star wars: the force unleashed is an underrated game
Mar 12, 2010 at 3:44 AM Post #16 of 26
The Force Unleashed got panned because it failed to deliver on the promise of a no-holds-barred force battle game. It wasn't a BAD game, but expectations were high, and it failed to meet them.

I played it (in entirety) on the Wii and (for a level) on the PS3, expecting at least SOME lightsaber play. But in reality, the Wiimote might as well be a button where "shake" = swinging saber and "not shaking" = still saber. Graphics on the Wii were poor, and all the marketed physics effects totally absent. The PS3 got the graphics and the physics, but no saber-prop action. No matter the platform, playing it felt like a compromise. Thus the mediocre reviews.

I'm still waiting for a good sword-style dueling game with a Wiimote-style input device.
Mar 12, 2010 at 7:23 AM Post #17 of 26

Originally Posted by Antony6555 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
the gameplay is too simplistic, i don't think it's underrated

i think that's about the most wrong comment ever; there is a lot wrong with it, but i'd say the gameplay is quite complex; i'm playing on the third difficulty setting, and it's damn hard; and i've played all the way through before twice. maybe you just played the first level when you only had like one force power, but combining them in the right way to defeat certain enemies is hard; i will say however that it's a bit annoying when certain powers don't work on someone, and you can only use this or that

ninja-gaiden was the game that did everything right in a fighting game. this one certainly doesn't have the perfection of that, but force-grip and the way you can dispatch lots of folks with a single power, make up for it. if you give it a chance, and try to look at a situation differently, you'll see that the game is smarter than at first look. certain things just won't work. you can't hack and slash; you have to think

.................NEWSFLASH: checkout the playstation move. jesus, this is gonna be fantastic; exactly what i've been looking for. people need to realize that this is a MASSIVE step over the WII-mote. ACTUAL 1:1 TRACKING. now we can have real sword fighting (actual fencing) for the first time ever!!!! hell, the thing even looks like a lightsaber with a glowing orb on top. it's a forgone conclusion that a star wars game will come out quick for this. FINALLY REAL SWORDPLAY IN GAMES!!!!!! this hasn't been possible before. and i'm sure they'll also impliment a head-tracking thing like the trackIR so you can do that sort of stuff too. this is much cooler than people realize. don't think about the games they showed in the press conference (see it at gametrailers).............that's just for now. the important thing to realize is what the hardware can do. actual 1:1 tracking, that already looks like it works perfectly, with all your axis-of movement working perfectly, so damn cool; just another reason i'm unloading my xbox and getting a ps3. this is lightyears above the wii-mote. with that you can only do like 6 different swings of a virtual sword. with this it's practically infinite. damn cool. hand-to-hand fighting damn cool as well, and some cool light-gun action again.
Mar 12, 2010 at 7:25 AM Post #18 of 26

Originally Posted by Omega /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I'm still waiting for a good sword-style dueling game with a Wiimote-style input device.

sell the wii; the playstation move is gonna do it for the first time
Mar 12, 2010 at 7:31 AM Post #19 of 26
Im not saying this is the case with Star Wars The Force Unleashed, but just because a game is dificult does not mean it isnt simple, just look at the final boss fight in Dante's Inferno, or ive heard that God of War 2 was the same way. Its incredibly hard to beat the boss, but its only because it requires alot of memorisation and repitition of attacks to hack away at health.

I would say Ninja Gaiden was pretty close to perfect, but you should check out Bayonetta
i think that game sets a new bar for combat in action titles.
Mar 12, 2010 at 7:45 AM Post #20 of 26

Originally Posted by Omega /img/forum/go_quote.gif
The Force Unleashed got panned because it failed to deliver on the promise of a no-holds-barred force battle game. It wasn't a BAD game, but expectations were high, and it failed to meet them.

