The Closed-Back Headphone Thread (Plus Comparisons & Reviews)
Sep 2, 2020 at 2:25 AM Post #226 of 6,426
I am not that worried about dust. I clean them and blow them off to deal with dust. I work a normal work week and I have on headphones for almost 8 hrs. It's how I deal with my ADHD and o look a bird outside etc. I would get no work done.
You listen to headphones for 8 hours straight? I could never do that. I need some on/off time with my music; the longest I can listen at one go is 3-4 hours tops.
Sep 2, 2020 at 2:27 AM Post #227 of 6,426
That looks perfect, good find. I wouldn't want to keep them under that all the time, but if I'm travelling for a week or so, I'd definitely feel more comfortable keeping the dust out. The Stax stand also looks really nice.
Yeah, especially since the dust might find its way to unwanted places on your headphone (e.g. the drivers). It's best to get a cover to block out as much of the dust as possible. Protects your headphones, and keeps them looking pristine. :)
Sep 2, 2020 at 2:55 AM Post #228 of 6,426
You listen to headphones for 8 hours straight? I could never do that. I need some on/off time with my music; the longest I can listen at one go is 3-4 hours tops.
If the ADHD remark is serious, then yeah, 8 hours straight can be helpful. Especially back when we were living in London I would use music to isolate myself from environmental noise (read: constant distraction) and improve my concentration so I could focus on my work. At times I would end up listening for 10 even 12 hours straight. Nothing quite like an uncomplicated bubble to withdraw into. Hence my leaning towards closed backs.
Sep 2, 2020 at 9:03 AM Post #229 of 6,426
If the ADHD remark is serious, then yeah, 8 hours straight can be helpful. Especially back when we were living in London I would use music to isolate myself from environmental noise (read: constant distraction) and improve my concentration so I could focus on my work. At times I would end up listening for 10 even 12 hours straight. Nothing quite like an uncomplicated bubble to withdraw into. Hence my leaning towards closed backs.
Well, you've certainly earned my respect. My ears could never withstand anything more than 4 hours of straight listening - they'd feel rather sore, and this necessitates a 10-minute break to get them back to a pre-listening state.
Sep 2, 2020 at 9:24 AM Post #230 of 6,426
Well, you've certainly earned my respect. My ears could never withstand anything more than 4 hours of straight listening - they'd feel rather sore, and this necessitates a 10-minute break to get them back to a pre-listening state.
Oh I feel sore too and I get fatigued, but with my ADD (non-hyperactive type of ADHD) it is a trade-off because I get exhausted from having to deal with constant distractions and needing to restart my work every few minutes. Commuting through London too was extremely exhausting without music. So overal it feels like a difference between being tired with sore ears, or being completely exhausted and unable to get any work done. It's a lot more complicated (about neurophysiology and stimulating the brain in the right way), but music is a great tool to have when managing something like ADHD. It was the reason I came here to head-fi in the first place: music therapy. :ksc75smile:

On topic. A friend has graciously offered to send me over his Elegia and Elear to try out. As the Elegia has been at the top of my demo list, I am really looking forward to that!
Sep 2, 2020 at 11:19 AM Post #231 of 6,426
You listen to headphones for 8 hours straight? I could never do that. I need some on/off time with my music; the longest I can listen at one go is 3-4 hours tops.
Yes I can go 8hrs with music etc on headphones. I do take them off for lunch some times. I am a 3D artist and recreate airports all around the Earth so pilots can train flying on. I am building all the buildings at the Perth Australia airport right now. Every building has a time limit to be done. I have to focus and good music and great headphones keep me on task. :)
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Sep 2, 2020 at 11:59 AM Post #232 of 6,426
This was originally posted in the WP900 thread. Nevertheless, as they're all closed-back headphones, I thought that it'd be equally as relevant in here. So, here's a comparison of the Beyerdynamic T5p (2nd Generation), the Audio-Technica WP900, and the Dan Clark Audio AEON 2 Closed. :)


