Technics SL-1200MK2 Tonearm Rewire - Advice?
Dec 16, 2008 at 9:21 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 3


500+ Head-Fier
Mar 3, 2006
I'm pretty sure this belongs here, right? Anyway, I've got a like-new Technics turntable on its way (awesome Christmas present amirite?) and already I'm thinking about mods, tweaks and upgrades.

I've already ordered a TTWeights record clamp and will probably be getting a Herbie's Way Excellent II mat soon after. I'll be replacing the stock headshell with the LP Gear Zupreme and fitting it with a Denon DL-110 HO MC cart.

The KAB USA site has lots of goodies for the 1200 including a Cardas cable rewire service, but that seems to run around $100. I'm always up for a little DIY so I figured I'd do it myself. I've read several threads detailing the procedure for dismantling the tonearm assembly and removing the stock wiring , so I've got some idea of the process involved. However, I've got some questions:

It looks like I can buy the 33awg wire separately or bundled together. The bundle is definitely more expensive, but not too unreasonable.

Are there sonic advantages for either one? Is one foot long enough to reach from the headshell mount all the way down to the base or should I order more? Would the bundled wires be too stiff to make the bend at the tonearm pivot? Would the added weight be detrimental?

Besides all that, I'm wondering whether I should solder the tonearm wires directly to whatever RCA cables I end up using, install a five turret terminal board or just stick with the stock PCB. On that note, what RCA cables would you recommend? I've heard Belden 1505F is good. And where can I find small, cheap spade lugs for the ground wire?

If anyone here has done this rewire before, even on other decks, I'd greatly appreciate some input. Thanks!
Dec 17, 2008 at 3:45 AM Post #3 of 3
The 4 wire w/sheild is useful if you are going straight to a pair of RCA plugs. I did my RB250 cart clips to RCAs/preamp. The 1200 has internal wiring so the loose wires are all you need. Nice to see Sonic Craft is now selling Cardas, I had asked Elliot about that a while ago.

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