The diary entries of a little girl in her 30s! ~ Part 2
Jan 31, 2013 at 9:30 PM Post #5,371 of 21,763


Jan 31, 2013 at 11:33 PM Post #5,372 of 21,763
I see mutador has stepped in it again with his outlandish views. Reading the last 5 pages I didn't know whether to laugh or just shake my head.
Great women leaders in history from various time periods and parts of the world
Joan Of Ark
Indira Ghandhi
Don't be so snooty when literature is concerned. Mary Shelly's Frankenstein is a beautiful read and was far ahead of it's time.
@the whole thread
Since everyone was fond of naming great women writers I thought I'd throw in a certain Canadian modern day writer by the name of Margaret Atwood. Some of her work is quite feminist in nature but her books are quite engrossing. If you ever get a chance check her out guys shes a great read.

Onto happier things......
I finally received little Eggzercist today and shes every bit as creepy cute as I imagined her to be.

Feb 1, 2013 at 12:01 AM Post #5,373 of 21,763
OK, name me a female visionary in any religion which is known to the world and which had more or less serious impact in the field. By a visionary I mean a person who had clear and influential message, a sage,  a teacher.
Feb 1, 2013 at 12:03 AM Post #5,374 of 21,763
DigitalFreak, so what's the stories here? Was she out, picking eggs* in the woods, and then some zombies attacked her?
Note that I said stories, because, what's the story behind your figurine collection? Is it because you want to collect something, or is it because you want them as trophies, or ... Yeah, what's the stories?
* I wonder what life would be like, if we hadn't domesticized any animals at all. No chicken, no hen, no dogs, no cows, and so on. What would be different, so to say? Would it affect the amount of meat in the stores? Probably, so what would be the chain reaction? Free-er gun laws? More hunters? Would we be able to work as much as we do, if we had to go out hunting for food? Would the economy look the same? Would the whole lot of us be vegetarians or would we actually be like we are now, but eat meat at festivities or other more exclusive days? What else would we lose? A whole lot of wool and therefore a whole lot of warm clothes, but wouldn't that affect the textile industries and technologies? Would we all walk around in "futuristic" bodysuits like on star trek just because we had to invent better clothes much, much earlier?
What started as a fun idea in my head because I imagined the eggzercist walking in the woods picking eggs in the wild, suddenly came to make for an entire new imaginary aspect of the world, as-it-could've-been. I think we have a whole lot to thank our domesticization (wow, what a word, I hope I got it right).
Feb 1, 2013 at 12:32 AM Post #5,375 of 21,763
To this day, the track "This" never fails to unnerve me. It's jarring, nightmarish, and highly confrontational with its intimate production, but endure the swirling madness and you'll emerge, greeted by a cathartic swell of strings that's just... It's eerily serene like having the eye of a storm pass over you after it's torn everything asunder

I couldn't handle it. Waaaaay too emotional for me, dredging up memories of the past. It is crazy how emotional that song is. Jeez.
Feb 1, 2013 at 12:49 AM Post #5,376 of 21,763
DigitalFreak, so what's the stories here? Was she out, picking eggs in the woods, and then some zombies attacked her?
Note that I said stories, because, what's the story behind your figurine collection? Is it because you want to collect something, or is it because you want them as trophies, or ... Yeah, what's the stories?

Lol, no real story behind it if truth be known. People who know me in real life will agree that deep inside I can be a rather geeky kind of person. When I was a kid I had a huge collection of G.I. Joe and Star Wars and when I was a teen I turned to collecting Transformers. As the years have gone by I've fluttered from one collection interest to another and nowadays I don't really concentrate on collecting whole series of figurines but mostly just zero in on the ones I think are interesting and ignore the rest. Little Eggzercist, Schitzo and Damian all struck me as cute in a creepy sort of way and I just wanted them so I grabbed them when I saw them on eBay. The only ones that are left that interest me are Jingles, which is being shipped from China as we speak, and Calvera which I haven't found online at an acceptable price yet.
The Evil Eddie stuff I've had awhile. I'm a huge Iron Maiden fan going back to 1981 and I have a load more of Iron Maiden memorabilia saved away in a small room in my basement. I have a slew of everything you can imagine down there ranging from old concert tour posters signed by bands to limited release picture vinyls to old concert tickets and concert tour t-shirts. It's not just Iron Maiden stuff either they only make up maybe a quarter of my memories. I got stuff from Slayer, Motley Crue, Ratt, Twisted Sister, and even some old pics such as Chris Sheppard pics going back to 93 when I met him spinning at a club in Toronto. Now that I think about it I think I may even still have my original Optimus Prime and Megatron 9 inch battle figurines jammed away in some old boxes of comics somewhere down there. It's bits and pieces I saved from my youth that I enjoy sometimes thumbing through and remembering the good times when I was younger and had less responsibility and felt more care free.
As for the story behind Eggzercist, well according to some fan sites she was going out for Halloween dressed up as a rabbit and somehow strangled herself. Not exactly to sure how it happened and truth be known I'm not really interested in the background story behind the figurine. She and the others just struck me as creepy cool cute and that's basically why I wanted to have them.
I know it sounds pretty silly a grown man wasting his time collecting mini figurines and bobble heads and what not but what can I say it amuses me to have them around. Currently I'm still looking around for a cool mini figurine of Cat Woman Batman and Harley Quinn. I find it rather ironic that in this day and age I can't find a mini figurine of Cat Woman or Harley Quinn that portrays the original characters anatomically correct and not with fake DD boob jobs. I'll admit Cat Woman was sultry and racey in the comics but she was never portrayed as a low cut top wearing fake boobed hooker.
Feb 1, 2013 at 12:58 AM Post #5,377 of 21,763
Wow I looked up this "Merzbow" character.