Beyerdynamic T5p (2nd Generation)
  • They have a strong mid-bass presence, and decent sub-bass rumble. However, decay is slower on the T5p (2nd Gen), so beats aren't very snappy; they tend to linger.
  • The midrange is not as scooped as on the WP900, so vocals are a bit more forward. There is more gravitas in the vocals, and male voices have some authority, which is, sadly, lacking on the Audio-Technica headphone.
  • Treble is crisp and sharp on the T5p (2nd Gen); however, it tends to get a little strident. This is the only headphone out of the 3 that often veered into sibilant territory.
  • There is a diffuse warmth throughout its signature. The T5p (2nd Gen) has good detail retrieval capabilities - about on par with the WP900. However, it is not immediately apparent, thanks to this persistent bloom.
  • Imaging is a forte of the Beyerdynamic headphone. Its soundstage is even more impressive, beating the other 2 headphones in width and depth.
Audio-Technica WP900
  • The mid-bass on the WP900 is almost as sizeable as the hump on the T5p (2nd Generation). However, it has greater sub-bass rumble, along with the best texture in the lows of the 3 headphones. Transients are fast, with rapid beats and quick decay. It has good impact, the best of the lot, IMO.
  • Unfortunately, the WP900 has the weakest midrange in this trio. The "v" on the Audio-Technica isn't so deep, but when switching between the 3 headphones, the lack of vocal prowess is evident, especially with male vocals.
  • The treble section is very defined, clear and prominent; it produces a lot of sizzle without appearing harsh. Together with its pronounced bass, the potent highs combine to forge a highly energetic signature.
  • The WP900 fared pretty well with resolution and detail retrieval. At first glance, they sounded ostensibly better than the T5p (2nd Gen) in this aspect; this was proven to be false, once you paid greater attention to the Beyerdynamic.
  • Imaging was precise, but the WP900 had a very intimate stage, relative to the AEON 2 Closed and the T5p (2nd Gen).
Dan Clark Audio AEON 2 Closed
  • They had the "weakest" bass of the 3. However, I would refrain from calling them "bass light"; the entire low-end region had a presence that was a little north of neutral. The beats were almost as snappy as the ones on the WP900, with very good layering and texture.
  • Owing to its balanced signature, the AEON 2 Closed has the most forward mids amongst the 3 headphones; it is also the best at rendering some very compelling and authoritative vocals. There was a lot of texture and nuance in the way the Dan Clark headphone portrayed voices.
  • Highs on the AEON 2 Closed were the least prominent in this comparison; it was not muted or smooth in any way, but it just didn't dominate the sound as much as the other 2 headphones did.
  • The AEON 2 Closed was excellent at resolving detail; you could identify the finer grains in your music a lot easier.
  • The soundstage reproduction on the AEON 2 Closed is in-between the T5p (2nd Gen) and the WP900. It wasn't very wide or deep, but it didn't sound too intimate either.
If you need a TLDR, in general, I think the best headphone amongst the 3 is the AEON 2 Closed. The most fun and energetic is the WP900, and that's the one I'd take over the other 2 for my genre-of-choice, EDM. Sadly, the T5p (2nd Gen) is showing its age in this shootout; the excessive warmth masks a lot of detail, and it isn't as "fun" for dance music either.
Sep 2, 2020 at 12:01 PM Post #233 of 6,426
Yes I can go 8hrs with music etc on headphones. I do take them off for lunch some times. I am a 3D artist and recreate airports all around the Earth so pilots can train flying on. I am building all the buildings at the Perth Australia airport right now. Every building has a time limit to be done. I have to focus and good music and great headphones keep me on task. :)
Oh I feel sore too and I get fatigued, but with my ADD (non-hyperactive type of ADHD) it is a trade-off because I get exhausted from having to deal with constant distractions and needing to restart my work every few minutes. Commuting through London too was extremely exhausting without music. So overal it feels like a difference between being tired with sore ears, or being completely exhausted and unable to get any work done. It's a lot more complicated (about neurophysiology and stimulating the brain in the right way), but music is a great tool to have when managing something like ADHD. It was the reason I came here to head-fi in the first place: music therapy. :ksc75smile:

On topic. A friend has graciously offered to send me over his Elegia and Elear to try out. As the Elegia has been at the top of my demo list, I am really looking forward to that!
Well, it's still pretty amazing, guys. Case in point, I just did a shootout of 3 headphones (the post above this), and it took me about 2 hours switching back and forth between them. My ears are already a little sore at this present time.
Sep 2, 2020 at 12:17 PM Post #234 of 6,426
I prefer closed backs and IEMs all the way. I do own a couple open backed planars (Sendy Aiva and LCD2C) that I enjoy quite a bit. But I always end up preferring the impactful intimacy of a good closed backed can or IEM.

At the moment, the Z7 and Z7M2 are among my favorites. Also the MDR-1AM2 for portable use and even non portable.
Sep 2, 2020 at 4:49 PM Post #235 of 6,426
I prefer closed backs and IEMs all the way. I do own a couple open backed planars (Sendy Aiva and LCD2C) that I enjoy quite a bit. But I always end up preferring the impactful intimacy of a good closed backed can or IEM.

