The Closed-Back Headphone Thread (Plus Comparisons & Reviews)
Nov 24, 2023 at 8:32 PM Post #6,016 of 6,426
Thank you for the response. Liric definitely seemed to be the top of the list as far as comfort, it's probably the lightest of the bunch too. Based on your response I did some more thinking and removed the Audeze offerings from my consideration, I think they're too heavy.

Thank you for the detailed response. Based on your response, and some other threads I had seen comparing to the Z1R and Liric, I went ahead and ordered the 9200. I think if I end up not liking them, I'll try to get a set of Liric second hand.
9200 has small ear openings in the pads, if they don't bother you then sonically you're good but isolation will still be questionable and comfort can be improved with a headband wrap.

I haven't heard the Liric or the Stellia from that recommended list of 5 but the Radiance imo doesn't belong on the list. EMu-Teak is better than Radiance for everything besides isolation imo. Z1R is good but I don't know if it's the best for electronic and rock genres in particular, I personally still find them quite bass-light but maybe if you're going into double-digit EQ bumps they come alive idk. TH900 mk2 NOT anniversary tuned are often quoted as king of electronic and bass here, I've only heard the anniversary tuned and those are nothing special imo. Kennerton Gjallarhorn's JM Edition is a solid recommendation but there's so little information out there about them even here that it's a bit of a gamble, and I personally find their headbands uncomfortable for long periods of time.

I guess my list for you would be 9200 if you find them comfortable and isolating enough, then Liric as the obvious choice, or TH900 not anniversary. Probably in that order too but bear in mind I haven't heard any of the ones in this list except for the 9200. An EMu-Teak is kinda like a TH900-lite and I think they're back on Massdrop if you're in the US for like $500 or something, if you like the Teaks you'll probably like a TH900. I'm personally tempted everyday to buy a Liric or a TH900 just to see.
Nov 25, 2023 at 2:32 AM Post #6,017 of 6,426
Despite me selling mine I think the D9200 fits perfectly well for this use case: I always found them to be very comfortable (that’s personal of course) with very lively but not overwhelming bass that’s so clear and dynamic it’s a pure joy to dig out various electronic pieces that exercise it. Paired with its respectable space, midrange and treble it makes for lots of fun while staying true to the music.

The larger Audeze were always too heavy for me to even consider. I also dislike how planars often represent bass, lifeless and technical.

Z1 sure is comfortable, maybe a bit too slow bass.

Never tried Kennerton, but dislike their design… this looks so uncomfortable I don’t even want to try.
Nov 25, 2023 at 10:46 AM Post #6,018 of 6,426
Is the 9200 closed back enough for your purpose?
I mainly use them for listening to music in my office, although my office is a noisy apartment building :dt880smile: so hopefully it won't be an issue. I think isolation is one of those values that even if not as sufficient as we would like at times, isn't a deal break since noise is usually transient. Soundwise the 9200 seems like exactly what I'm looking for, I'll just have to check that the isolation and comfort don't detract from the experience too much
9200 has small ear openings in the pads, if they don't bother you then sonically you're good but isolation will still be questionable and comfort can be improved with a headband wrap.
I guess my list for you would be 9200 if you find them comfortable and isolating enough, then Liric as the obvious choice, or TH900 not anniversary. Probably in that order too but bear in mind I haven't heard any of the ones in this list except for the 9200. An EMu-Teak is kinda like a TH900-lite and I think they're back on Massdrop if you're in the US for like $500 or something, if you like the Teaks you'll probably like a TH900. I'm personally tempted everyday to buy a Liric or a TH900 just to see.
I did see the small openings reported a couple of times so I'm on the look out for that. If not, I'll try to get some Liric's second hand. Thank you for the response.
Despite me selling mine I think the D9200 fits perfectly well for this use case: I always found them to be very comfortable (that’s personal of course) with very lively but not overwhelming bass that’s so clear and dynamic it’s a pure joy to dig out various electronic pieces that exercise it. Paired with its respectable space, midrange and treble it makes for lots of fun while staying true to the music.

The larger Audeze were always too heavy for me to even consider. I also dislike how planars often represent bass, lifeless and technical.

Z1 sure is comfortable, maybe a bit too slow bass.

Never tried Kennerton, but dislike their design… this looks so uncomfortable I don’t even want to try.

Thanks for the response. Did you have a change to directly compare the Z1R to the D9200? Or even if not, if having used them both at some point in time, your comparison would be cool.
Nov 25, 2023 at 12:21 PM Post #6,019 of 6,426
Thanks for the response. Did you have a change to directly compare the Z1R to the D9200? Or even if not, if having used them both at some point in time, your comparison would be cool.
Unfortunately I never had them side by side. Only heard the Z1R a few times and never together with the D9200, which I did not yet own at that time.
The D9200 to me is the more versatile headphone sonically. I also like its design better. The Sony was just too... relaxed and not detailed enough to pursue further.
Nov 25, 2023 at 1:32 PM Post #6,020 of 6,426
I don't like putting my reviews out there like this, but this seemed to apply for D9200.

