stax sr-oo1 MK 2
Aug 9, 2007 at 4:21 PM Post #3 of 19
Yes, they are a great sounding pair of earphones.
Imo an excellent way to enter the world of electrostatic headphones.
Aug 9, 2007 at 4:40 PM Post #4 of 19
+1, for the $239 they can be had I cannot say anything about them but that they are the best recommendation ever. The discomfort issue mentioned is actually temporary, it takes at most a week to get used to them. And don't get turned off by the idea that electrostatic is 'different'...people blow out the difference beyond proportion, they are designed to do the same thing, play back music.
Aug 9, 2007 at 6:54 PM Post #6 of 19
I like them, but I'm not a fan of the short battery life or the input jack on the side. It makes carrying it very inconvenient. I know I can just get a right angle plug to solve that problem, but hey, the 001's are even mine. =T
Aug 9, 2007 at 6:56 PM Post #7 of 19

Originally Posted by laxx /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I like them, but I'm not a fan of the short battery life or the input jack on the side. It makes carrying it very inconvenient. I know I can just get a right angle plug to solve that problem, but hey, the 001's are even mine. =T

Keep a PSU around when using at home. Having an input on the side is fairly comfortable from my experience actually, as opposed to inputs and ouputs being on the opposite sides (iBasso T2, tsk tsk).
Aug 9, 2007 at 7:06 PM Post #9 of 19

Originally Posted by Claus-DK /img/forum/go_quote.gif
do this need an amplifier or can I just connect it with my Ipod lineout ?

It need, and can only be used, with the included SRM-001 amplifier.
Aug 9, 2007 at 7:12 PM Post #10 of 19

Originally Posted by Claus-DK /img/forum/go_quote.gif
do this need an amplifier or can I just connect it with my Ipod lineout ?

And I also think that in and out in opposite ends kind off sucks..

Ya its a package, the headphone + the amplifier. The headphone alone for use with bigger amplifier can be had for $129 I believe, but you can't use it without dedicated amps anyways. The SR-001mkII is a system.
Aug 9, 2007 at 9:10 PM Post #12 of 19
Isn't that what the SR-003 is? It's terminated with a 5 pin plug. Or is that only for use with the SR-212 amp...
Aug 9, 2007 at 9:14 PM Post #13 of 19

Originally Posted by laxx /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Isn't that what the SR-003 is? It's terminated with a 5 pin plug. Or is that only for use with the SR-212 amp...

Yes, that the twin brother.
Exact same earphones but with a regular Stax 5-pin Pro plug, which can be used with any of the Pro bias Stax amplifiers. Compared to proprietary plug of the S-001 MK2
Aug 9, 2007 at 9:39 PM Post #14 of 19

Originally Posted by scompton /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Would they be an improvement over my SR-5 and SRD-7?

They are an improvement for sure but they are also a bit different sounding. Better midrange and bass due to their open nature but dynamics would be a little constrained if used with the small 001 amp.

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