Sydney/Blue Mountain Meet July 11
Jun 17, 2010 at 12:25 AM Post #121 of 170
Speaking of Burson. I mentioned to them that this meet was taking place, and although they couldn't attend themselves, they said they'd let Wicked Digital (their Sydney reseller) know and see if they were interested in sending someone to attend.
Would you be okay with that John, should Wicked Digital wish to come along (and hopefully bring some of their gear)? :)
Jun 17, 2010 at 1:45 AM Post #123 of 170
Who wants to give me a ride? 

Jun 17, 2010 at 1:49 AM Post #124 of 170
[size=12.0px]**There’s is now no more space available**

The meet is closed as I’ve reached the maximum. I would love to have more, but in the interest of everyone’s comfort there’s a limit.

I will send each of those who are on the list a pm in the next couple of days with my contact and address details.

Please bring all power cords needed for your equipment and a power board will be of great help – so bring it along, I have only enough for my own equipment.


I’ll get the serious business out the way officially regarding other people’s equipment, please be careful, ask before you pull a phone out of a plug – some amps if they are not powered down before inserting or pulling out a jack have the potential to blow.  A lot of the equipment there will be on loan, I am responsible for it – so again be very careful.

Be on the watch out for power cords and headphone cable on the floor and tables, you can easily knock over equipment, or hurt yourself – if this is your first meet be weary the floor will be littered with cable.

My house is on two levels, the meet will be spread over both floors. I have floorboards which will be get noisy especially with the amount of people moving through the place during the meet. I ask that you either leave you shoes at the door (wear thick socks, it’s going to be cold), or soft soled shoes.

A heater for downstairs has been hired, there with be a small fee around $3 per person.

Thanks guys, let me know if you have any suggestions this is totally open for discussion, if you think there’s something I’ve missed please let me know.


Jun 24, 2010 at 8:59 AM Post #128 of 170
superjohny that’s great news, congrats! I’m going to have a good listen to that, nice one mate!
I’ll post timings soon, I have to sort a few things out but tentatively I reckon around 11-00am start till whenever.  
Jun 26, 2010 at 10:12 PM Post #130 of 170
My rig has also changed considerably since this thread was started.  I had a feeling that would be the case for me :)
I'm gonna try and borrow a mate's laptop for the day but just in case I can't do u think there will be a spare 1 there to use?
The reason I ask is that my digital transport relies on software so it can only really be used with a laptop or PC via USB.
Jun 30, 2010 at 2:00 AM Post #131 of 170
John, if I bring the turntable is there somewhere to set it up? do you think it's too risky?
I'm really looking forward to this!
Jun 30, 2010 at 6:30 AM Post #132 of 170
Justin, I personally would not bring it, unless someone has expressed a keen interest. It's a lot of set-up and stress as well as the worry.
If you were to bring it, I have a dedicated room for it, out the way of everyone elses gear.
Jun 30, 2010 at 6:52 AM Post #133 of 170
Guys just to let you know food and drink will be provided, my fantastic wife has offered to cook up some dishes, and that gets me off the hook from BBQ duties - which equates to more listening time!

BTW my EHHA build is unlikely to be finished, a transformer is somewhere over the pacific as well as a major panel stuff up.

Really looking forward to seeing you all up here.
Jun 30, 2010 at 8:07 AM Post #134 of 170

Speaking of Burson. I mentioned to them that this meet was taking place, and although they couldn't attend themselves, they said they'd let Wicked Digital (their Sydney reseller) know and see if they were interested in sending someone to attend.
Would you be okay with that John, should Wicked Digital wish to come along (and hopefully bring some of their gear)? :)

No problem mate.
Jun 30, 2010 at 6:20 PM Post #135 of 170

Guys just to let you know food and drink will be provided, my fantastic wife has offered to cook up some dishes, and that gets me off the hook from BBQ duties - which equates to more listening time!

BTW my EHHA build is unlikely to be finished, a transformer is somewhere over the pacific as well as a major panel stuff up.

Really looking forward to seeing you all up here.

You're a lucky man John, to have a wife like that. Tolerant of our insane hobby, AND willing to cook for a house full of geeks? :D
Bummer about the EHHA though. Oh well, gives us incentive for another one later in the year :)

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