Surgery Tomorrow
Apr 17, 2010 at 10:18 PM Post #46 of 74

Originally Posted by Yikes /img/forum/go_quote.gif
[size=small]Those of you who frequent the NY area meets have met me and know why I refer to myself as “The Big Man of Audio”. In recent years I have allowed myself to get quite large, when I dieted I was very successful at losing 40 lbs. and then gaining back 70 lbs. My weight has been adversely affecting my health and my quality of life. Well Saturday I turn 49 and decided that something must be done. So in my effort to become a little person tomorrow I am going in for Bariatric Surgery.[/size]

[size=small]As of early last October I weighed an all time high of 435 lbs. (I’m 6’7” tall). Since then I have been very diligent in my efforts to control my Type II Diabetes and lose some weight. As of Tuesday I was down to 361 lbs. Some might question why have surgery if I can lose weight that effectively? It comes down to the fact that I have lost weight many times before, and two or three years later I find myself larger than ever. I look at it that this time I MUST lose it and keep it off. Gaining the weight back would finish me. So between the fact that the surgery all but cures Type II Diabetes and that it can be a successful tool in aiding long term weight loss I came to a decision to go through with the surgery.[/size]

[size=small]This is my first major surgery, so I am apprehensive to say the least.[/size]

[size=small]I know that I am not the most outgoing member of this community, but I’m sharing this information because I have learned to value this group of dysfunctional Headphone geeks that is the Head-Fi community. [/size]

[size=small]Wish me luck. [/size]
[size=small]Yikes (The soon to be former Big Man of Audio)[/size]

Wow, good luck man. I don't know you well (or at all, actually), but I really wish you the best of luck. I'm lucky not to have either of these problems, but I empathize with you.

Ahh... I actually just read that the surgery is over. Well, good for you! I wish you a very speedy and successful recovery. Have a good time with those drugs, man.
Apr 17, 2010 at 10:26 PM Post #48 of 74
Hope everything is going well, caught this thread a little late.
Apr 17, 2010 at 11:05 PM Post #50 of 74
Good luck with the surgery and hope it all works out for you in your quest to become a little person again.
Apr 18, 2010 at 3:13 AM Post #53 of 74
I caught this thread late too as it was posted on my birthday (five-oh for me...past the half-century mark)! Happy birthday to a fellow Aries, and good luck with the surgery. I'd managed to steer clear of hospitals until I was around 47 but been there a few times since then (motorcycle injuries catching up after 30 years of riding without incident). Anyway, the surgeries have always been the easy's the recovery that's been tough in my experience. Wishing you great pain management, a speedy recovery, and gifted surgeons on your side. Damn, no music?! That's downright inhumane!
Apr 18, 2010 at 3:16 AM Post #54 of 74
Best of luck with your surgery. I'm recovering from deviated septum surgery (admittedly much more minor), so I feel you! If they give you anti biotics afterwards, ask for a z-pack (I think that's what it's called). Little pills and they're effective too.
Apr 18, 2010 at 3:31 AM Post #55 of 74

Originally Posted by jax /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I caught this thread late too as it was posted on my birthday (five-oh for me...past the half-century mark)! Happy birthday to a fellow Aries, and good luck with the surgery. I'd managed to steer clear of hospitals until I was around 47 but been there a few times since then (motorcycle injuries catching up after 30 years of riding without incident). Anyway, the surgeries have always been the easy's the recovery that's been tough in my experience. Wishing you great pain management, a speedy recovery, and gifted surgeons on your side. Damn, no music?! That's downright inhumane!

Happy birthday jax
. (jumps back out of thread)
Apr 18, 2010 at 12:06 PM Post #57 of 74
I don't check the new posts as often as I used to so I have not seen this.

Best of luck to you...You also need to get into some long term workout routine after you recover from your surgery. Keep us informed.

For myself, since 4xCAGB I have come down below 200 lbs from over 300 lbs before the surgery. I now can workout using my Concept 2 indoor rowing machine for well over an hour if I want too at a decent load level where before I had to get my breath after walking a 100 feet. Diet and exercise can off set many a bad gene expression gone wild. So make this a life-style change and maybe you will not have to have the CAGB (heart bypass surgery) sooner or later. But if you find yourself loosing work capacity get yourself to a heart doctor. My lost in capacity became quite apparent to me when I was about 51-52, I am 59 now.
Apr 18, 2010 at 11:10 PM Post #60 of 74
Well I'm at home now, watching the Flyers game. The Surgery went well and I had no ill effects from the general anesthesia. I was getting ready to come home on Saturday when my heart started going in and out of pronounced bouts of Atrial Fibrillation (A-Fib) with BPM as high as 180. Needless to say they wanted to keep me for further observation.

I've been being treated for minor A-Fib for about a year. This extra night stay has turned out well. They have discovered a Thyroid problem(hyperthyroidism). So I have to have a couple of more tests scheduled but the Thyroid issue is fairly easy to treat. So there is a good chance that the A-Fib will be taken care of.

In any case the surgery went very well. The pain is fairly mild and so far unlike most people I've experienced no nausea. It's weird not being hungry. The next week is a strictly liquid diet, then I will slowly start introducing various solid foods.

The tough thing is that Tuesday my new PS Audio Power Plant Premier is due to arrive, but I'm not suppose to be lifting anything above 20 lbs. so I won't be able to install it (Without help). I hate not being able to play with a new toy.

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