Suggestions for headphones to use with my Ipod
Feb 10, 2005 at 9:01 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 11

Nser Uame

New Head-Fier
Feb 8, 2005
Hey everyone

I've read a few of the threads around here but am still undecided as to where to head in the way of headphones. Main use will be on the bus.

So, I want something that doesn't leak too much, sounds great and wont bust my ear drums when they're loud and the song has a snappy beat in it.

I'm not sure about canal phones. I absolutely *HATE* ear buds. With a passion. I've never had a comfortable pair and on the single morning I used my buds that came with my ipod, I had a headache in ten minutes.

I don't really care how silly I look with some fat headphones on my head, but I'm worried about the issue of battery life and amplification. This is for travel so I don't want an amp. That being said, by all means I'm happy to use large cans.

Also, I'll be using this at my job. My job basically includes walking up and down a beach in Sydney, in the sun sometimes in 35+ degrees celcius. I kinda don't want to feel like my ears are wrapped in musical scarfs.

Price-wise, I'm happy to spend a few hundred dollars Australian. Around.. $300ISH tops.

I wouldn't mind some headphones that dont **** my 'do up either, but it's no biggie.

Thanks in advance
Feb 10, 2005 at 2:06 PM Post #2 of 11
check out this forum too.

as far has regular headphones.. id have to suggest the Sennheiser PX100 if youre looking for a quality portable headphone to use w/ portables... (im currently trying to get my hands on a pair of these too)

There are some people that say Koss Portapros would be a good choice.. but everytime i look at them they remind me of those kids in middleschool that wear 'head-gear' (dental braces). IMHO.

if u want something more 'hi-end' ? Grado headphones, Senn's 580 series or higher number, Beyerdynamic DT680, DT860, Ultrasone headphones... etc.
You said that your job will be walking on beaches... well these cans are not very portable and i wouldnt want to get sand on them.

battery life usage? basically, the higher the impedance(ohm rating), the more power u will need to drive(turn up ipod volume) to hear relative loudness. the more power u use, the less your battery life.

dont want to mess up your hair? i know u said u dotn like earbuds... but what about 'canalphones'? (goes in your ear-hole.)

hope this helps mate.
Feb 11, 2005 at 5:04 AM Post #3 of 11
thanks bud..

I do want something pretty high-end.. Sand is not an issue - I'm not walking on the actual sand. I walk on the road right next to it un-vandalising and fixing the parking meters.

I *am* now considering canal phones as well..

Anyway, thanks cozmo.
Feb 11, 2005 at 5:18 AM Post #4 of 11
I really like my sharp md33's. You can get them from (Australia site) for about 50 bucks Australian. They are canalphones, but they don't go in very far and sound great. Use them on my ipod all the time now for walking to work.
Feb 11, 2005 at 6:00 AM Post #5 of 11

Originally Posted by Nser Uame
I'm not sure about canal phones. I absolutely *HATE* ear buds. With a passion. I've never had a comfortable pair and on the single morning I used my buds that came with my ipod, I had a headache in ten minutes.

If you can't stand ear buds, be sure to try any canalphones before you buy. Canalphones are generally only comfortable if you don't mind sticking things in (and I mean in) your ears.
Feb 11, 2005 at 6:06 AM Post #6 of 11
If I help you find some headphones, will you let me have your job?

All joking aside (although I'm not really joking...), you should look into some Sennheiser HD-25's. They're lightweight, sound great, and require very little power to sound good. But, they're about $200 American. Not sure what that is in Australia.

Feb 11, 2005 at 8:33 AM Post #7 of 11
although i love canalphones, most isolate enough to be deemed a hazard if youre walking around/near streets. u wont hear oncoming cars, pedestrians, etc.

if money is a big concern, i would start out witth Sony Fontopia mdr-ex51's or ex71 as a starting point before venturing into more expensive models. (runs for 30 bucks shipped on

hope this helps.
Feb 11, 2005 at 10:14 AM Post #9 of 11

All joking aside (although I'm not really joking...), you should look into some Sennheiser HD-25's.

I love my new Sennheiser HD-25 to pieces, but one of their advantages for me is using them as fairly effective earwarmers
Imagine 35 degrees above zero...
Feb 11, 2005 at 10:53 AM Post #10 of 11
May I ask why are you wearing headphones doing a job where alertness? (lifeguard?) what if someone shouts "help that guys drowning" and you can't hear him?

As for using headphones in the hot weather, that rules out around the ear and superaural. Checkout on the ear phones like Sennheiser PX100.

You don't want anything fancy, what with the sea air and sand.
Feb 11, 2005 at 2:24 PM Post #11 of 11

Originally Posted by Necros
May I ask why are you wearing headphones doing a job where alertness? (lifeguard?) what if someone shouts "help that guys drowning" and you can't hear him?

I think he said on the streets, not near the sand area.

For close to high end sound I'd get either koss variants or senn px100 although sportapros look more rugged. I haven't tried any canalphones yet - seems like they conserve battery more and give better sound relative to these two portables, at much higher price.

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