Also, I have had four Kennerton headphones and they are not uncomfortable. There are some photos of them on the site as well. 20220422_091235-scaled.jpg
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Nov 25, 2023 at 4:22 PM Post #6,024 of 6,426
My friend, I didn't know that now you also have the Liric. Congrats, enjoy them a lot... They now share a place with your "ruby" :relieved:

Heh, the Ruby still remains my sole jewel, but I recently specced the Liric for my father who lives 5 minutes away so is within easy reach!


I checked out both in the store and was wondering what you think. Let’s see if our impressions match.

They occupy different spaces, and signatures, for me. The Liric is incomparably more suitable for portable use; more compact, more indiscreet, better clamp, and far better passive isolation. Both are comfortable. My 900s now have ZMF Eikon solid lambskin pads which I much prefer to their stock pads, comfort wise and the signature they impart. Even moar bass, believe it or not, wider soundstage and the treble seems less prominent, although it never bothered me to begin with.

I'll summarise by saying the Liric are more neutral, the TH900 more natural from a timbre perspective, they sound more organic, probably due to the bio driver versus the planar on the Liric. Neither are 'reference', aka, to me, boring (sorry reference heads). TH900 has magnitudes of order more bass, impact and quantity. As to be expected given their reputation. The Liric, in comparison, are less fatiguing. Details and resolution are more or less equal. Probably better all-rounders if bass heavy genres aren't part of your musical repertoire. Certainly less divisive. I could happily live with either, but wouldn't give up the Fostex for the Liric, and truly enjoy them both, but the TH900 are still king for my preferences (lots of electronic, but I literally also listen to all genres).
Nov 25, 2023 at 6:44 PM Post #6,025 of 6,426
Kennerton is the must audition here
Nov 25, 2023 at 6:45 PM Post #6,026 of 6,426
Also look at the JM Audio Editions XTC closed back. A high value option.
Nov 25, 2023 at 9:33 PM Post #6,027 of 6,426
I found the 9200 uncomfortable after a short while on my head. I know others feel the same.
I don't like putting my reviews out there like this, but this seemed to apply for D9200.

Also, I have had four Kennerton headphones and they are not uncomfortable. There are some photos of them on the site as well.20220422_091235-scaled.jpg
I actually found the 9200 a bit uncomfortable after a short period of head time. I also find my Kennertons quite comfortable.
The 9200 is what I would call delicate yet dynamic at the same time. Doesn't have quite the same level of note weight with slightly slower transients. It's still nimble with good sparkle, resolution and instrument separation. My Kennertons offer a larger out of the head experience. Better with rock and metal to my ears, which is primarily what I listen to.
Nov 25, 2023 at 10:45 PM Post #6,028 of 6,426
What is a great sub $1K closed back headphone that's super comfortable (especially for larger ears) that has great detailed bass that extends very deep (very rumbly, love sub-bass), but is otherwise overall a bit neutralish. Or neutral with slight bass emphasis?

Was considering the DCA Aeon 2 Noire at $900, but wondering if there is better stuff at that price point. I know it measures well and is low distortion, but want to learn about other competition in this price range.
Nov 25, 2023 at 10:56 PM Post #6,029 of 6,426
What is a great sub $1K closed back headphone that's super comfortable (especially for larger ears) that has great detailed bass that extends very deep (very rumbly, love sub-bass), but is otherwise overall a bit neutralish. Or neutral with slight bass emphasis?

Was considering the DCA Aeon 2 Noire at $900, but wondering if there is better stuff at that price point. I know it measures well and is low distortion, but want to learn about other competition in this price range.
Talk to John at JM Audio editions. He will tune his closed backs to your liking.
Nov 26, 2023 at 1:22 AM Post #6,030 of 6,426
Both the 9200 and Z1R are fine options, but they’re not “portable.” They don’t even fold down or swivel well. The 9200 is more of a semi-closed back, so I wouldn’t use them outside (unless you want to be aware of your surroundings.)

I’ve owned a good number of the cans mentioned here at one point or another. It’s all about understanding which compromises one is willing to make.

Sonically, I found that the ZMF VC and AC do the least amount wrong, I.e., they make the best trade-offs and compromises to my ears.

Regarding Electronica, the Atrium Closed takes the cake. But again, compromises. They’re not “portable,” and one would have to be patient in order to find a used pair at $2k.

Just more ramblings from someone who has spent way too much money cycling through cans… $_$

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