Still not sure... HD650's
Jun 22, 2005 at 1:51 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 16


500+ Head-Fier
May 6, 2005
So, I went to J&R here in NYC at lunch and snuggled a pair of HD650's on my head (they were VERY firmly attached to the "listening wall", I tried...). Couldn't really hear them properly cos of the other 85 pairs of open cans belting out the same music.

Now I've been lusting after these for some time. But as I sit here listening to "Crime Of The Century" - Supertramp, through my beloved 580's and reading through the "Battle of the high-end senns" thread from a little while back, I'm still not sure if the HD650's will give me 580 + 70 more... It's all so subjective. At least if we were all into modded cars we could race and be done with the discussion once and for all....

Anyone wanna lend me their 650's ?? When's the next NYC meet ??

Jun 22, 2005 at 2:03 AM Post #2 of 16
Just some food for thought, but don't base too much decision on that quick little demo. What a horrible place to demo cans, I think a fellow Head-Fi'er needs to step up and let you try them out in the comfort of your own home. That's the only way to get a true taste of their sound.

Or, if you feel like ponying up the dough, I think Todd has a 30-Day money back guarantee...

edit: If you can wait until Sunday night, I'll be A/B'ing my HD580's with the HD650's extensively at the Pittsburgh meet. I'm in the same boat as you, the HD650's could be my next set but I want to make sure the improvements upon the HD580's are worthwhile.
Jun 22, 2005 at 2:08 AM Post #3 of 16
I made the move from the 580's to the 650's primarily because of my choice in amps. A friend built a M^3 and I loved the sound of my 580's through it. It was warm and lush and full... I really enjoyed it. And while it may have been deficient in a few aspects, the whole was greater than the sum of its parts. I built a PPAv2 and in comparison to the M^3, there was a sizable increase in detail, and an overall presentation that was a little more forward, but I felt it was fairly lean in the midrange and and lacking some of the full bottom end I had experience with the same phones on the M^3. Since I had already dropped a lot of coin, nevermind countless hours, on the PPAv2, I felt better about changing my cans. The result? I now have the best of both worlds. The 650's are smoother and IMO handle the up-front presenation of the PPAv2 better, yet at the same time provide a much more full midrange and bottom end. I don't know if the money would be worth it if my amp of choice was an M^3, and I know I prefer my now-departed 580's (and my 325i's) over my 650's with my Millett Hybrid. That full sound I get from the 650's combined with the very warm and full sound of the Millett seems to lose something in the translation... Slightly muddled bass and mids and a lack of detail in the highs when compared with the PPAv2. The 650's sound fine with the Millett... don't get me wrong. I just feel the 580's and the 325i's pair better with the Millett. But I msut say... The 650's SHINE with the PPAv2.

So, the moral of the story? I guess it comes down to what I alway say in threads like this... SYNERGY. A wonderful set of cans paired with a source that it doesn't work well with won't give the best result. If you enjoy the presentation the 580's give you and aren't feeling as though something's lacking, leave Head-Fi, never come back and enjoy the music, which is really what this is all about. Take all that money you save and buy yourself more music to enjoy. If you're not able to enjoy the music as much as you think you should because the 580's lack something the 650's can provide with your other components (or components you're likely to be upgrading to in the near future) then it's a good move to make.

Holding off for a meet, or even catching up with another Head-Fi member near you, to try the 650's out on your gear with the ability to A/B w/ the 580's , is your best bet. Unless you have money to throw around!

Jun 22, 2005 at 2:19 AM Post #4 of 16
Ian, what cable were you using with the HD650's? I'm not a huge believer of cables upgrades, but enough to notice (and appreciate) the noticable change. I'm wondering if the Cardas or Zu cable would liven the HD650's up just enough to mate well with the Millet Hybrid.

Sorry to be OT to the original poster
Jun 22, 2005 at 2:20 AM Post #5 of 16

Originally Posted by Thaddy
Sorry to be OT to the original poster

don't worry, it's all good.

Anyway, thanks guys, I'll chew over your advice/suggestions.
Jun 22, 2005 at 2:43 AM Post #6 of 16

Originally Posted by Thaddy
Ian, what cable were you using with the HD650's? I'm not a huge believer of cables upgrades, but enough to notice (and appreciate) the noticable change. I'm wondering if the Cardas or Zu cable would liven the HD650's up just enough to mate well with the Millet Hybrid.

