The new MuVo V200
Feb 16, 2005 at 8:23 AM Post #17 of 25
i have read the sound is alot better with the v200. something creative fixed from the n200.....i have been looking constanly for it but the only place i can find is in hong kong or europe and i want it cause i think these things are the greatest to work out with and i need the v200 1GB
Feb 18, 2005 at 10:02 PM Post #18 of 25
I got my 1GB V200 today and have been using it for a couple of hrs now. I have to say that to my un/semi-experienced ears it sounds amazingly good for a thing slightly bigger than a match box. I flashed the player to 1.01.03 firmware and am mostly playing lame aps. Can't comment on the buds included in the package as I didn't even open the plastic bag they're in. Wouldn't expect much. The player sounds very pleasing with my Sharp MD33's but slightly lifeless or monotonic using my Porta Pro's. Somewhat more dynamic using my Porta Corda II but there's only the hf-out and no line-out. Perhaps it's just that I actually like the MD33's more than the PP's and just never realized that.

Anyway, I'm very satisfied so far. How much more portable can you get than this and if the sound is pretty good, too..?
Feb 23, 2005 at 7:08 PM Post #21 of 25
Sorry for the late answer, as I was away for a few days. Can't help you unfortunately. I still haven't tried the recording function at all. However, as an answer regarding the external mic: there's no mic connector at all.
Feb 27, 2005 at 11:29 AM Post #22 of 25
Whoa, no mic in? Don't know how i could've assumed that it had one. Must've been because of all the talk about it being on the iriver and iaudio players.

Big thanks for the heads up rauer.
Mar 26, 2005 at 11:23 AM Post #23 of 25
Helped my sister get a 512mb unit today.

I'm not a real audiophile though, so I can't really comment on the sound. Seems pretty ok to me. Drives my KSC-35s quite well, but the stock earbuds go louder at the same volume (but of course, compared to the KSC-35s, they sucked donkey rear). With the KSC-35s, most of the mp3s I initially uploaded sound very enjoyable/loud enough when the volume is set at 35 (out of 40).

Haven't spent a lot of time with it, but all the VBR mp3s (lame -APX) I uploaded played without a hitch. I tried fast forwarding and rewinding those mp3s - no problems either.

Backlight noise is present, and quite noticeable. I can imagine people pulling hair over it, but I *think* i can live with it (pfft, easy for me to say, coz it'll be my sister who'll be using it

I'm not familiar with other mp3 players, but the build quality on this one looks great. Caveat: I recommended this to her over the N200, because of the built in USB connector. But now I'm kinda worried if frequent removal of the memory module from the battery module will make it loose
. The jog dial feels good and responsive though.

The menu layout is pretty simple. The only time I referred to the given manual was when I wanted to take out the battery cover and memory module, to prevent missing any steps that would make me damage it. Cons: file navigation can't be done without changing the current song.

My only gripe about it - no line in for unamped microphones. But do any of the other players have that feature anyway?

All in all, I'm pretty satisfied with it. Thanks ppl, for all the previous comments on it.
Mar 26, 2005 at 2:44 PM Post #24 of 25
I have the Muvo N200 which seems to be the smallest of the Creative line. It has a line-in jack for encoding line level signals (CD player, radio, and so on). You can use a mic but the sound level will be extremely low in volume. You should use a mic pre-amp with an ordinary battery powered mic.

As far as I know, only some of the Iriver players (H1xx, IFP-7xx/8xx) have a line-in jack that has the option to switching to a mic-in jack with the associate built-in mic pre-amp. I tried out a IFP-8xx for a few weeks and was disappointed by the white noise problem. The mic pre-amp was somewhat noisy compared to an Olympus digital voice recorder (DS-2200). The Iaudio flash players have a line-in jack like the N200 and no ext mic option. You have to use a pre-amp.

There is one other advantage of the Muvo battery module (not sure about the v200 though). You can buy a new battery module for color or breakage reasons. The N200 battery door is somewhat delicate and did break on me during the warranty.
Mar 26, 2005 at 6:29 PM Post #25 of 25
Yeah, I guess you're right. I should be looking at real voice recorders to handle my recordings. The thing is, I'd like to carry a minimal number of stuff when walking around... don't want to be seen as an unelegant version of Inspector Gadget

Olympus, hmmm... thanks, maybe I'll have a look at that. But still, I think I'll try out either the iriver ifp9xx or Jens of Sweden MP-300 first, as a last ditch effort to serve my minimalistic needs, hehe

Tested out the FM on the V200 just now. Sounded good, although I had to hold the thing upright (with the headphone out on top) to get a good signal
. Maybe it's the room I was in, or something. The frequency scanning isn't very reliable though. Or maybe I wasn't holding it upright when at the time...

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