I don't listen to noise music or anything even remotely like it

Noise is a kind of hard to get music style IMO. Some of the music I listen to, do want to border on noise, but still make it musical. I'll give you a few examples.
Personally, I never really got into noise, however, it's strangely mesmerizing at times. I think it's probably made for background noise, not for listening, so to say.


Feb 1, 2013 at 1:29 AM Post #5,379 of 21,763
Well, it's Boris' take on a collection of anime intros. Which sounds pretty awesome to me, but maybe that's just me.
New Album is a really good, heavy pop-rock album. Done by Boris. I guess how you feel about their more low key and/or straight forward moments will dictate whether you like it. To me it's the good side of their genre hopping weirdness.

I guess you never know until you go. Frankly, after the perplexing Smile, maybe something straight forward is just what the doctor ordered. 
As for Wata, I think she'd just as soon bite your face off than do anything particularly cutesy.

You know, I've always found those "behind the scenes" docurmentaries of albums to be pretty revealing (?), I mean, I'm not sure if they're all just hamming it up for the camera or not, but Japanese artists tend to be really cheerful and easygoing if these videos have any semblance of truth to them. Everyone is wacky, there's no drama, and they all have a toast when the album wraps. I'm just gonna stand by my assertion that Wata is probably really friendly and she'd totally make hand hearts with me if I asked for a photo with her 
LOL. It's so easy to blame Merzbow though, isn't it? I do it myself. Everyone does. If an artist you like collaborates with him, the record invariably isn't very good, and it's that damn Masami Akita's fault! *shakes fist*

It could honestly be worse, could you imagine if Boris hung out with POLYSICS and that element bled over into their sound? All of a sudden, anime OP ready albums are the least of your worries 
 I seriously doubt he's banging on everyone's door begging to be allowed to synthesizer-fart all over their live albums. 

Got some serious mono no aware from this sentence.
Garbage into art 
atonal brown noise takes shape 
speaking of which...
Georgeorgeorgeorge (which is incidentally the Japanese onomatopoeia for vomiting and defecating at the same time! ---- the more you know).

Eye himself couldn't divine a better band name than that. If I ever find myself in Japan, I'm gonna ring up Marty Friedman, Megumi Hayashibara and Bob Sapp, and we're gonna grind the circuit as Georgegeorgegeorge
There's actually a handful of Merzbow's catalog I really like. I mean, if you produce thousands and thousands of records over the last few decades, you're bound it hit upon some random combination right? 

Well sure, it's a numbers game; Merzbow is like a compulsive speed dater, if he drops his digits enough times, eventually someone out there will appreciate what he's doing 
Melt-Banana is (...was?) so talented. They just became this sort of novelty export for people who wanted to frighten their parents which is a shame

Speak Squeak Creak sure got my attention, in that schizophrenic, quick jabs to the brain sort of way, but at the time, I preferred Naked City's loony take on grindcore since the frantic shifts coupled with their mastery of diverse styles kept the material entertaining for longer stretches. I mean, it's hard to follow up an act when the other guy's got Snagglepuss, Saigon Pickup and Eye gargling and ululating on top of 20 second bursts of mutant rock in his catalogue. Charlie on the other hand, was revelatory in how they were able to reign in that manic energy and couple it with actual hooks, all it took was for them to incorporate some rhythm into the madness, which lead to Cell-Scape, the album that brought it all into focus for me. They might have dubbed it a "pop" album, and while it's not as indulgent and plain weird as their previous efforts, it was amazing to see them craft songs that were actually tuneful without sacrificing the idiosyncratic elements of their sound. 

You know who was really talented? Like, in a scary way? Ruins. First time I heard Tzomborgha, I felt like throwing up because it was so bewilderingly beyond my comprehension at the time. Like getting a glimpse of a higher dimension or something.

