I was torn between the SolP, Caldera ond Rognir Planar to compliment a D8Kpro, Clear MG and Kennerton Magni. More so D8Kpro because since having those I probably only buy another "mid level" HP when both the MG and Magni stop working.
I was sure that I had to listen instead of buying blind again like everything else before. The store I went to had 80%+ of TOTL HPs I'm aware of. Bad idea because I quickly realised I could pick quite a few and be happy. Except that ordial, 2 times driver fail with the Clear OG... lesson learned, only buy equipment that "won't" fail. T+A right? Aren't they able to servicing 30+ years old devices?
Next day a mint demo SolP from Pierre at headonist showed up, all a coincidence they keep saying... 3.3k thanks, send it!
and Pierre sent it!
So I was kinda forced to buy them, right?
Similar to the D8Kpro, in some aspects but I was looking for and found the right HP for those peaky leaning tracks... got that going.
Bass, well yeah. The rock I build my house on.
That head band pressure point situation was immediately noticeable. Damn. Realised HPs MUST be comfortable to wear!!!
Quickly adjusted, huh... also with the help of a knitted protective cover. Which will be replaced with a strip of felt from sheep wool. Sturdier, so no worries and why are there still HPs that don't have SolP like shaped cups? Right amount of clamp, too heavy? Maybe for those who use HPs while working on their PCs.
I had a few days off and was amazed how easily 5+ hours have passed on these. Day after day, wow. Effortless, inviting, comfey in the sense of "having taken a deep breath now". Great sense of space, a gentle giant type of HP.
Don't poke the bear, right? The more juice the more convinced I am to have made the right joice. Always struggle with the D8Kpro at higher levels when the drivers start clipping. The louder the better? No! but you can count on them when you "have to" crank it up.
Somewhere in this thread one mentioned "they are made for loud listening" quickly comes too mind. Kind of agree.
Too warm, not enough detail? The first thing I was sure to hear. Details are here... and I don't even have too "hunt" for it. Easy to follow different lines. Contrary to common believe - hell is a COLD place!
Next stop, adapters for Lavri Grand. Listening on Ferrum stack and X26pro right now.
I believe that but what else to get then your Zähl or Wa33... JPL, right?
Maybe mostly because of the DAC inside...
well well, have heard that before!
Maybe I'll go full AGD or DAC 200+Niimbus.
Maybe that?
@ThanatosVI how do they sound on the Envy? If you've heard that...
Will replace DAC and Amp withing the next year.
I strongly suspect the SolP will scale up.
T ++ A or T+AAA, but seriously... great HP. Like Focal - first HP put on the market like that! speaks for itself.