The Sleepwalk/Listening Thread...
Sep 24, 2010 at 11:58 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 7


Apr 29, 2008
So...yeah. I had a huge headache today, but was too excited by the arrival of my Audio-gd Sparrow to put off a hardcore listening session on my bed. And apparently it was so hardcore, that I fell asleep and was getting up to change from song to song on my laptop while asleep. I got off a bed elevated at least 4 feet into the air and changed music in foobar.
How do I know this? My roommate came into the room and saw me listening on my bed and tried talking to me. When I obviously wasn't responding, he noticed my eyes were closed, but then I got up, changed songs, and then went back to the bed, he was shocked! While I was doing this, apparently he tried talking to me but I ignored him and went back on the bed, headphones still on and all!

An hour later I eventually woke up without any headphones on and sat wondering when I fell asleep. I took some tynenol and picked up my headphones from their case (how the hell they got back in there is a mystery) and started listening again when my roommate walked in again and told me about this whole thing.
Needless to say, my mind was full of WHAT and I logged on to tell you guys about this. Looks like my audiophilism is turning into a serious addiction LMAO!
Has anyone else here experienced weird stuff like this?
Sep 25, 2010 at 3:29 AM Post #2 of 7
Bwahaha! That is wierd
Sep 25, 2010 at 9:48 AM Post #4 of 7
That's good going, people are capable of doing some complex tasks in their sleep - I remember watching a TV program where some poor woman was trying her best to lose weight, and would be dieting furiously in the day. Trouble was, she would get up in the night and raid the fridge in her sleep. There are also cases of people killing their partners in their sleep: a defence accepted in court.
I Sleepwalk every now and then. It is extremely weird. I remember once at Uni, waking up halfway down a hallway, I had tripped up on something and woke up as I hit the ground. God only knows where I was off to at 4am in my crackers.
My fiance says I mostly just talk rubbish at her now.
Sep 25, 2010 at 1:22 PM Post #5 of 7
Ha ha ha, nice one. At least you do no harm...
Sep 25, 2010 at 2:46 PM Post #6 of 7
@_@ What I'm worried I'll be doing next is ordering a new amp online....
Sep 25, 2010 at 6:41 PM Post #7 of 7
I wear my PPs with my iPod before I sleep, and I often wake up with them off and folded with no recollection of taking them off/finishing the album. Definitely not as cool as the OP, though.

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