Not that crazy. Literally every stax model (except the 009?) has had distinct differences between different years of build. Good to see the preferred version is the most recent.Call me crazy i don't care but here are my personal findings with my ears. Comparing 3 units of X9K phones S/N 10xx, 11xx, last close to 14xx.
Note that differences are only in region of 1-3%.
The differences are in soundstage and in the area of upper midrange, all have identical bass.
1. unit has great soundstage with slightly thin upper midrange towards 009.
2. unit has 2% less soundstage similar upper midrange and sounds slightly dryer than unit 1.
3. unit has similar soundstage than number 2 but the upper midrange is not thin. This unit sounds ultra balanced and somehow fuller or more "fun"
On analog source all units sound great but on digital source 1 and 2 less so. The number 3 unit sounds on digital source great i guess because the upper midrange is more "filled". The 1 and 2 units have some similarities towards 009 but somehow the third unit doesn't give that feeling that it reminds me of 009.
I am surprised you have access to three though lol. I was told by Headamp my DOA pair was entirely replaced with a new one S/N 15xx and likely should be to me within 2 weeks. That puts me at about 11.5 months round trip from order to working unit. Pretty wild.