The (new) HD800 Impressions Thread
May 28, 2013 at 7:06 PM Post #2,956 of 29,017
Got them today. First impressions i know will differ from a nice burn in but initially not as deep as the LCD 2's but the bass is tighter and everything is very controlled like many have said. Very neutral. Soundstage on the HD800 make me feel like im listening to surround sound speakers. Dolby Digital 7.what? Highs are way smoother and more detailed than the LCD 2's. LCD 2's i had to crank way up to hear the highs and mids sometimes because of the overwhelming warmth in certain songs. I like warm but the HD800's are so well balanced I can hear absolutely everything without straining my ears at higher db. These things are definatly not for classic rock. The cable that comes with them is amazing for a stock cable. Audezes stock cable broke in 5 months just by normal ware. Sennheiser takes the build quality award. Although they both have plastic parts. Nothing is made like it use to be sorry folks. Coming from the LCD 2 i feel like i have nothing on my head. Now I know what you guys are all boasting about. Or so i think...will post updates in 50 hours on the HD800's.

Great congrats im loving them also i was using denons d-5000 which where very confortable but when you put the Senns on its like getting into a Ferrari they fit like a glove around your head very nice feeling.
May 29, 2013 at 2:38 AM Post #2,958 of 29,017
Could you go into why the HD800 is definitely not for classic rock ?
I have read in this thread, that others think they do any genre of music well.
Got them today. First impressions i know will differ from a nice burn in but initially not as deep as the LCD 2's but the bass is tighter and everything is very controlled like many have said. Very neutral. Soundstage on the HD800 make me feel like im listening to surround sound speakers. Dolby Digital 7.what? Highs are way smoother and more detailed than the LCD 2's. LCD 2's i had to crank way up to hear the highs and mids sometimes because of the overwhelming warmth in certain songs. I like warm but the HD800's are so well balanced I can hear absolutely everything without straining my ears at higher db. These things are definatly not for classic rock. The cable that comes with them is amazing for a stock cable. Audezes stock cable broke in 5 months just by normal ware. Sennheiser takes the build quality award. Although they both have plastic parts. Nothing is made like it use to be sorry folks. Coming from the LCD 2 i feel like i have nothing on my head. Now I know what you guys are all boasting about. Or so i think...will post updates in 50 hours on the HD800's.

May 29, 2013 at 6:16 AM Post #2,960 of 29,017
I think calling the HD800 genre specific is inaccurate.  In my case they replace Audeze cans for... punk and alternative of all things.  On the right rig the HD800 is great at any genre.
May 29, 2013 at 6:47 AM Post #2,961 of 29,017
I have to agree with Solude. The HD800's are not genre specific cans.
I use mine with rock and metal and they are quite excellent. In fact I would say that for rock & metal I actually prefer then to the LCD2.2's.
Both phones give a different emphasis with the LCD's majoring on weight & power and the HD800's going the speed, detail, clarity and dymanic route, which given my system already has plenty of weight and power suits the HD800's better.
May 29, 2013 at 7:50 AM Post #2,962 of 29,017
I have to agree with Solude. The HD800's are not genre specific cans.
I use mine with rock and metal and they are quite excellent. In fact I would say that for rock & metal I actually prefer then to the LCD2.2's.
Both phones give a different emphasis with the LCD's majoring on weight & power and the HD800's going the speed, detail, clarity and dymanic route, which given my system already has plenty of weight and power suits the HD800's better.

I have not found a genre yet that the HD800's could not play beautifully.
May 29, 2013 at 9:44 AM Post #2,963 of 29,017
You can relax, they do Classic Rock tremendously well. It's a particular genre of music that I've listened to for many years and that a properly amped HD-800 does justice to.

I was just referring to the poorer quality of a lot of older tracks. Nothing to do with the genre. It just picks up any flaws in the recording. 
Brought My hd800's to work today and played them out of my andriod, Neutron Music Player. At full volume they sound very good surprisingly undriven. 
May 29, 2013 at 1:17 PM Post #2,965 of 29,017
I prefer "bad" mastering from the previous century above "modern" bad masterings. I'd rather have a song that just sounds odd and has a weird veil to it than a song with a dynamic range of 5 that clips 24/7 and has horrible imaging.
May 29, 2013 at 2:21 PM Post #2,966 of 29,017
I get kind of paranoid about damaging  those sensitive drivers on some of the modern music I've played on the HD800s. 5 minute tracks that have over 2.5 mins of solid clipping, a literal wall of (blood) red on Audacity. But I'm crazy that way, I know.
May 29, 2013 at 2:43 PM Post #2,967 of 29,017
I get kind of paranoid about damaging  those sensitive drivers on some of the modern music I've played on the HD800s. 5 minute tracks that have over 2.5 mins of solid clipping, a literal wall of (blood) red on Audacity. But I'm crazy that way, I know.

Why would you even listen to music like that? And clipping is not really a problem for me anymore, but music that clips a lot is 99,99% of the time horribly mastered music (in mono sometimes) by the popular "DJ"s and therefore still sounds horrible. It's not a problem because I have a DSD-DAC, and the DSD specification is +3dBFS (IIRC) so PCM music can clip. And the HD 800's drivers won't damage because of something silly like this, as long as the amplifier doesn't start ******* around you should be fine.
May 29, 2013 at 2:51 PM Post #2,968 of 29,017
Not really listen to it for pleasure, just out of morbid curiosity :p. I have a habit of analysing the waveform on audacity before playing a song. And yes, I'm well aware they wont be damaged, but the torturous sounds they produce (in crystal clarity) are certainly unnerving!
May 29, 2013 at 3:08 PM Post #2,969 of 29,017
I prefer "bad" mastering from the previous century above "modern" bad mastering. I'd rather have a song that just sounds odd and has a weird veil to it than a song with a dynamic range of 5 that clips 24/7 and has horrible imaging.

"modern" bad mastering is much less prevalent than classic bad mastering though. I love me some classic tunes but if Quadrophenia or Physical Graffiti were recorded today... forget it. 
May 29, 2013 at 3:09 PM Post #2,970 of 29,017
I get kind of paranoid about damaging  those sensitive drivers on some of the modern music I've played on the HD800s. 5 minute tracks that have over 2.5 mins of solid clipping, a literal wall of (blood) red on Audacity. But I'm crazy that way, I know.

Nicely put.

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