The diary entries of a little girl nearing 30!
Jan 24, 2012 at 5:29 PM Post #211 of 15,119
I don't really know what the chances are but I shouldn't really spend the money on customs as long as there's another wallet destroying variable in play...
Jan 24, 2012 at 5:31 PM Post #212 of 15,119


Eh? Lol.
While I don't really go quite as far (that outfit looks a bit mish mash to me to be honest) I actually dress like that sometimes. More, black shorts and leggings than that though.

Not me, but I have basically everything to pull this off. It looks awesome wearing big headphones stuff like with this. XD
(Yes I've been told I look ridiculous before. :D )
Jan 24, 2012 at 5:48 PM Post #214 of 15,119
I agree. I wouldn't risk it either. Although I've already lost 20 lbs lol.

I've never really seen the point of the expense and effort of customs when technology for universals is improving almost yearly. Diminishing returns seems to kick in too viciously at that end of the scale for me to consider paying for something that has terrible resale value.
Jan 24, 2012 at 5:50 PM Post #215 of 15,119

The SM3 has rolled off treble while the EX1000 has very airy and extended treble. Completely different beasts. Also the SM3 sound stage is small in comparison.

Nah I meant how the XBA-4 compares to the SM3. I am very aware that the EX1000 is different. Each time I listen to it I think its nice, but it doesn't grab me.
Jan 24, 2012 at 5:51 PM Post #216 of 15,119


I've never really seen the point of the expense and effort of customs when technology for universals is improving almost yearly. Diminishing returns seems to kick in too viciously at that end of the scale for me to consider paying for something that has terrible resale value.

Well I figure you never know until you try. I don't doubt the Customs are a significant upgrade over Universals or these companies wouldn't be in business to begin with. I'll be able to determine for myself though once I've received my Custom TF10s and then my Heir 8.A. I don't plan on selling them though.
Jan 24, 2012 at 6:00 PM Post #217 of 15,119

Well I figure you never know until you try. I don't doubt the Customs are a significant upgrade over Universals or these companies wouldn't be in business to begin with. I'll be able to determine for myself though once I've received my Custom TF10s and then my Heir 8.A. I don't plan on selling them though.

I can imagine that customs are better than universals, and while I haven't actually got a custom myself I just tend to think that customs came out originally for stage musicians. If they were really better than say, a good full size monitor, wouldn't recording engineers also be getting customs? I understand the attraction of something custom made but if I had a spare 600+ dollars I would for sure be getting some high end full size rather than a custom. Just a personal feeling of mine, since I know a lot of you guys love your customs. XD
Jan 24, 2012 at 6:04 PM Post #218 of 15,119

I can imagine that customs are better than universals, and while I haven't actually got a custom myself I just tend to think that customs came out originally for stage musicians. If they were really better than say, a good full size monitor, wouldn't recording engineers also be getting customs? I understand the attraction of something custom made but if I had a spare 600+ dollars I would for sure be getting some high end full size rather than a custom. Just a personal feeling of mine, since I know a lot of you guys love your customs. XD

The thing with customs and IEMs in general is that you can get a more intimate presentation and more detail. Bass can also go lower than on full size cans. You also have IEMs that give you many full size can qualities such as an expansive sound stage but in a portable package.
Jan 24, 2012 at 6:15 PM Post #219 of 15,119

The thing with customs and IEMs in general is that you can get a more intimate presentation and more detail. Bass can also go lower than on full size cans. You also have IEMs that give you many full size can qualities such as an expansive sound stage but in a portable package.

Well, hopefully one day I can try them out. I'd hate to get customs done and then find out the next day someone figured out how to do a in-ear orthodynamic though. XD
Jan 24, 2012 at 8:40 PM Post #220 of 15,119
I can imagine that customs are better than universals, and while I haven't actually got a custom myself I just tend to think that customs came out originally for stage musicians. If they were really better than say, a good full size monitor, wouldn't recording engineers also be getting customs? I understand the attraction of something custom made but if I had a spare 600+ dollars I would for sure be getting some high end full size rather than a custom. Just a personal feeling of mine, since I know a lot of you guys love your customs. XD

Recording engineers have different goals in their listening equipment than perfect fidelity and portability. Customs are getting promoted hard towards live audio engineers, which makes sense since they need to block the ambient noise to hear their work.
Customs will always be able to distinguish themselves in terms of comfort, isolation and appearance. When it comes to sticking things in your ear canals, comfort counts for a lot.
Mine didn't ship before Lunar New Year. No idea when they'll be ready, really. Getting a little anxious, even though I know that not only is there nothing to be done, a rushed job will be counterproductive. Oh well.
The 10 arrived. I'm waiting for it to reach room temperature before trying it. Speaking of comfort counting for a lot.
Jan 24, 2012 at 9:11 PM Post #221 of 15,119
While I don't really go quite as far (that outfit looks a bit mish mash to me to be honest) I actually dress like that sometimes. More, black shorts and leggings than that though.
(Yes I've been told I look ridiculous before. :D )

