The sims 2: anyone else here playing this?
Sep 19, 2004 at 10:51 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 9


500+ Head-Fier
Sep 26, 2003
I just got this game and I am very impressed how well maxis has implemented the graphics and more importantly it is so excellent in displaying common human behaviour its almost scary sometimes.
I have played maxis games since the first sim city came out but this has got to be their best game yet.
If you like "life sims" you have to get this I cannot recommend it high enough.

P.S. See what happens when you play too much video games in the game

Are there any more here that are already playing this game, how do you like it and how accurate is your real life persona in the game? mine is very accurate in interests, looks and behaviour.
Sep 19, 2004 at 11:01 AM Post #3 of 9

Originally Posted by bhd812
I was thinking of getting this, I heard of it not to long ago.

maxis games are always great time wasters..infact the only game I have bought and actually run on this computer is simcity4 deluxe. I love this game so much...I wanna be the president some day you

Yep they waste time, massive amounts infact.
Fortunately most have a cheat option so you can still get to explore most of the games and keep a real dayjob/family too
Sep 19, 2004 at 2:45 PM Post #4 of 9
I never got around to playing the original Sims to the degree I wanted to. I had such ambitions for some of my little people but I would get too impatient trying to get there. I'll probably get The Sims 2 but will wait until at least Christmastime. I'm not too crazy about the whole dying thing but I understand there is a cheat to prevent this. Is it possible to prevent only certain sims from dying or must you make them all immortal? The amount of disk space this game uses also puts me off a little - 3.5 gigs just for the installation. Then you have the saved games, all the new skins, objects, houses, etc. that will be downloadable plus any expansion packs that come along.

Sep 20, 2004 at 4:26 AM Post #5 of 9
Been playing it the last couple of days (so nice to have a weekend with no homework!) and I find it far more engaging than the original (which was pretty addictive as well.) I haven't been able to turn on aging again yet since I'm still trying to situate my first couple (took me a couple of days to pick a mate for my single sim, and rise to the top of the selected career). Now I'm just waiting to save enough money to move out of the first run down shack and into a decent home to raise a family in (and throw a wedding party). The game is gorgeous (though I do have some artifacting with my ATI video card.
I swear ATI is going to drive me to purchasing an NVIDIA card one of these days since they've finally caught up technology-wise and have far better driver support.
I hope I can pry myself away long enough to go to class tomorrow.
I'm kind of sad to find there are still no personal vehicles.
Sep 20, 2004 at 5:06 AM Post #6 of 9
I would like the opinions of those of you who have tried this game....

my 12 year old daughter is hooked on dims deluxe and has several expansion packs for it now. She got ahold of a sims 2 demo and talked a little bit about it.... in her excitement telling me that one character, a woman, flashed a male character twice. There were a couple other things that slip my mind at the moment, but they had me a little worried.

My question is, of those who have experienced the Sims 2 game and have some experience with children, what do you think of her getting this game for Christmas? Is it too mature or what? She is starting to drive us crazy asking for it already!!!!

Your thoughts are appreciated!
(and don't worry... I won't point a finger at your all and say the mean people in the computer told me you couldn't have it!!!!)
Sep 20, 2004 at 7:13 PM Post #7 of 9
Mahkook, I wouldn't worry about it.
There isn't any real nudity in the game as far as I can tell, anyone who ever undressed a barbie doll (yes I did too
) has seen about as much as the game shows in nudity detail.
There is some smooching/kissing etc. but nothing else really, except for the big "whoohoo" thing but even that isn't worth mentioning.
If she's a regular kid in a regular environment I couldn't see any harm in letting such a typical twelve year old playing this game.
Since it depics the importance of studying and socialising with others so well I think it's excellent for kids, but ofcourse all IMHO.
Sep 20, 2004 at 8:08 PM Post #9 of 9
I know!

I actually pre-ordered the special ed. DVD version. I must say, its quite confusing at first, but after a while you kinda get the hang of it.

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