At the moment, the Z7 and Z7M2 are among my favorites. Also the MDR-1AM2 for portable use and even non portable.
Then you're in the right place, my friend. An intimate sound coupled with a thunderous bass slam... that combination is simply addictive. Over the years, I've tried so many headphones (and IEMs) that I've simply lost count; however, each and every time, I find myself reaching for the closed-back headphone.
Sep 2, 2020 at 7:07 PM Post #236 of 6,426
There are rumours of a closed-back LCD-1 on the horizon. That's something worth waiting for, IMO.

Plus, I love the PRO 900 myself. For some time, it was my top-end closed-back headphone. I love its "v-shaped" sound, although, I suspect that not many people enjoy that particular signature. It's definitely an acquired taste.
I really love the Pro 900's looks and the sub-bass, that's for sure, however I still find treble is definitely to be too peaky and sibilant to me (heavy EDM listener). But now I repurposed this to be my go-to headphone whenever I bedroom DJ and at events. Before it was stored in my closet for years and eventually I stuck with IEMs, but I'm glad it's actually being useful now.

Praying that my VC will arriving in a week or two!
Sep 2, 2020 at 7:48 PM Post #237 of 6,426
Right now I'm trying a Beyerdynamic DT 150 (listening to "The Sins of The Beloved - Perpetual Desolation", one of my favourites metal album) and I'm enjoying them a lot. Other cans I have are: Senn HD 555, Senn HD 800, Amiron Home and DT 1990 Pro (I'm thinking of sell last two and buy the new T1, just waiting for personal reviews in the forum).

I have had bad experiencies with closed HPs in the past (Sennheiser PC 350 and Beyer MMX 300) I noticed them too claustrophobic and metallic sounding. I give the DT 150 a try based on the comments in this forum and its price and I like them very much.

Other closed cans that Im interested are Sony Z1R and Denon AH-D9200. I think (from comments here) the Sony is more fun and the Denon is quite neutral. Am I wrong?
Sep 2, 2020 at 9:34 PM Post #238 of 6,426
Here are my 1st impressions about the AP2000ti.

First of all, I am neither an audiophile nor a technically expert nor do I dominate lingo or English (used the translator as help).

My tour with music dates back a long time, yet the high-quality search actually started less than a year ago. I typically felt comfortable with the QC35 II, via bluetooth with iPhones from the year, so don't expect a technically explanation.

My first wired headphones are the ATH MSR7b, with which I got baptized by perceiving a great differential in quality, using TIDAL with my HIBY R6pro. After that, I wanted more. Looking to improve comfort especially, I tried the HD660s, TP5 2nd, Elegia and recently AP2000ti. Bottom Line: I haven't come to what I expected yet. Clearly I need them to be closed back because of my environment at home.

I will not go into technical discussions as I mentioned, however I could tell you that the AP2000Ti have almost everything I look for.


Great comfort in the headband, really good clamp pressure and enough space for my ears. I could say that except for the earpads of the T5p 2nd, these are the most comfortable headphones of the 5 I just mentioned and I have tried. I'm very strict with comfort, not only with headphones, also with shoes, chairs, locations inside planes, maybe because I'm 6¨4 and I need more space or is just an excuse to look for luxury and comfort.

Sound Quality


In terms of sound quality, the level of detail and crisp sound offered by AP2000Ti is incomparable to the others. They are on another level and maybe less of this level would be unacceptable to me given the journey I've had. Going backwards is not an option. The highs are very detailed, with plenty of air but always natural, not fatiguing and make you hear sounds that you couldn't before. Unbeatable and unparalleled vs the other headphones. from 1 to 10... 9.5 (not 10 because I think the sky is the limit).


The mids have the precise presence for my taste, not that much that feels protagonist, and not so little that feels thin and cannot be appreciated. The balance between mids and highs is for my taste, almost perfect. 1 to 10: 9


The bass... oh the bass. I was never a Basshead. It generates me some discomfort especially when the sound has too much thump and is bloated. I prefer a tight bass, with enough punch and detailed, but as a role player. I tend to have headaches and fatigue after so much stroke, however with the right measure, they are necessary to give balance to mids and highs. Here the AP2000ti falls a little short so far vs. my expectations. Although the sound very natural and with great detail, I expected a little bit more of rumble from the mid bass. I have been trying to make adjustments with the EQ, however I perceive that they lose naturalness and feel forced leaving a sense of lack of punch and distortion.