You're in art school, right?  What's the problem, then?
I can't rock a skirt for the life of me, so instead this is my usual bikewear:

These are some of the best trousers ever, and that they're cut mid-shin for cycling and are nigh-invulnerable makes them even more awesome. (disclaimer: Not my legs) I don't think they're made any more, which is sad, but fortunately I put up for spare pair, just in case.
This is the look I aspire to:

Not quite as practical (disclaimer: not my legs, either), but I can only hope to be this gentlemanly someday.
Jan 24, 2012 at 9:24 PM Post #222 of 15,119
^^ Yeah, art school. I'm doing more theory than anything else though.
And yes that would make you look truly a dapper gentleman who is on the go!
Jan 24, 2012 at 9:55 PM Post #223 of 15,119
Try Fennesz' "Endless Summer" sometime too. It's my favorite. His most recent "Seven Stars" EP is less abstract and quite pleasant as well. I also recommend Tim Hecker for a similar kind of sound, but more focused.

Just got around to this. It tickles. The YouTube post I'm listening through is pretty poor quality, though. (edit: Or maybe it's the DAC section on the Leckerton? I hope not...)
Interesting to trade off between the HE-6 on the he-man rig and the Triple-fi 10 on the portable rig while listening to this track...

I thought it was the archetypical V-Shape Villain? I had the SuperFi 5 EB's, which were vaudevillian V shaped.

The SF 5 EBs were designed to be bass monsters, while the SF 5 Pro was intended to have gentler emphasis at the extremes. The TF10 has more in common with the 5 Pro, which sounded similar (strong lows and highs, soft middle), but not with as much detail, range and dynamics. (Keep in mind I'm working off a years-old recollection of my SF 5 Pros).
Originally Posted by MuppetFace /img/forum/go_quote.gif
The mids were a bit recessed but nicely separated and pleasant. I was inclined to think of them as "good," though not "great." The highs were "inoffensive" to me, which is to say they didn't bother me more than anything else. Overall the bass was what stood out as the strong suit. Definitely a fun IEM, not a reference.

I'd go along with this. It's the upper mids that disappoint; female voices that should sparkle aren't. But nothing sounds stuffed in a sock either: I could make out more than usual of David Thomas' mumbling on the first couple tracks of Pennsylvania. Regardless of whatever other listening equipment I have, I could be happy pulling these out when I'm in a headbangery mood.
I'm pretty far out of the loop on what's current in IEMs, so it makes me curious how its peers in this price range sound. Four years ago, you couldn't get something this good for $130.
Jan 24, 2012 at 10:04 PM Post #224 of 15,119

The SF 5 EBs were designed to be bass monsters, while the SF 5 Pro was intended to have gentler emphasis at the extremes. The TF10 has more in common with the 5 Pro, which sounded similar (strong lows and highs, soft middle), but not with as much detail, range and dynamics. (Keep in mind I'm working off a years-old recollection of my SF 5 Pros).

The EB's were hilarious. Unfortunately I didn't want to keep them because other then their great trick for bass, they didn't have a particularly engaging sound. Meanwhile with something like the DDM I absolutely adored the sound, just emotive and delicate.
Jan 25, 2012 at 3:51 AM Post #225 of 15,119
RE: the whole customs vs. universals argument, I really can't speak much from experience having no customs of my own yet, but it's my understanding that customs offer a somewhat unique sound in and of themselves vs. universals. It's not even so much about the fit (though I can see how that helps with isolation and bass performance) but what companies can cram into those little shells more readily than universals. Some really intriguing and enigmatic engineering, and as someone who likes to sample the intriguing and enigmatic, color me intrigued and enigmatized.

(Yes I've been told I look ridiculous before. :D )

Trendy. Reminds me of someone who might show up in the title sequence for some anime amidst a colorful background of high tension powerlines and skyscrapers.

This is the look I aspire to:
Not quite as practical (disclaimer: not my legs, either), but I can only hope to be this gentlemanly someday.


I hope you can achieve such lofty tiers of gentlemanliness. 
Speaking of....
The world needs dapper gentlemen and dandies.
Really, if more men were like Buster Keaton, then I would like men more.


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