Surprise! HF-1 (Head-Fi 1)!!!
Nov 6, 2005 at 5:05 AM Post #886 of 1,119
Naris, I picked Priority US Mail and it took only two days, plus it came in on a Saturday, something UPS and FedEx won't do even with the added cost. You'll probably get it by Monday.
Nov 6, 2005 at 9:42 AM Post #887 of 1,119
Todd i send u an email i wanna order one.. thanks
Nov 6, 2005 at 5:45 PM Post #888 of 1,119
I also just sent off an email. I hope I'm not to late!
Nov 6, 2005 at 7:04 PM Post #889 of 1,119
I picked Priority Mail also. Every time I use them it takes a mere two days to get to me. They're amazing, and also the cheapest that Todd has on his list. UPS usually takes around a week for reference, and I think they were $2.00 extra.
Nov 6, 2005 at 7:23 PM Post #890 of 1,119

Originally Posted by MD1032
I picked Priority Mail also. Every time I use them it takes a mere two days to get to me. They're amazing, and also the cheapest that Todd has on his list. UPS usually takes around a week for reference, and I think they were $2.00 extra.

Hey when you get them, let us all know how they sound with that Porta Corda. Defintely want to find out how they sound.
Nov 7, 2005 at 2:02 AM Post #891 of 1,119

Originally Posted by Chef Medeski
Hey when you get them, let us all know how they sound with that Porta Corda. Defintely want to find out how they sound.

I am planning to do a comparison/review with my SR-80's, HF-1's, Todd's Porta Corda, and the portable Meta42-based amp tpg made for me.
Nov 7, 2005 at 2:19 AM Post #892 of 1,119

Originally Posted by MD1032
I am planning to do a comparison/review with my SR-80's, HF-1's, Todd's Porta Corda, and the portable Meta42-based amp tpg made for me. if only you had a hornet, that would basically be my buying guide.
Nov 7, 2005 at 2:38 AM Post #893 of 1,119
I'd love to compare that, too, but someone would have to send me one to audition, which would be inconvenient for most people.
Nov 7, 2005 at 3:17 PM Post #895 of 1,119
Todd you have email:wink:
Nov 7, 2005 at 6:18 PM Post #896 of 1,119
Hi All,

There are less than 10 HF-1 left to sell. There is going to be a 2-3 week wait for the next batches to ship out but at that point all of the orders will be shipping from here as fast as we can get them out. The last 89 will ship in 2-3 weeks.

Once all of the HF-1 are sold, I willannouce the end BUT if anyone who has ordered cancels I will put them up for sale in this thread.

Nov 7, 2005 at 7:44 PM Post #898 of 1,119
I got mine, #354, today. A mere two days... these Priority Mail people are insane!

Haven't listened to them yet, but I took more pictures than you'll know what to do with.

Also, I've never seen mahogany like this before, it's pretty light in color, and not stained, actually.

edit: OK, I just listened to them. Second track I cued up and I'm already impressed. They sound just like the SR-80's at first, but this is totally not the case.

edit2: OK, seriously, guys. Yikes. I mean, WOW...
Nov 7, 2005 at 8:27 PM Post #899 of 1,119
Hey its all right that it's going to be 2-3 weeks... just odered a set of Beyers and Sennheisers to hold me over :-D
Nov 7, 2005 at 8:52 PM Post #900 of 1,119
Yahoo! Just got pair #439! Horay for Grado! Horay for Todd!

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