This makes the balance not perfect and the great highs and mids attributes are not well complemented, as I expected. Maybe that's why some say the AP2000ti are bright headphones. From 1 to 10: 7.

For $1.250 I expected a little more. I'm going to give them one more week before considering a return, since ATH gives me 30 days. AWKT? I keep thinking about what would be my next challenge, however I never thought I reached such a high budget with the AP2000Ti, now I see AWKT and why not, HD820s as an alternative to consider. Life is short.

If I could have the ideal headphones, I would use the AP2000Ti headband and clamp pressure, the T5P/HD660s earpads, with the clarity and detail of the AP2000Ti, the elegance of the Elegia, and the balance of highs mids and lows of the MSR7b (incredible for $250 headphones).

Thanks to everyone for this thread, specially @Nostoi and @Malevolent, your reviews are really precise and educated me in order to make better decisions, since I live no near of any retailer where I would have a chance to audition HPs before buying them.

P.S. Please excuse any grammatical errors.
Sep 2, 2020 at 9:40 PM Post #239 of 6,426
Here are my 1st impressions about the AP2000ti.

First of all, I am neither an audiophile nor a technically expert nor do I dominate lingo or English (used the translator as help).

My tour with music dates back a long time, yet the high-quality search actually started less than a year ago. I typically felt comfortable with the QC35 II, via bluetooth with iPhones from the year, so don't expect a technically explanation.

My first wired headphones are the ATH MSR7b, with which I got baptized by perceiving a great differential in quality, using TIDAL with my HIBY R6pro. After that, I wanted more. Looking to improve comfort especially, I tried the HD660s, TP5 2nd, Elegia and recently AP2000ti. Bottom Line: I haven't come to what I expected yet. Clearly I need them to be closed back because of my environment at home.

I will not go into technical discussions as I mentioned, however I could tell you that the AP2000Ti have almost everything I look for.


Great comfort in the headband, really good clamp pressure and enough space for my ears. I could say that except for the earpads of the T5p 2nd, these are the most comfortable headphones of the 5 I just mentioned and I have tried. I'm very strict with comfort, not only with headphones, also with shoes, chairs, locations inside planes, maybe because I'm 6¨4 and I need more space or is just an excuse to look for luxury and comfort.

Sound Quality


In terms of sound quality, the level of detail and crisp sound offered by AP2000Ti is incomparable to the others. They are on another level and maybe less of this level would be unacceptable to me given the journey I've had. Going backwards is not an option. The highs are very detailed, with plenty of air but always natural, not fatiguing and make you hear sounds that you couldn't before. Unbeatable and unparalleled vs the other headphones. from 1 to 10... 9.5 (not 10 because I think the sky is the limit).


The mids have the precise presence for my taste, not that much that feels protagonist, and not so little that feels thin and cannot be appreciated. The balance between mids and highs is for my taste, almost perfect. 1 to 10: 9


The bass... oh the bass. I was never a Basshead. It generates me some discomfort especially when the sound has too much thump and is bloated. I prefer a tight bass, with enough punch and detailed, but as a role player. I tend to have headaches and fatigue after so much stroke, however with the right measure, they are necessary to give balance to mids and highs. Here the AP2000ti falls a little short so far vs. my expectations. Although the sound very natural and with great detail, I expected a little bit more of rumble from the mid bass. I have been trying to make adjustments with the EQ, however I perceive that they lose naturalness and feel forced leaving a sense of lack of punch and distortion.

This makes the balance not perfect and the great highs and mids attributes are not well complemented, as I expected. Maybe that's why some say the AP2000ti are bright headphones. From 1 to 10: 7.

For $1.250 I expected a little more. I'm going to give them one more week before considering a return, since ATH gives me 30 days. AWKT? I keep thinking about what would be my next challenge, however I never thought I reached such a high budget with the AP2000Ti, now I see AWKT and why not, HD820s as an alternative to consider. Life is short.

If I could have the ideal headphones, I would use the AP2000Ti headband and clamp pressure, the T5P/HD660s earpads, with the clarity and detail of the AP2000Ti, the elegance of the Elegia, and the balance of highs mids and lows of the MSR7b (incredible for $250 headphones).

Thanks to everyone for this thread, specially @Nostoi and @Malevolent, your reviews are really precise and educated me in order to make better decisions, since I live no near of any retailer where I would have a chance to audition HPs before buying them.

P.S. Please excuse any grammatical errors.
So what's next up? What did you not like about the T5p 2nd? I'm kinda in the same place, searching for the one suppose. Still trying to figure out if I really like my new wp900 I just acquired on Monday.

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