Sorry to be OT to the original poster


I'm still running the stock cable on the 650's, though I'm about ready to get my Oehlbach back from Nate (n_maher) to give that a shot. And to be honest, I was running the 580's with the Oehlbach, so my final opinion on where things shake out may change once I try that Oehlbach on the 650's. Also, the 650's should probably see a little more burn-in time before I pass final judgement. I haven't kept track of hours, but because the PPAv2 still hasn't been cased, I've been using the Millett with the 325i's a lot lately. To give you an idea of how much added bass impact the 650's have, I'm pretty sure I'm not going to add bass boost to the PPAv2, despite having planned to for rounding out the bottom end. I just don't see the need with the 650's.

But please don't think that the 650 sounds bad with the Millett... female vocals sound especially good with the 650/Millett combo. It's just the 650's are so refined on the highs and so full down low that they sound amazing with the PPAv2. And the 325i's sound amazing with the Millett, so my preferences have been along those lines.

So for a cable upgrade, I'd say from what I've read, they could help. I plan on putting together a replacement cable of my own to try see what kind of results I can scare up.

I hope I did more harm than good trying to clear that up... It's just in my VERY limited experience, I felt the 580's had better synergy than the 650's with the Millett. Your results may vary, but I'd stand by what I said to Julz... Get your Millett, try it with the 580's and see how it sounds. If you think it's great as it stands, I'd consider staying put. The 580's have incredible bang-for-the-buck, and if you think they go well with the 580's, you're good to go. If I had built an M^3 instead of a PPAv2, or if I was just going to run the Millett, I think I would have stayed with the 580's. If you feel the 580's are lacking something that is generally accepted to be offered by the 650's, than it's a move to consider making.

I'll try to get do some A/B listening with the 650's and Nate's 600's (which should be closer to the 580's than the 650's in sound) to see if I still feel they couple better with the Millett.
Jun 22, 2005 at 2:50 AM Post #7 of 16
don't know if this makes much difference to the whole thing, I'm thinking of going tubes...
Jun 22, 2005 at 9:16 AM Post #8 of 16
Well, I am receiving my 650s in a few hours... keep an eye out for a review.
Jun 22, 2005 at 3:28 PM Post #9 of 16
Ian, don't worry, you're still helping me make a big decision. I have a feeling I'm going to end up getting the HD650's either way, but that I'll be selling off my Oehlbach cable for something a little more brighter and resolving. I'm pretty sure HeadRoom will have the Cardas cable, and tkam has a Headphile cable as well. It looks like soon enough I'll have plenty of information (thanks to yourself and Joey_V) and first-hand experience to make the best decision.
Jun 22, 2005 at 4:08 PM Post #10 of 16
I didn't even know J&R had the 650s out for testing. But it seems like it didn't do the trick based on the setup there. In your opinion, is it worth it at all to make the visit and listen to them coming from the upper east side?
Jun 22, 2005 at 5:19 PM Post #11 of 16

Originally Posted by MonkeyButt
I didn't even know J&R had the 650s out for testing. But it seems like it didn't do the trick based on the setup there. In your opinion, is it worth it at all to make the visit and listen to them coming from the upper east side?

I gotta be honest and say "no". But I only work 5 minutes from there so it's no big deal cos I go to gaze at all manner of electronics, buy CD's, get DVD's etc. I haven't asked the staff if there's a quiet room somewhere that I can listen to the 'phones, I'm figuring probably not.
Jun 22, 2005 at 7:19 PM Post #12 of 16
last i saw they only had the HD600 hooked up to J&R's "Wall of Shame" - so they put the HD650s up did they? Too bad they'll be trashed within a week. I think the HD580 there was mauled by a teen pit bull for fun.

Anyhow, don't base your opinion on anything from that wall- they set up that wall so horribly for sound reproduction, it's not funny. The HD600 sounded like it was coming from 19 concrete walls away - it's horrendous there.
Jun 22, 2005 at 7:39 PM Post #13 of 16
Thanks for the info, guys. Too bad they have such a crappy setup. Not surprising though . . . . .

Do you know of any place else in the city that demos them (600s or 650s) or at least a good range of headphones?
Jun 22, 2005 at 8:43 PM Post #14 of 16

Originally Posted by MonkeyButt
Do you know of any place else in the city that demos them (600s or 650s) or at least a good range of headphones?

the next NYC Meet... or help from a fellow NYC Head-Fier...
Jun 22, 2005 at 8:50 PM Post #15 of 16

Originally Posted by MonkeyButt
Thanks for the info, guys. Too bad they have such a crappy setup. Not surprising though . . . . .

Do you know of any place else in the city that demos them (600s or 650s) or at least a good range of headphones?

Stereo Exchange on Broadway, about 10 blocks north of Canal carry a range of Grado's and AKG's but... a lot of their stuff seems expensive ($1,048 for the K1000, $273 for the K501..) and they always seem to have a bit of a snotty attitude... I'm sure they have demo rooms, though.

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