.............thw WII version sucked; the WII-mote is a casual-gaming-only controller; it is very limited in motion; the playstation move may look like it, but if you actually realize the difference in the amount of precision, it's on a different planet (btw i loved the little-big-planet demo with the MOVE........gonna love playing that online with one person moving the guy and the other assisting, very cool)

........i would disagree that it failed because you didn't have the "all powerful" abilities it claimed to have. i think in that regard it succedded as well as possible. what would you have wished? to push a button and everyone on the screen explodes? i absolutely WOULD agree that your powers do feel weak when at times they don't work at all on enemies, that's true

i think the biggest problems with this game are:

-boring enemies, repetitive environments
-lackluster visuals
-CHEAP gameplay; often you have to spam a certain ability to win; you can die arbitrarily

i absolutely understand that people would review this game down. i do. i think it deserves a "B" (an 8/10) though; however, when it's all said and done, i have sitting here: halflife2, gearsofwar2, gta4, oblivion etc. etc. and this is the game i'm re-playing; this and acecombat................another game that is fun but has a lot of limitations in the same areas. but in the end, it's all about fun, and i hold that if you give this game a chance, it's a lot of fun; you do have to be willing to die, and actually figure out how to win in certain elements though
Mar 12, 2010 at 7:52 AM Post #21 of 26
You must be able to look past the bring down the star destroyer with the force scene. That one part took forever, and seemed extremely cheap, that alone would keep me from playing the game.

I didnt really like GTA4, or gears 2, but honestly if i had to pick only one game to play forever, i think oblivion would be prety damn high on that list, the amount of stuff to do in that game is staggering, not to mention the replayability from different classes, i could probably never touch another game and still not see everything it has to offer
though it definitely has its share of bugs, i cant really blame it when its that large.

but honestly, gaming is just another form of entertainment, just like music, and everyone has different tastes, one person isnt necessarily right, or another wrong because they like different games
Mar 12, 2010 at 3:18 PM Post #22 of 26

Originally Posted by SoupRKnowva /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Im not saying this is the case with Star Wars The Force Unleashed, but just because a game is dificult does not mean it isnt simple, just look at the final boss fight in Dante's Inferno, or ive heard that God of War 2 was the same way. Its incredibly hard to beat the boss, but its only because it requires alot of memorisation and repitition of attacks to hack away at health.

Yeah this is pretty much my perspective.


I would say Ninja Gaiden was pretty close to perfect, but you should check out Bayonetta
i think that game sets a new bar for combat in action titles.

I had my eye on Bayonetta awhile ago, maybe I'll have to check it out.

If you like oblivion, have you played Morrowind? There's more depth to the roleplaying elements, more quests, and the setting is sooo much cooler and more original. And if you play the pc version, you can get all types of graphics mods made by the fanbase that improve the graphics almost to the level of oblivion.
Mar 12, 2010 at 10:05 PM Post #23 of 26

Originally Posted by Antony6555 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
If you like oblivion, have you played Morrowind? There's more depth to the roleplaying elements, more quests, and the setting is sooo much cooler and more original. And if you play the pc version, you can get all types of graphics mods made by the fanbase that improve the graphics almost to the level of oblivion.

I tried playing morrowind several times on 360 and pc both, but just couldnt get into it as much as oblivion. I would give it another shot based on your rec, but i only play 360 games now, so all those mods wouldnt really apply, that and im too busy paying Mass Effect 2
Mar 13, 2010 at 5:20 AM Post #24 of 26
Never played The Force Unleased. Might have to pick up a used copy at Gamestop. I will say that Mass Effect 2 is amazing! I played through it twice, just so I could try different story options. I just bought FFXIII recently. It starts off very slow, essentially the first 30 hours are a tutorial for the rest of the game (though I'm not that far into it).
Oct 7, 2010 at 7:43 AM Post #25 of 26
The game had easily the worst story ever thought up in star wars history, but the game itself looked beautiful and was very fun.  The only game play gripes I had were that the lightsaber didn't actually cut through anything, like some robots that were not said to be made of the materials more resistant to sabers were just so hard to kill, some of the large enemies were so overpowered.
Outside of that, it was pretty fun and the sith edition was really fun, getting to force look into being your apprentice was fun, and getting to kill Old Ben was funny because he was so weak against force lightning.  
Oct 7, 2010 at 10:59 AM Post #26 of 26
the force unleashed was a good game that had a few problems
the targeting system had some serious ADD problems
some of level design decisions made a couple spots seem like dead ends until you either finally found whatever the **** you have to move with the force on your own or looked at a walkthrough
the star destroyer bit's on screen instructions on what to do to bring that person down weren't exactly clear
the bit in the death star where you have to line up some rings to make a bridge and time that crap perfectly is annoying as hell

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