The Impossible Upgrade — The Epic search for the impossible by a blindman
Feb 28, 2020 at 6:16 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 24


New Head-Fier
Dec 21, 2019
Catchy title!? Yes, but also true.

This is my first thread, so bare with me! I really need some help here.... you'll see...

I caught the audiophile disease when I bought my SECOND pair of "real" headphones...
The first one was a Sennheiser HD598 it was my first "audiophile" headphone (compared to what I had...)...
I expected the world.... obviously... but....
When I first listened to it my first thought was: "THERE'S SOMETHING WRONG!!!" — "Sennheiser" of the "great"...
Listened for more 5 minutes trying not to believe what I was hearing...
All I could hear was a veil.... (don't get caught by this... continue reading, don't judge... I knew nothing, had never heard the term "veil", didn't even know how to describe it... only later heard the term)

Some days after got here my SECOND headphone: An ATH AD900.

THIS ONE f*cked my up...

Long storie short: I never touched the HD598 again....
I fell in love HARD with the AD900... I like them more than I like my brother (not that hard... But I do... I'd like to marry it...)
Bright, yes, foward mids,yes, soundstage, yes, full sounding, yes, sparkly highs, yes, live, yes, ..... (and goes on)
I really LOVE it, with all it's flaws, imperfections... I LOVE it... It's sound signature is "the most perfect I've heard so far"
Since the AD900 everything else I've heard was tasteless... (It's a matter of taste after all...)
I haven't had the oportunity to hear to that many headphones (explain that in a minute!), but so far....

The ATH ADs have a particular sound signature, not commonly found elsewhere...

I'd like to upgrade from them, not because I don't love them, but because along with the audiophile disease the "there must be a better one out there" inherent to the disease keeps wispering me that...

I feel like "cheating on my AD900", but... If I get this right, It'll be worth.

They perform well above their price, which is good if you have them, but no so much if you want to upgrade, as it means having to spend A LOT MORE to get a "propper upgrade"...

A point worth of mentioning: I wear them 14-17hs a day everyday straight (I SWEAR) Even though not listening to anything I feel weird without them.... go figure (Am I the only crazy one around here? Anyone else could raise a hand?)

I've searched for more than 230+hs in the forum, gathered a lot of information but couldn't quite find an answer, hence the thread on something already mentioned...

I'm trying to find "proper ugrade", with the closest sound signature possible up to 500-i$h (used, so I get better one)

Now the universal language so that you can understand better the problem of being impossible the "old school hit and miss method"

I live in Brazil... Customs here tax on 100% any imported item, PLUS 100% on the shipping cost, PLUS 28% on state taxes.

Add to this math that the dollar is 5x our currency.....

The "math friendly" have already realized the impossibility of "hitting and missing"... to miss is almost an irreparable disaster...

OK, as money is an universal language... now you know why I have to do so much research BEFORE buying...

Not that this will prevent me from any mistake, but I'll have a clean conscience that I did my best....

I come here to ask those who I admire the knowledge to help me out...

What I'm searching for is a "BETTER AD900"...

(I can't put it any other way... I really love it! - "Why do you want to upgrade then?" - Because I know, as you know, that there's a better one out there... - "but you love them".... yes! I'm not upgrading because af any insatisfaction... I'm not looking for excuses here... I just want to have a better AD900 if theres such a headphone. "MORE OF THE SAME, BUT BETTER" - That's TRUE LOVE!!! How many of you can say the same about your wives? :wink:

In sum, that's it.... I want a BETTER AD900... (the closest sound signature, but everything better...)

The "safer" options would be:

AD1000 — Said to be a bit odd on the AD sound signature family. the enphasis are more on the highs if I'm not mistaken (and I may!). They are considered "not to be a proper upgrade to the AD900" as it's "too small of a difference to justify"...

AD2000 (no x!) — Up to now, my dream... BUT: Said to have a quite different sound signature... some say "warmer" (I hate this word on a HP description... stop reading the sound description at it's sight... It refers me to the word VEIL...) — "laid back" is another thing that makes me stop reading about a HP imediatelly...), "smooth" :confounded:, I like it hard, it seems...analitical (not to the point of loosing musicality, but details, details, details....)

So, the AD2000 seems the "logical upgrade", but at the same time are not considered a "direct upgrade" as the sound signature changes...

