SUPERLUX HD-668B vs. SUPERLUX HD-669 please advise...
Nov 30, 2011 at 11:15 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 4


New Head-Fier
Nov 30, 2011
Hello guys!
Has anybody tried Superlus 668B and 669 headphones?
I'm looking for a replacement for my Koss Porta Pro, which are too bassy - i need more neutral sounding headphones for listening heavy metal/rock (an everything inbetween) music without overwhelming bass.
The problem is that in my city there no Superlux headphones - I can buy them through the Net only (there is no opportunity to try them out).
So the only thing I got are frequency graphs, I think I can figure them out, but still would appreciate advise of a more professional guy in these matters.
I'm looking for neutral sounding headphones with good mids and without overwhelming bass - want to get more natural sound without a need to turn on EQ and other stuff. 
So, here we go:
SUPERLUX HD668B vs. HD669 frequency curve graph

Sory for quality, don't really know how to do these things :)
I read a lot of reviews for HD668B, which said they were a good choice, if I'm not mistaken, they are pretty high in the rating - but the bass curve makes me worried - don't want to get loud bass and dropped mids.
Am I right that HD 669 have much more neutral curve, and they are less bassy than HD668B? 
I just don't want to buy "bassy Koss from Superlux"
here is a comparison of HD668B and Koss:

Guys, does any one know why KOSS are so bassy? Because of drop in highs?
Thanks in advanve - would appreciate any help on selecting the right headphones.) 
Dec 1, 2011 at 5:44 AM Post #3 of 4
Ohoh. Lucky for you, I owned both.
The HD668B has a slight bass hump, slightly recessed mids but seriously honky treble. Lots of grain and frizz.
The HD669 has significantly less bass, slightly more forward mids and the aforementioned honky treble.
Both has lots of detail, so it depends on what you want in the end.

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