I'm not familiar with Ruins' music, but the name rang a bell. A quick glance at wiki revealed why: Zeni Geva... who are also affiliated with... Merzbow. There should now be a six degrees of Merzbow drinking game. I took the liberty of looking up some of their music and came across a track with a name I can't even be bothered to begin spelling out, needless to say, it was funky as hell. I'm sure Les Claypool would approve of these guys. I'll definitely be scopin them out further. You know who I miss that was also super funky? Super Junky Monkey. I can't believe their vocalist committed suicide, one of the saddest losses of talent, and they had such amazing chemistry as a group 
Boredoms / VooREDOMS in LA in 2005 was pretty much the greatest live show I'd been to ever. It was a transcendent experience. Maybe I'll be able to work up the nerve to write about it some time.

If you ever find the time, I'd love to read about it 
Originally Posted by compoopers 
I couldn't handle it. Waaaaay too emotional for me, dredging up memories of the past. It is crazy how emotional that song is. Jeez.

And Whips claims another poor soul :frowning2: The first time I listened to that track, it was in the dark, while laying in bed with my SA5Ks, it was the most unnerving freakin' experience because I had no idea what I was in for. As her voice became more and more distorted and the audio started to pan about, I sat up, flipped on the light and went outside to watch TV to take my mind off of it :/ 

Feb 1, 2013 at 1:32 AM Post #5,380 of 21,763
Lol, no real story behind it if truth be known. People who know me in real life will agree that deep inside I can be a rather geeky kind of person...
I know it sounds pretty silly a grown man wasting his time collecting mini figurines and bobble heads and what not but what can I say it amuses me to have them around. Currently I'm still looking around for a cool mini figurine of Cat Woman Batman and Harley Quinn. I find it rather ironic that in this day and age I can't find a mini figurine of Cat Woman or Harley Quinn that portrays the original characters anatomically correct and not with fake DD boob jobs. I'll admit Cat Woman was sultry and racey in the comics but she was never portrayed as a low cut top wearing fake boobed hooker.

Thanks for sharing. I know what you mean by that geeky inside as I have it as well, or, I think I might actually have the matching outside to go with it.
Nothing silly about a grown man collecting figurines imo. They look pretty cool, and some of those you've shown could very well fit onto my computer desk as well. Actually, I already have a bobble head - Pip boy from Fallout. Truth be told, I got it with that exclusive tin boxed edition of fallout 3 - a game I never even fell for all that much tbh - but that bobble head was really good looking so I keep it on my computer desk. You kind of inspired me to look up some figurines of my own to have. I think pip boy might need a fellow or two for when I'm not at home.
Eggzercist is cute, yeah. That's kind of why I wanted to know if there was a backstory behind her becoming a zombie, or ghost or whatever she is.
Feb 1, 2013 at 3:04 AM Post #5,381 of 21,763
I would really like to share with you guys a Japanese jazz album called "Ani Jazz Combo" (an eponymous album title considering the name of the group, Ani-Jazz Combo).

It's a beautiful 2008 album of jazzified anime covers. They do it in a brilliant and elegant way that you don't see out of Japan often in jazz -- they're not going for the super hard exciting jazz sound by any means and it works perfect with these covers.

Sadly I can't find any videos of them because it's such an unknown group. I found a couple of youtube but the quality is horrid and they picked the absolutely least interesting ones out of the album to upload.
Feb 1, 2013 at 5:05 AM Post #5,383 of 21,763
I would really like to share with you guys a Japanese jazz album called "Ani Jazz Combo" (an eponymous album title considering the name of the group, Ani-Jazz Combo).

It's a beautiful 2008 album of jazzified anime covers. They do it in a brilliant and elegant way that you don't see out of Japan often in jazz -- they're not going for the super hard exciting jazz sound by any means and it works perfect with these covers.

Sadly I can't find any videos of them because it's such an unknown group. I found a couple of youtube but the quality is horrid and they picked the absolutely least interesting ones out of the album to upload.

I just listened to their Doraemon cover and I agree. They're not the very "bouncy" kind of japanese jazz and very unlike the kind that was mentioned before in this thread (Was that "death" jazz?). I'll try to a better way to listen to them. Thanks for the heads up. I might order if I like the whole album.
Feb 1, 2013 at 7:11 AM Post #5,384 of 21,763
Although it's been over a year since this product was released, I'd like to share a decent looking headphone stand from South Korean company Codia.
As you can see, it's available in 3 wood finish: birch, walnut, sapele.
Price is approx $70 for birch, and $140 for walnut or sapele.
I'm thinking of picking one soon... less expensive than the Sieveking Omega but much better looking IMO. I'm sure they ship worldwide too.

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