The search for high end cdp is nearly over.
Oct 30, 2004 at 4:33 PM Post #31 of 50
I have heard a few high end players, such as the Meridian 800, dCS's ultimate combo ( Verdi/Elger etc. ) and at the end of the day the relatively new Naim CDS3 is the one to beat, it has the NEW Naim sound - more forgiving, more detailed and highly enjoyable.
It isn't bright like their old models and each time I get a chance to audition it through my HD650's - it's INCREDIBLE. I am quite sure they'll work wonders with your RS-1, and if you live in the UK you could probably get great prices on ex-dem or s/h units - HIGHLY RECOMMENDED !

BTW, they have din AND RCA outputs.
Oct 31, 2004 at 1:57 AM Post #32 of 50

Originally Posted by jefemeister
Audio Dimensions is Royal Oak, MI carries Wadia as well as Ayre but not Levinson. I am biased, but the 861 is the best player mentioned so far in this thread. And yes, I've heard them all.

Would there be any problems importing a wadia to the UK????? BEsides needing s tep down transformer????
Oct 31, 2004 at 1:58 AM Post #33 of 50

Originally Posted by theaudiohobby
Now that is hardly a ringing endorsement is it? The Wadia is a contender, nothing more.

Is this from experience or is it opinion?????
Oct 31, 2004 at 2:01 AM Post #34 of 50

Originally Posted by Axel
I have heard a few high end players, such as the Meridian 800, dCS's ultimate combo ( Verdi/Elger etc. ) and at the end of the day the relatively new Naim CDS3 is the one to beat, it has the NEW Naim sound - more forgiving, more detailed and highly enjoyable.
It isn't bright like their old models and each time I get a chance to audition it through my HD650's - it's INCREDIBLE. I am quite sure they'll work wonders with your RS-1, and if you live in the UK you could probably get great prices on ex-dem or s/h units - HIGHLY RECOMMENDED !

BTW, they have din AND RCA outputs.

I have actually heard it in a showroom and it was amazing. IMO better than the Linn CD12. But there is one problem. You never see them used, ex-dem ever. They don't come up. Also Naim equipment no matter where you are in the world, they keep they hold their value. A used CDS2+Supercap is still nearly £3000. Ideally I would not like to cross the £3000 barrier If I can help it.
Nov 1, 2004 at 8:35 AM Post #36 of 50
Pulled the trigger on a mark levinson 390s in the US for $3750 but it was sold already. Having no luck today. But instead pulled the trigger on a DCS elgar and purcell and am waiting for a response.
Nov 2, 2004 at 1:14 AM Post #37 of 50
Well I finally did it I pulled the trigger on DCS delius/purcell AND musical fidelity tri vista SACD. I am going to the bank to wire transfer the money and await their arrival. I will then spend a few weeks comparing. WHich ever one I like the other will go. The best thing is the DCS is 110v........

Does anyone have any experience with these two machines????
Nov 2, 2004 at 12:22 PM Post #38 of 50
I have listened to both, and have considerable time with the dcs system.

They are both outstanding front ends and imminently enjoyable. I believe the dcs Elgar/Purcell rig is a bit more detailed, a bit better at placing instruments and voices in the soundstage, and is a touch more holographic in the way it allows musical notes to start, evolve and decay in free space. However, my comments on the dcs come with some reservation. And, that is, either the dcs Verona (master clock) or an Apogee Big Ben (also a master clock) MUST be employed in this rig in order to extract the superior sonics consistent with my comments. Otherwish the soundstage will be slightly constricted in width, though perhaps still better than 90% of the players on the market, and image placement will be just a bit vague compared to it's use with the master clock. Again though, even without the clock the dcs is likely more accurate at image placement that many players on the market. I would also say the extreme treble area is served with more of a natural or "analog" flow with the master clock inserted however, only in back-to-back AB'ing will this difference likely be evident. And, yet then it is still very subjective - so don't bank on this specific comment.

The Trivista is overall a touch softer sounding than the dcs but, it also has an uncanny ability to deliver music in a holographic manner. Notes and voices will start, evolve and decay in a sort of "liquid" or "analog" manner very well placed within the soundstage. Not quite a wide as the dcs but, unless you are doing direct A-B comparisons the you are not likely to focus on this difference. One might also say the Trivista is not quite as transparent a player as the dcs. But, the Trivista is a champ in the fundamental delivery of the music. The ebb flow is excellent - very musical. Every bit as good if not better than the dcs.

I predict you will be happy with both. Given the care in set-up and, assuming you employ the master clock, I would speculate that you favor the dcs. But, it's all very subjective - very fun - and very expensive.
Nov 2, 2004 at 11:05 PM Post #39 of 50
I am going to use the tri-vista as sacd player and redbook transport. The DCS is for redbook decoding duties. I also bought Nordost Valhalla XLR interconnects. God I wish I never logged on to here. I would of like to try the mark levinson or a wadia though. But who knows I might not like the sound presentation.

I will post pics when they arrive. It will take about a week for all the components to come. Can't wait.
Nov 7, 2004 at 2:23 AM Post #40 of 50
Yippppppppppppppppppeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. My DCS delius/purcell is on its way to me!!!!!!

I got contacted by the dealer that he recieved the funds and in 3-5 days I am gonna be team DCS. Oh sweet mother of god.

[size=xx-large]STOP!!!! ITS HAMMERTIME [/size]

Hee hee Sorry dudes just had to say that.
Nov 7, 2004 at 5:35 AM Post #41 of 50
Dudes my payment for the musical fidelity tri-vista SACD has now cleared as well!!!!!! It is being sent Monday and will be with me on Thursday


Welcome to head fi and I am NOT sorry about my wallet. Will post pics up when they arrive!!!!
Nov 7, 2004 at 5:55 AM Post #42 of 50
I think it's time for a UK meet. Now I just have to figure out how I am going to get there. You have some serious equipment on it's way. Don't forget the pics.
Nov 7, 2004 at 5:58 AM Post #43 of 50
Tyrion Dude> I live in the middle of nowhere. London is 200 miles away from me. It'd be easier for me to bring the stuff to you. DCS=110v. But I will remember all you did for me and will make sure you will get what you deserve. When they arrive I will post pics. Need a new amp to go with all this gear.......

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