Supergrass- Diamond Hoo Ha
Jun 15, 2008 at 1:39 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 5


Hangin' with the monkeys.
Member of the Trade: Lawton Audio
Jun 22, 2001
How do they do it?

Here we go again. They don't get no respect currently for reasons that elude me (a British thing, surely). Maybe they came out during Brit-pop's first flowering, so now they must surely be kinda "retro"?

Yet, here we have one of brit-pop's few long-lasting bands, still producing classic pop/rock. No, this ain't Radiohead, it's just straight-ahead rock of the kind you almost can't find anymore, executed by true experts.

Hey-- it's fun! And get this, it's not "ironic" fun, but the real unadulterated kind.

For lovers of short, sharp, concise guitar-based pop/rock songs, it just doesn't get a lot better than this. This is as good an album as they've ever made.

Thumbs up!
Jun 15, 2008 at 2:01 AM Post #2 of 5
I am on it............I have all other SG albums, Road to Rouen was very good.

When I was on my Brit Pop binge many years ago I tried a couple SG albums and ended up getting all of them
Jun 16, 2008 at 12:42 AM Post #3 of 5
i have Diamond Hoo Ha but i haven't given it much time yet (Elbow's The Seldom Seen Kid has been occupying me for weeks). from what i remember casually listening to it the first time it has the classic, fun, pop-rock Supergrass sound that they've avoided for a few albums. Road to Rouen was a very good album, with sweeping melodies and a wistful gentleness, but Diamond Hoo Ha sounds like they're returning to their roots. shame the British public (or anyone i suppose) doesn't care about Supergrass anymore.

speaking of britpop bands, James came out with a new album around the same time in the UK as Diamond Hoo Ha, called Hey Ma... and it's great! lots of lush, acoustic soundscapes and a few James flavoured rockers too.
Jun 16, 2008 at 5:04 AM Post #4 of 5
I was reminded of these guys recently because their song is in a commercial that plays on tv lately. I didnt realize they were still making tunes. I guess thats what happens when you move back to the states. Are Kula Shaker still around?
Jun 16, 2008 at 5:53 PM Post #5 of 5

Originally Posted by yeahx /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I was reminded of these guys recently because their song is in a commercial that plays on tv lately. I didnt realize they were still making tunes. I guess thats what happens when you move back to the states. Are Kula Shaker still around?

I think Kula Shaker have recently reformed.

Lots of love for Supergrass from me, great band

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