Jan 18, 2024 at 3:39 AM Post #1,741 of 3,433
That's quite easy to explain, Grado uses an open-pored foam for the pads which is certainly also sound permeable. Composer (and other headphones) use covered foam. The cover alone dampens in combination with the foam.
Good point. Yes, that obviously makes a difference
Jan 18, 2024 at 6:15 PM Post #1,744 of 3,433
Thanks @new entry and @plakat for the feedback.
I stumbled across this video, which is of course a bit far-fetched due to the lack of information about the recording quality, editing and changes due to the YouTube algorithm:

However, assuming that the recording itself is coherent throughout, I think the reduction in background noise (highs) is indeed quite noticeable when the Composer is placed on the dummy head (for comparison, the new Grell headphones seem much more open and less attenuated, video in the same channel). So even this slight attenuation is promising, as I am often disturbed by external noise in the high frequency range (buzzing, humming, rattling of the plastic keyboard, clicks, etc.).

Anyway, the discussions and comparisons here in this thread, especially with the HD800s (a pleasure to mix vocals with) and the Hifimans ("Schönfärber", which I sometimes like), and the possibility of somehow getting more "excitement" than with the sometimes too perfectly balanced DCA Stealth, have now convinced me to order one today. Hopefully it will arrive before the weekend. Let's see how I get on with it.
Jan 19, 2024 at 2:16 PM Post #1,745 of 3,433
Well, I think it's in stock in the US now, just placed an order. Will post the impressions once I have it.
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Jan 19, 2024 at 3:08 PM Post #1,746 of 3,433
I understand what you are looking for. Yes, fir sure you can here noise from outside but my!!! feeling is that there more noise from outside e.g. on my Stax headphones.

The composer is very light and will definitely not break your neck :wink: amd on the other side it is very neutral what should be a benefit for mixing. It is very easy with them to differ between a good or bad mix. Or in other words (sorry for German wording): Er ist kein Schönfärber! It is noticeable that the guys wo designed the composer have some background on professional products (AKG) and not on consumer products.

Maybe interesting for you on long listing sessions: You can use the Composer wit low volume and I don’t have the feeling details or bass will be missing.
Thanks @new entry and @plakat for the feedback.
I stumbled across this video, which is of course a bit far-fetched due to the lack of information about the recording quality, editing and changes due to the YouTube algorithm:

However, assuming that the recording itself is coherent throughout, I think the reduction in background noise (highs) is indeed quite noticeable when the Composer is placed on the dummy head (for comparison, the new Grell headphones seem much more open and less attenuated, video in the same channel). So even this slight attenuation is promising, as I am often disturbed by external noise in the high frequency range (buzzing, humming, rattling of the plastic keyboard, clicks, etc.).

Anyway, the discussions and comparisons here in this thread, especially with the HD800s (a pleasure to mix vocals with) and the Hifimans ("Schönfärber", which I sometimes like), and the possibility of somehow getting more "excitement" than with the sometimes too perfectly balanced DCA Stealth, have now convinced me to order one today. Hopefully it will arrive before the weekend. Let's see how I get on with it.

I finally got the Composer today after weeks of waiting. So it's surely too early to make justified reviews, but a few words of first impressions anyhow.
At first, the Composer feels very light and easy to wear. Secondly I'm impressed with the authenticity and truthfullness in it's representation, if these are proper words at all to use. If Composer is a mirror for the music that it's delivering, it feels like a true mirror of best quality. Not a distorting mirror in a fun house. I think the first Composers arrived to finnish audio shops just a couple of days ago, so I had to make the buying decision with other people's insights. I just want to thank everybody of your views were they positive, neutral or reserved. I think and hope that Composer and I will become really good friends. Composer doesn't exaggerate, it feels very detailed. Bass is very articulate, but I think the high frequencies richness in detail needs the most time to give adaptive lessons for the auditively sensoric areas in the upstairs between the Composers earpads.
Jan 19, 2024 at 6:29 PM Post #1,747 of 3,433
While waiting for The Composer...