Staying in the same "house" and series would be "safer".... and that's what I'm leaning towards...

But I'd like to make a good use of having you to help me out and stand on the shoulders of giants... who have seen more, heard more, experienced more...

I don't even know what I could see from up there, as I'm still blind... With this math $ I haven't heard to that many "audiophile" HPs...

Could you be kind and help me out?

What would be "THE BETTER AD900"? (if an amp is needed I'm propperly f*cked up....)

Thanks to all!!!! Really honoured to be a part of this comunity!!!
Feb 28, 2020 at 7:08 PM Post #2 of 24
Whoau, what a post. You love music, we feel it. And you love your AD900 as well. You are a lucky man, even though you can't see. Because you use your ears and most likely much better than 95% of us here. Respect to you. Your search and your commitment to acquire something "better" than your ATH looks like a quest.

I have owned some ATH in the past, one was the ATH-A990Z. Anyway, we are here for you.

You see, you seems to like your AD900 so much, that's quite a bit of pressure for us (at least for me) to come with advices for an upgrade. I noticed that you prefer to avoid getting an amp, right? Could you maybe elaborate on your source just a bit?

You are wearing your phone the whole day if I read well. You need quality. It's important. With built quality in mind, I am just thinking out loud, so I would say an used Mr. Speakers Aeon Flow (closed).

Ok, who's gonna help me finding this Head-fi fellow an upgrade for his AD900? We will make it.
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Feb 28, 2020 at 7:54 PM Post #3 of 24
read an article a while back that had this same question. The person ended up going with the Beyerdynamic T90 and was very pleased. I have not listened to the T90 though so this is just based on information I've read. Since you like Audio Technica it might be good to stay with that company and sound signiture. Hope some fellow head fiers that have tried Audio Technicas higher end cans will give you some advice. Good luck
Feb 28, 2020 at 10:02 PM Post #4 of 24
I caught the audiophile disease when I bought my SECOND pair of "real" headphones...
The first one was a Sennheiser HD598 it was my first "audiophile" headphone (compared to what I had...)...
I expected the world.... obviously... but....
When I first listened to it my first thought was: "THERE'S SOMETHING WRONG!!!" — "Sennheiser" of the "great"...
Listened for more 5 minutes trying not to believe what I was hearing...
All I could hear was a veil.... (don't get caught by this... continue reading, don't judge... I knew nothing, had never heard the term "veil", didn't even know how to describe it... only later heard the term)

Hyperacusis vs high frequency hearing loss is a huge factor in how people hear headphones or speakers.

In this particular instance, the first group tends to love Sennheisers; those who have the second condition will hear it like the singer had the flu when the recording was done.
Feb 28, 2020 at 10:36 PM Post #5 of 24
Whoau, what a post. You love music, we feel it. And you love your AD900 as well. You are a lucky man, even though you can't see. Because you use your ears and most likely much better than 95% of us here. Respect to you. Your search and your commitment to acquire something "better" than your ATH looks like a quest.

I have owned some ATH in the past, one was the ATH-A990Z. Anyway, we are here for you.

You see, you seems to like your AD900 so much, that's quite a bit of pressure for us (at least for me) to come with advices for an upgrade. I noticed that you prefer to avoid getting an amp, right? Could you maybe elaborate on your source just a bit?

You are wearing your phone the whole day if I read well. You need quality. It's important. With built quality in mind, I am just thinking out loud, so I would say an used Mr. Speakers Aeon Flow (closed).

Ok, who's gonna help me finding this Head-fi fellow an upgrade for his AD900? We will make it.

I'd like to thank you by your name, as you were so kind, warm and trully worried about helping...

But I just couldn't find it anywhere, your profile, (you're in Switzerland?), anyway, just wanted you to know I really apreciated your help!!!
Feb 28, 2020 at 10:37 PM Post #6 of 24
read an article a while back that had this same question. The person ended up going with the Beyerdynamic T90 and was very pleased. I have not listened to the T90 though so this is just based on information I've read. Since you like Audio Technica it might be good to stay with that company and sound signiture. Hope some fellow head fiers that have tried Audio Technicas higher end cans will give you some advice. Good luck

I'm torned apart between risking "out of the ATH house".... but one must be brave to fly...

Feb 28, 2020 at 10:54 PM Post #7 of 24
Hyperacusis vs high frequency hearing loss is a huge factor in how people hear headphones or speakers.

