the UK model. For me it's fine, plenty of power. The way Sony designs their class D amps you're not going to get a monster output in a tiny case.

I honestly wasn't planning on keeping mine, but the sound and build and the fact that everything works- especially bluetooth. I had to keep it. Both the dx160 and r3 pro had bluetooth problems.

The r3 p does sound awesome through balanced, but upon further listening it just doesn't have the depth and seperation like the Sony does.

The m6 did have good bluetooth, but like I said it just sounds lackluster compared to the a105. It's warts are more like beauty marks :wink:

Not talking about the M6, I would not expect it to be as good as the A105 at less than half the price. I am looking at the M9 which is closer in price to the A105 (still cheaper) and it sounds excellent. Since the A105 should be here at some point I will get a chance to demo probably. So far all the posts here gush about the sound quality but gloss over all of the other elements. The post in question pointed out the flaws in the A105 and the perhaps less than optimal implementation of full Android on this DAP. I just did the latest firmware update for the M9 which went smoothly. The M9 is certainly not without issues, the only one honestly that gives me any grief on a regular basis is that the Fiio Music App still does not sort tracks in proper alphabetical order and still does not with the latest firmware.

Very happy with everything else, again you are trading battery life depending on usage with the A105 for more power on the Fiio M9 3.5x more roughly. If you are an iem user then the A105 is probably great. But some people do need more power than the A105 can provide, me being one of them. I have yet to read any reviews on the M9 that dock at all for sound quality and I can vouch for that. I am sure it will be the same for the A105, but unfortunately when it comes to portable audio DAP's can't survive on sound quality alone.
Dec 27, 2019 at 11:20 AM Post #1,631 of 3,003
Not talking about the M6, I would not expect it to be as good as the A105 at less than half the price. I am looking at the M9 which is closer in price to the A105 (still cheaper) and it sounds excellent. Since the A105 should be here at some point I will get a chance to demo probably. So far all the posts here gush about the sound quality but gloss over all of the other elements. The post in question pointed out the flaws in the A105 and the perhaps less than optimal implementation of full Android on this DAP. I just did the latest firmware update for the M9 which went smoothly. The M9 is certainly not without issues, the only one honestly that gives me any grief on a regular basis is that the Fiio Music App still does not sort tracks in proper alphabetical order and still does not with the latest firmware.

Very happy with everything else, again you are trading battery life depending on usage with the A105 for more power on the Fiio M9 3.5x more roughly. If you are an iem user then the A105 is probably great. But some people do need more power than the A105 can provide, me being one of them. I have yet to read any reviews on the M9 that dock at all for sound quality and I can vouch for that. I am sure it will be the same for the A105, but unfortunately when it comes to portable audio DAP's can't survive on sound quality alone.

What elements are people glossing over?? The power things been mentioned tons of times, and is on par for the A series, as well as the battery life using wifi- which actually gets better with tweaking and the battery life with the Sony app is very good. And of course with the small screen it's not going to be like a phone, I don't think anyone really expects that, and I can read everything even with my myopic vision :) Keyboards tiny with my big fingers but just to search for music or the PS it's fine.

I got a phone for everything else :wink:

Everything else is really good, including the sound. It almost sounds like you're trying to convince yourself the m9 is better. People are gushing about the sound because it sounds excellent, that's all there is to it. Not perfect but a really nice tiny dap.
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Dec 27, 2019 at 11:45 AM Post #1,632 of 3,003
Regarding Quick Charge. Quick Charge has nothing to do with Android (the OS), but everything to do with the SoC because it is limited to Qualcomm chips as it is a Qualcomm technology. Since 99% of Android phones and DAPs seems to use Qualcomm chip, people mistakenly think QC is an Android feature when it is not. So why did Sony not use Qualcomm chip? Well they never do for their Walkmans - they didn't for the ZX1 or the ZX2 or everything before that. One possible reason is that Qualcomm chips has it's own DAC logic build in, but since Sony will never use that, why source that part?

As for battery life with Android and streaming. Since this isn't a phone with its own data connection, if you are streaming then you are probably going to be at a place with WiFi, which means some sort of power outlet like at home or a coffee shop, so that's what's it is going to be. If you are on the move, then you would be using offline modes and store the music on the deivce which many of the streaming services supply on their official app for Android devices, and put the device into airplane mode which would then maximise battery life. That's about the best compromise as you can get in such a situation. Because the alternative of building your own OS and streaming support app you end up with something like the Hiby R3 which doesn't support Tidal offline mode which is even worse for the user. The simple fact is using Android that is the only outcome you would end up with, and the alternative of not using Android means you get a barely passable streaming experience, which would be even worse to advertise with as a streaming capable device - the result is exactly there for people to see with the R3 thread with all the complaints of how terrible the Tidal support is on the device when the initlal pitch for that thing was because it was Tidal capable. This situation applies to every OEM and not just Sony, so you cannot possibly pin this as a Sony only issue.
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