The No Man's Sky Thread
Aug 7, 2016 at 1:05 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 25


Headphoneus Supremus
Aug 21, 2013
Down at Dino's Bar & Grill
Starting this thread for one of the most hyped games ever.Less than 48 hours until drop on PS4.

Feel free to add gamertags and photos and coordinates of cool planets you come across.

PSA:Lets try and keep it spoiler free.

Any other Headfiers hyped?!
Aug 8, 2016 at 11:17 AM Post #3 of 25
I pre-ordered mine in march,got an email today saying it wasnt arriving until thursday!!!

We have Prime too,so cancelled it,bought it on PSN.
Downloading now.

Cant wait to get out there and explore!
Aug 9, 2016 at 10:30 AM Post #5 of 25
Played last night for 3 hours,never tried to leave my birth planet......a radioactive,rocky hellhole.
Need to find one more species and will get a huge unit bonus.
Aug 9, 2016 at 10:33 AM Post #6 of 25
Very much looking forward to it, today from Amazon PS4.
Aug 12, 2016 at 4:20 PM Post #7 of 25
Well now, everyone's talking about No Man's Sky today, and the general verdict is "biggest case of hype backlash since Daikatana or Duke Nukem Forever", with serious technical issues on the PC version not helping in the slightest.
A lot of it boils down to people saying it has even less depth than Elite: Dangerous, which already gets enough complaints for having a vast world with no depth. Someone already likened NMS to "the world's biggest kiddie pool", heh.

I also watched someone stream it a few days ago. He was caught in a space dogfight, horribly outnumbered and unable to escape since the enemies were jamming his drive. It ended quite predictably, and thus I'm also concerned that this is the sorta game that will just screw you over without warning and without any chance of escape.
All in all, it's probably for the best that I didn't pre-order this one. I'm gonna wait for patches and sales.
Aug 12, 2016 at 5:06 PM Post #8 of 25
  Well now, everyone's talking about No Man's Sky today, and the general verdict is "biggest case of hype backlash since Daikatana or Duke Nukem Forever", with serious technical issues on the PC version not helping in the slightest.
A lot of it boils down to people saying it has even less depth than Elite: Dangerous, which already gets enough complaints for having a vast world with no depth. Someone already likened NMS to "the world's biggest kiddie pool", heh.

I also watched someone stream it a few days ago. He was caught in a space dogfight, horribly outnumbered and unable to escape since the enemies were jamming his drive. It ended quite predictably, and thus I'm also concerned that this is the sorta game that will just screw you over without warning and without any chance of escape.
All in all, it's probably for the best that I didn't pre-order this one. I'm gonna wait for patches and sales.

I cannot speak about the PC version,as im on PS4.There has never been a game with this much size on a console ever before.

Coming from Destiny,this is a refreshing,relaxing exploration game.It does get a bit repetitive and the UI in the starmap needs to be mpre clearly defined as to what to do or where to go.

Pirates?Yeah they kicked my rear quite a few times,until i got better adept at ship controls and having the needed elements on-board to replenish my ship's shields.

Overall im enjoying it.
Aug 14, 2016 at 5:21 PM Post #10 of 25
I saw Markiplier and Jacksepticeye play it. The worlds i saw look quite similar in appearance. Thats one of the woes of random generation.

Apparently different type of star systems hold different types of planets....I dunno I always end up in a certain class system.
I will agree the game could greatly benefit from a better variety of encounters,alien races,and ways to advance.

Sean Murray has been working on it for years and Im hopeful his team at Hello Games can improve upon some of these issues.
Aug 14, 2016 at 6:58 PM Post #12 of 25
The big question is, is it worth the $60?

So subjective,but as someone who is so disgusted with AAA developers and their carved up products so they can sell it to you several times over(looking squarely at Bungie),bug ridden games that I am happy to support ambitious hard working small(13 people) Indie studios like Hello Games.
Aug 14, 2016 at 7:01 PM Post #13 of 25
So subjective,but as someone who is so disgusted with AAA developers and their carved up products so they can sell it to you several times over(looking squarely at Bungie),bug ridden games that I am happy to support ambitious hard working small(13 people) Indie studios like Hello Games.

Couldnt agree with you more. Cough-EA-Cough
Aug 15, 2016 at 6:32 AM Post #14 of 25
Personally I love the game. It's become one of my favorite games. Also, it works for me, on PC. I've had a few moments of stutter, but not even close to make an impression on me. As for repetitiveness, sure, there is some but if you like doing what you do it becomes less of a negative thing and more of a good one.
So, yeah, all in all, a superb game IMHO.
Wrote this on reddit:

I mean, it really fits me. It's got everything: it's a sandbox, it's huge, it's in space and the music, scenery and all-around atmosphere is just phenomenal.

I'm the kind of player who spent months and months running around in the zone, discovering and doing whatever I wanted, where I wanted, in S.T.A.L.K.E.R. I'm also the kind of player who never finished ANY Grand Theft Auto or Saints Row game. Just because I just unlock the maps and the fun stuff, then I just roam around. Same with Just Cause - except there you kind of progress by roaming around and blowing things up.

Also, having put it in borderless instead of fullscreen, turned off V- and G-sync and put FPS at Max on my PC, it runs great. Occasional stuttering admittedly, but they're few and far between. I guess I was lucky, or I did the right thing - anyway, no crashes, no game breaking bugs, no excessive stuttering and while I haven't looked at my FPS count with any software, I can say it runs just fine enough for me to enjoy. Fluid and smooth.

I have a i5 4690K, GTX 970, 16 gigs of RAM, for those of you who are interested in my hardware. Bought it from

The athmosphere is great. Eerie, beautiful, immersive. I feel alone on the planets, I feel like I'm a looong way from home. I feel the jitters whenever I see new plants or animals. I just left a planet with beautiful flying whale kinds of animals in grey - I named themDementors. The music is just right - calming, soothing, unnerving when needed and when something happens it ramps up just tastefully to let me know that "Uh-oh, something's up!". The idea of the gameplay is suited for players like me: I just fly and run around, discover new things all the time, going from planet to planet whenever I see fit - sometimes I return to a planet just because it's beautiful or scary.. in order to get those butterflies in my stomach.

The words I have come to associate it with are: Zen, meditative, immersion, loneliness, calm.

There is room for improvement, sure. All new games have them. That's why I have no, literally NONE, game that hasn't been patched or updated in any way. I'd like to get rid of the occasional, but rare, stuttering. I'd like for the textures to be a little more detailed. I'd like to see some changes in how the HUD works and the inventory management. Most of all I would like to avoid having to hold down my mouse button for a second to use something or to make a change - I can see why this is so for now, but I hope they patch it for a better PC experience.

But as a game, with the technical bits aside, this is just my kind of game. I really love it.

One of my absolute favorites.

Aug 15, 2016 at 8:51 PM Post #15 of 25
I've been wanting to try this title anyone here have or try the pc version yet, I've read they have big problems with it, just asking..enjoy

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