In this particular instance, the first group tends to love Sennheisers; those who have the second condition will hear it like the singer had the flu when the recording was done.

Photography and cooking!!!

it's HOW you see things, not "what" you see... it's like drawing... it's THE EYE that draws... (I'm a fine arts graduate - photography studio)

Back to HPs!

I won't go far on the Senns' veil topic... (I learned to use the "I've heard it might be related to amping..." to avoid further discussions... - As I just can't lie and say I don't hear a veil in EVERY sennheiser... but... "that migh be related to amping"... :wink:

I like BRIGHT heaphones as it seems....

Would you have a suggestion that could help me out solving this problem?...

I've reseached for months, hours a day and night... (not those "problem of the week"... askers) and couldn't find solid suggestions (some are recurrent, but too expensive to me...)

My chances of "hitting and missing" are not the best.... so I must try my best to get it right...

any suggestions?

*Also, the "frequency response" of the headphone must match the "specific frequency unresposiveness" of one.... an that will be the result... not the graph on the paper...

Post Scriptum: do you have photography as a hobby?
Feb 29, 2020 at 7:29 AM Post #8 of 24

it's HOW you see things, not "what" you see... it's like drawing... it's THE EYE that draws... (I'm a fine arts graduate - photography studio)

Kind of, but it's more along the lines of having an actual condition that can affect that assessment.

In visual terms, it's like how realist neoclassical art isn't from lack of creativity, but Van Gogh's style has a lot to do with his vision in medical terms.

...and cooking!!!

Not so much. This is more like the band and the recording engineers.

Back to HPs!

I won't go far on the Senns' veil topic... (I learned to use the "I've heard it might be related to amping..." to avoid further discussions... - As I just can't lie and say I don't hear a veil in EVERY sennheiser... but... "that migh be related to amping"... :wink:

It probably is if you were using a low voltage amplification circuit, or one with high distortion. Or both.

But overall even a non-dedicated headphone amp would at least not have severe distortion issues on a 300ohm headphone, unless it's really badly designed.

I like BRIGHT heaphones as it seems....

Or need one. Either way this is more likely than the amp.

Would you have a suggestion that could help me out solving this problem?...
I've reseached for months, hours a day and night... (not those "problem of the week"... askers) and couldn't find solid suggestions (some are recurrent, but too expensive to me...)

My chances of "hitting and missing" are not the best.... so I must try my best to get it right...

any suggestions?

Nothing specific, I was doing more of explaining possibilities as to what was happening than pointing you in any direction from this point.

*Also, the "frequency response" of the headphone must match the "specific frequency unresposiveness" of one.... an that will be the result... not the graph on the paper...

I wouldn't really put it that way very, very roughly, that's one way to put it.

Post Scriptum: do you have photography as a hobby?
Feb 29, 2020 at 10:26 AM Post #9 of 24
Kind of, but it's more along the lines of having an actual condition that can affect that assessment.

In visual terms, it's like how realist neoclassical art isn't from lack of creativity, but Van Gogh's style has a lot to do with his vision in medical terms.

Not so much. This is more like the band and the recording engineers.

It probably is if you were using a low voltage amplification circuit, or one with high distortion. Or both.

But overall even a non-dedicated headphone amp would at least not have severe distortion issues on a 300ohm headphone, unless it's really badly designed.

Or need one. Either way this is more likely than the amp.

Nothing specific, I was doing more of explaining possibilities as to what was happening than pointing you in any direction from this point.

I wouldn't really put it that way very, very roughly, that's one way to put it.


Your photos are REALLY GOOD!!!!!!!!

Are you editing them with just Lightroom or Photoshop?

(you really love your HD600.... it's all over the place!!!)

Regarding Senns, maybe we're not made for each other... just that.
Feb 29, 2020 at 11:47 AM Post #11 of 24
I have only briefly tried AD900 and a few other of the Audio Technica open backs a long time ago so please don't take me seriously but FWIW in my experience these headphones have a particular sound that you won't find in too many other brands. You might consider researching the r70x as well.

Venturing outside of Audio Technica.... I have only heard it in a noisy area, maaaaaybe the DT1990? It is unlikely but if you can find a very good price on a previously owned, the HD800 . Perhaps look into HiFiMan man models like the HE-560 (only one of theirs I have heard).

