The Member-Judged Fine Art Head-Fi Gallery
Jan 11, 2014 at 12:24 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 1,426
Apr 28, 2007
Here's the plan:  
Post only your most "artistic" photos of Head-Fi gear to this thread and stand by to remove your photo if it fails to generate any acclaim! 
I want this gallery to be self-policed.  The mandate here is that posters will exercise some measure of humility in deciding whether their image is actually worthy of posting to this gallery, in the first place.
Just like your local cruise night, where you know better than to circle through the drive-in with a car that's less than spectacular, that's how each of us should regulate our posts to this thread - with humility and respect for the people who really know what they're doing.   
Post only photographs you have taken, but feel free to invite other members to post their most awesome photos here.
Headphones, amps, DACs, cables, anything Head-Fi is fair game, but please don't include pictures of people - just gear - with whatever you like for backgrounds.
This is not a photos-only thread.  Please include text to identify the equipment you've photographed and anything you'd like to say about the taking of the photograph.
This is not a gear discussion thread.  It's OK to discuss the photos, of course - but not the performance of the gear.
Everyone is free to post comments and questions about the photos, of course.
Now here's the tough part:  If, after your image has been on display for a few days, it hasn't received at least one appreciative comment from another member, please consider editing the post, reducing it to a "."    (Ouch!)   

That's it for "rules." 
Let's make this photo gallery something special.  
Jan 11, 2014 at 12:27 PM Post #2 of 1,426
I'll start off with what is literally the only photograph I've ever taken of Head-Fi gear that I consider to be worthy of this gallery - my apologies for those who have seen it a hundred times already!   

Sony PCM-M10 > iBasso PB2 Pelican > Toxic Cables Silver Poison > LCD-2 Rev.1
Now, I'm going to send a few PMs to people whose photographs I admire...
Jan 11, 2014 at 12:52 PM Post #3 of 1,426

Burson Audio sent me a pair of Audeze to test with
their Soloist. I couldn't resist photographing them.
Amazing headphones with bottomless bass and the
Burson seems incapable of driving it to distortion.
I was at 4PM on the Soloist volume knob (!)
& the Audeze seems to want more, more & more.
Jan 12, 2014 at 11:26 PM Post #5 of 1,426
  I'll start off with what is literally the only photograph I've ever taken of Head-Fi gear that I consider to be worthy of this gallery - my apologies for those who have seen it a hundred times already!   
Sony PCM-M10 > iBasso PB2 Pelican > Toxic Cables Silver Poison > LCD-2 Rev.1
Now, I'm going to send a few PMs to people whose photographs I admire...

I hadn't seen it yet. The contrast of wood on leather is cool!
Jan 13, 2014 at 9:54 AM Post #6 of 1,426
I hadn't seen it yet. The contrast of wood on leather is cool!

Thanks!  I wish some other folks would jump in, though.
I didn't create this thread just to showcase the only really good Head-Fi picture I've ever taken.  LOL
My hope is that this will become a thread where we can come to see the very best photos of the thousands that have been posted to Head-Fi. 
I guess I'll have to go hunting and send out some more PMs to people who have posted great shots.
Jan 14, 2014 at 12:48 AM Post #9 of 1,426
Okay, sure - I'll bite:

My late and somewhat lamented Tesla T1, when it was new and shiny. The JVC HP-DX1000 that replaced it still needs a proper portrait...
Jan 14, 2014 at 3:00 PM Post #11 of 1,426
  Okay, sure - I'll bite:
My late and somewhat lamented Tesla T1, when it was new and shiny. The JVC HP-DX1000 that replaced it still needs a proper portrait...

Holy cow!   That's awesome, Exediron!   Thanks for hanging that one on the gallery wall!   The light is amazing!  I love the wood, too.  And your selective focus is perfect. Really nice!
Jan 14, 2014 at 3:03 PM Post #12 of 1,426
Final Audio Design Piano Forte VIII


mr.speakers Alpha Dog

Whoa, eke2k6!  All three of those images share a common style -  dark and ominous!  Great shapes emerging from nowhere.  Well done!  
Update:  I have to add - the Alpha Dog couldn't possibly be made to look any better.  
Jan 14, 2014 at 7:08 PM Post #14 of 1,426

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