The most Hi-end headphone pageant in Shanghai, China
Sep 20, 2004 at 2:11 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 24


Member of the Trade
Jul 9, 2001
WHEN: September 19, 2004

WHERE: Shanghai, China

WHAT: The most de luxe headphone pageant in Shanghai, ever

WHO: you guys know none of us, so.

WHY: fun!


1. Sennheiser: Orpheus, Baby Orpheus, HD540 GOLD 600 Ohms, HD580, HD600
2. SONY R10
3. STAX 007
4. STAX 4040 system

1. Audio-technica 2002
2. 8PR (DIY by Mr Yeli in Beijing, China)
3. 8PS (DIY for electrostatic phones by Mr Yeli)

2. Marantz CD15
3. WADIA 830

My comments:
1. SONY R10: This is a record-breaking dynamic phone in the sense that it even surpasses Orpheus and 007 in details and sheer speed. The sound is astonishingly quick and detailed. Nothing can hide, even the slightest detail and artificial sound effects created by post-production are exposed to the finest degree. The bass is not especially deep or powerful, but it strikes me as the cleanest.
Despite its speed and analytic power, the tone is smooth and warm, if not the most neutral. It produces bel canto all the time. There are people who say R10 is not better than HD600. They are very wrong. The only area where HD600 might be a little better is the weight of bass.

Two things need to be taken care of when using R10: firstly source and amp mean a lot, and secondly engineering of CDs is also critical. The better a CD is recorded, the more enjoyable R10 is; if you listen to poorly-recorded or engineered CDs thru R10, you will be astounded how nasty these artificial effects are.

Weaknesses? I noticed two. The speed is unnecessarily quick, and it is overly detailed, often times exposing the imperfections of recordings. Some people also might think the midrange is a bit thin, or, not mellow enough. No matter what this is the highest achievement of dynamic headphones, especially in the department of speed and analytic power.

However personally I would like it better if it is a tad less detailed, a little slower, and a little more mellow in the midrange.

2. HD540 GOLD: this one has the best c/p in all the headphones present. Very balanced and transparent sound. Pure and simple. Also very musical. Ideal for classical music, except large-scale symphonic works, due to its less-than-perfect dynamic range. R10 is more detailed, but like I said R10 is just unnecessarily TOO detailed. It loses to Orpheus in airiness and openness of sound-stage, and it loses to HD600 in dynamic power. But it is very close to perfection. I love it.

3. Orpheus: No need to say anything but that this is THE BEST in the world. A little slower than R10, in the positive sense, because R10 is too quick to be enjoyable. It has the widest and most natural sound-stage, and the best combination of sense and sensibility. An all-rounder. Very musical and attractive. Personally I don't believe the 8PS we used is the best partner for it, so there is more to dig out.

4. Baby Orpheus: sound is a bit hollow compared to Orpheus, and bass is much weaker than Orpheus. Of course its not fair to comment Baby this way, because no headphone can stand a comparison with Orpheus.

5. STAX 007: Exceptional bass. Very deep and clean. Though the sound is very "correct" it just lacks the ability to really move people. I think it sounds dull. It might have to do with the amp, because we used 8PS instead of the original STAX amp.

6. STAX 4040 system: a bit narrow in sound-stage, and not as clean and detailed as 007 and R10. But it has more character than 007. Good value at this price level.

7. HD580: natural and open sound. However, loses to HD540 GOLD in almost every area.

8. HD600: only thing worth mentioning is the weight and thickness of low-end, making it an ideal phone for large-scale symphonic works. Otherwise it loses to HD540 Gold.

9. Audio-technica 2002 headphone amp: good for R10, but poor for the 600-Ohm HD540 GOLD. Need to crank up to 2pm to get enough volume. Very quick and open sound. Can make R10 sound lightning speed. Too responsive to details and dynamic changes. I would rather it is less sensitive, and less dynamic, so I can more enjoy the beauty of its sound.

10.Shure E5C: only good for rock and vocal. Sound is not neutral, classical music sounds distorted. To a certain degree it is not dissimiliar to Grado RS-1. This is an overpriced earphone.


Sep 20, 2004 at 3:20 AM Post #3 of 24
thanks a lot for the comparisons.

no pictures?
Sep 20, 2004 at 3:24 AM Post #4 of 24
Was Ye Li's TA 8PR(eference) - as opposed to the TA 8P - used with the HD600 in the meet? my understanding is that Ye Li designed the TA 8PR specifically for the HD600 to get as close to his memory of listening to the Orpheus as he could with a dynamic headphone.

I am curious how the TA 8PR sounds in combo with the HD650. I am thinking about going to see Ye Li next time I am in Beijing (hopefully the beginning of October for the rock music festival put on by the MiDi school) to see if he will build an amp for me. Unfortunately, I am not sure I can get a pair of HD650 now considering the fire at the Sennheiser factory.
Sep 20, 2004 at 3:45 AM Post #5 of 24
Interesting Id! Niubi, which literally means "cow ****" in Chinese slam, means "****ing good".

I posted two pics. More will come, if you guys like it.

Yes 8PR was specifically designed for HD600. But in the meet HD600 was quite cold-shouldered. HD540 Gold is the hero. And it pairs perfectly with 8PR.

If you want to get in touch with Yeli, come to our site and contact springson. He is one of the forum moderators at the site.
Sep 20, 2004 at 3:49 AM Post #6 of 24

Originally Posted by solomon
I posted two pics.

Sep 20, 2004 at 3:53 AM Post #7 of 24

Originally Posted by Zoide

the links are there in his post but they link to attachments at the forums... and they are not showing up since I guess you need to register to view threads / attachments at that forum??
Sep 20, 2004 at 4:20 AM Post #10 of 24

Originally Posted by solomon
Can u guys c the fotos now??

ummm... no?
Sep 20, 2004 at 4:27 AM Post #11 of 24
Sep 20, 2004 at 4:51 AM Post #12 of 24
i will post another reply, but i think the reason that the photos are not displaying is because they are hosted by the headphoneclub site sorry i didn't specifically qualify that by saying that others have already stated the reason before i posted the first version of this reply) and thus require that you are logged on there which is basically what some have already said here. i guess i am enjoying my 5 pints of guinness beer too much right now considering the fire at the sennheiser plant from which i really would love to have a pair of hd650, fully burned in after i ordered them, before i go to china on the next leg of my own odyssey. joyce's description of hell still sticks in my mind. i cannot imagine going to a jesuit school of that era.
Sep 20, 2004 at 4:52 AM Post #13 of 24

Originally Posted by niubi
i will post another reply, but i think the reason that the photos are not displaying is because they are hosted by the headphoneclub site and thus require that you are logged on there.

I already said that....
Sep 20, 2004 at 4:58 AM Post #14 of 24
pardon my ignorance, but I've never heard of the hd540 gold. Is it an older model like the hd540? Is it even a sennheiser 'phone?
Sep 20, 2004 at 5:09 AM Post #15 of 24
Impressive really. I wish I have a pleasure of listening to R10 and Big O system. What amp did you use to drive the R10? I wish I can see the pics. Try repost again for a pleasure of headphones fellows.


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