(should probably leave some budget for an amp with any of those)
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Feb 29, 2020 at 1:40 PM Post #12 of 24
I just sold a pair of ATH AD2000s(non-X). They have an aggressive,forward presentation,with excellent mids. They are killer for rock,metal,female vocals and electronica.
Theyre also not super comfortable,with a very tight clamp,so thats something to be aware of. Theyre also very hard to find these days,as they were only released in Japan back in the day.

Other headphones to consider that have a similar sound signature are Grados/Alessandro. Also very mid centric,with a forward aggressive sound. They have more energy in the upper mids than the ATHs,which you seem to like. Sorta easy to drive from a phone,but an amp is suggested. I do find them to be quite uncomfortable though.

Another to consider is one of my favorite headphones of all time,and better than the Grados and ATHs,is the AKG K240 sextetts. These have the best mids of the bunch. Fast,forward,aggressive sound. They come in three variants,EP,MP and LP. EP having the most midbass,and LP having the least. MP is right in the middle,and my favorite.
Theyre also quite inexpensive,maybe around 100-150.00 USD. Buying used is a must as theyve been discontinued for over 40 years. They are very power hungry and require quite a strong amp,being 600 ohms and a 93 sensitivity. The best and least expensive way to drive them will be by using a vintage receiver. the sound is fantastic.
I have a very high-end and expensive set-up,yet I still find my Sextett/receiver combo to be very enjoyable.

I have made video reviews on buying Sextetts and vintage receivers on my Youtube channel(link below). Have a look and if these sound like something you'd want to get into and have further questions feel free to ask.
Feb 29, 2020 at 5:19 PM Post #13 of 24
I'd like to thank you by your name, as you were so kind, warm and trully worried about helping...

But I just couldn't find it anywhere, your profile, (you're in Switzerland?), anyway, just wanted you to know I really apreciated your help!!!
My name is Julien and yes I live in Switzerland. Good luck with your search sir. Let the music, the one you love, play
Feb 29, 2020 at 5:58 PM Post #14 of 24
I have only briefly tried AD900 and a few other of the Audio Technica open backs a long time ago so please don't take me seriously but FWIW in my experience these headphones have a particular sound that you won't find in too many other brands. You might consider researching the r70x as well.

Venturing outside of Audio Technica.... I have only heard it in a noisy area, maaaaaybe the DT1990? It is unlikely but if you can find a very good price on a previously owned, the HD800 . Perhaps look into HiFiMan man models like the HE-560 (only one of theirs I have heard).

(should probably leave some budget for an amp with any of those)

I'm aware ATH's signature is quite particular....

For what I know R70x are ATH's HD600... but they came short on that...

Beyers appeal to me, but I've heard their're more "smooth" than the ATHs... (even though having swiss alp pikes)...

As to the HD800, they're too much far away to stretch... (and they're Sennheisers... so..... I'd never put my money on a Senn again... sorry to the Religious Senn Hd6x0s around)

HiFiman is really growing in my interest list... there has benn a really big hype about the Sundaras.... if they're really that much, they should be considered... but not shure about the sound signature yet...

I've heard good things about the ATH MSR7 but don't know if that would be an "upgrade" (sidegrade at most?)

really thanks for the help man!!!
Mar 1, 2020 at 8:11 AM Post #15 of 24
Are you editing them with just Lightroom or Photoshop?

I used to use Lightroom (really old version by that point) but since 2017 I've been using Affinity. There were some features that you can only get on Photoshop (IIRC it was multi-vista stitching) and it was either that or I get CC. I figured in the long run CC will be more expensive unless Serif goes belly up or stops adding features for free. CC might need less power since you're on the Cloud but it's not like a cheap laptop will be that much cheaper (or have longer battery life since they don't give you big batteries on cheap laptops), plus I have a gaming PC on top of my laptop, so processing power wasn't really a problem. Maybe in the long run I'd just use a quad core with a basic GPU if GeForce Now has consistent game availability (and if I have really fast internet) I'd use CC, but for now I like Affinity.

Best part about Affinty is when I do multi-vista stitch using HDR images, if the exposure isn't quite identical, it smoothens the transitions to each if I use it to do the HDR frames.

(you really love your HD600.... it's all over the place!!!)

10yrs with me this May. I even brought it along when I stayed with my brother for three months.

Regarding Senns, maybe we're not made for each other... just that.

Yeah that's exactly it.

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