Jan 19, 2024 at 7:42 PM Post #1,749 of 3,433
I took the opportunity very recently to listen to some good recordings through the HI-X65 model and thought they were superb in terms of resonance - which is to say it was essentially absent! In fact, in terms of effective damping, I think they're comparable to the HD800S - which I've always regarded as the best I've heard. I would be very interested in comments from anyone who has listened to well-recorded acoustic music with high dynamic range through the Composer - particularly strings in chamber settings. It's unusual in my experience to find phones that can deal properly with transient peaks through the 2-5K presence band without over-damping - the HD800S being the longest-standing example I know. The K812 is less good I think here - the ADX5000 may be as good.

I've just looked at Keith Howard's measurements at Headphone Test Lab - and the CSD waterfall is I think the best I've ever seen. They certainly measure well!
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Jan 20, 2024 at 3:16 PM Post #1,751 of 3,433
Is quiet in here lol, would love to see more photos and impressions.
Would be interesting to know how it sounds compared to Master 1, Diana MR.
Too busy rockin the tunes on the Composer. The more I listen, the more I want to listen. :)
Jan 20, 2024 at 4:08 PM Post #1,752 of 3,433
Following my somewhat impulsive decision to look for a more "exciting" addition to my DCA Stealth workhorse, I'm really grateful that the Composer arrived before the weekend. It was originally due to be delivered on Monday, but to my surprise I received an early notification from the delivery service saying "Your package is arriving earlier than expected" - a first for me! The whole situation, apart from being a musician, is, to be honest, somewhat influenced by my need to write an important term paper for my studies. I find myself procrastinating, and what better way to do that than to go in search of a new pair of TOTL headphones? So here they are:

Austrian Audio The Composer.jpg.jpg

After my first listening experience, I was surprised! Of course one has certain expectations or preconceptions. As a lover of aesthetics, I had assumed that the sleek industrial design (undeniably first class!) of these reference headphones would suggest a maybe sterile, perhaps overly analytical sonic profile - or worse the average dynamic driver sound that one more easily dismisses after years of referencing with mostly planar magnetics. I couldn't have been more wrong. The sound quality is astonishing, truly exceptional, as praised by others in the thread! Thank you for that. However, I need a moment to collect my thoughts; audiophile terminology is not my forte, as the music recording industry operates in a surprisingly different space in terms of focus, language and equipment. I look forward to sharing more detailed impressions soon.
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Jan 20, 2024 at 4:18 PM Post #1,753 of 3,433
There's no need to comply to audiophile lingo, words ring mightier when they're heartfelt. Stick to your own repertoire! :smile:
Jan 20, 2024 at 4:33 PM Post #1,754 of 3,433
I had a chance to demo the Composer this week. Some brief thoughts:

  1. Aesthetics: while its a bit utilitarian in nature, I liked it. Very sleek.
  2. Build: this feels like top notch, rock solid Build. Very lightweight but not in a "plastic-y" type of way (see Yamaha YH-5000SE or A-T ADX5000). Easily one of the more perceivably well-built cans on the market. Also very easy to drive.
  3. Comfort: light-weight, thoughtful cable jack placement, and ergonomic; instantly seems to be one of the most comfortable on the market. Alas, comfort was actually one of my only problems with it, which I'll reference at the end.
  4. Sound/Performance: in my brief, 10 minute demo, can't say too much, other than this; I liked what I heard and this is a headphone that really hits my FR preferences (leans neutral). Dynamics were OK, not class-leading but also not flat like some Planars tend to be. Imaging seemed above-average, soundstage was a bit intimate for my taste. Tonality and timbre was definitely a hit for me, seemed quite natural. Bass wasn't as tight as some other options in the high-end, but it also wasn't boosted or overly bloated. Highs seems smooth. Not much to fault here, for me.
I was close to instantly buying it, but I had one annoyance that made me have to think of it; my ears hit the inside of the cups, which made the comfort go from A+ to C for me. The culprit here is a combo of an angled foam used over the driver + the depth of the pads being a little shallow. The angled foam part is where my ears hit. My ears are average size, so it might not be a problem for everybody.

Overall, this is a very solid headphone and competes very well in the crowded USD $1K-3K market. I suspect I will purchase a pair, ideally if AA releases another pad option that might be less shallow/compresses less on the head.

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