Stadium Arcadium
May 8, 2006 at 3:36 AM Post #16 of 46
I love RHCP, and I'll be picking up this CD as soon as it hits the stores.

I downloaded "Dani California" from iTunes Music Store, and I liked it a lot. Even though the final guitar piece rips off Hendrix... but hey, who the heck hasn't ripped off Hendrix at one point in time?

I wouldn't say they've gotten better with age - they've had some OK to mediocre stuff (One Hot Minute) along with some good stuff (Mother's Milk, Californication, etc.) in their history, and I hope this album is at least as good as Californication.

I'm psyched!
May 8, 2006 at 7:04 AM Post #17 of 46
As far as the sound quality goes, I think it actually sounds quite good. For those worried about a repeat of Californication, you can rest easy. There is a weird defect or something on Dani California at the 2:46 mark on the copy I have. Just curious if anyone else has noticed this.
May 9, 2006 at 1:25 PM Post #18 of 46
Well, it happened again. Bought the album before work this morning at about 8am... I'll be posting impressions/review in a standalone thread after work and after a solid listen on headphones. For those of you interested in an HONEST review from a disenfranchised fan from the old days (Got into Freaky Styley in grade 7), please check it out.
May 9, 2006 at 3:57 PM Post #20 of 46

Originally Posted by GlendaleViper
Well, it happened again. Bought the album before work this morning at about 8am... I'll be posting impressions/review in a standalone thread after work and after a solid listen on headphones. For those of you interested in an HONEST review from a disenfranchised fan from the old days (Got into Freaky Styley in grade 7), please check it out.

So less than a day's worth of listening is considered an "HONEST" review?
May 10, 2006 at 2:49 AM Post #21 of 46
Just picked the CD up from Best Buy today.

Naturally, I really like the "Dani California" song. Even my 8-year old starts doing the air-guitar thing with that song.

I haven't had a chance to really dive into the entire 2-disc set. I've listened to "Snow (Hey Oh)" quite a bit, and I enjoy that catchy song. "Charlie" is also a very accessible song. "Stadium Arcadium" falls under the "take it or leave it" category. Kind of mellow, but nothing remarkable. Hump de Bump is catchy and might grow on me further.

I haven't really spent much time with the rest of the CDs yet. One thing for sure: there are a lot of songs!
May 10, 2006 at 4:36 AM Post #22 of 46

Originally Posted by luckybaer
Just picked the CD up from Best Buy today.

Naturally, I really like the "Dani California" song. Even my 8-year old starts doing the air-guitar thing with that song.

I haven't had a chance to really dive into the entire 2-disc set. I've listened to "Snow (Hey Oh)" quite a bit, and I enjoy that catchy song. "Charlie" is also a very accessible song. "Stadium Arcadium" falls under the "take it or leave it" category. Kind of mellow, but nothing remarkable. Hump de Bump is catchy and might grow on me further.

I haven't really spent much time with the rest of the CDs yet. One thing for sure: there are a lot of songs!

you will find there are a lot of extremely catchy and addictive songs in there. more than any other rhcp albums. listened to dani california 10 times the first day
May 10, 2006 at 2:01 PM Post #23 of 46

Originally Posted by ghopper
you will find there are a lot of extremely catchy and addictive songs in there. more than any other rhcp albums. listened to dani california 10 times the first day

I agree, there are a lot of really catchy songs on here. It'll make for a good summer album, I think. On the first disc (Jupiter) I really like... well actually the only song I don't like is Stadium Arcadium. The rest range from good to great, IMO.

I've only listened to Mars once so far so I haven't really formed an opinion of it yet. I liked it, but I don't really remember any of the particular songs (it always takes me a few listens to get my head around a new album).

And to top it off the ablum actually sounds good. Bravo, RHCP, this one is definitely a winner in my book. I'd agree with the poster who said this is the best Chilli Peppers release since Blood Sugar Sex Magik.

One thing I really like about this album is the great variety of guitar work. There are a hundred and one different styles of playing, and I think that's cool. This really is an interesting album.
May 10, 2006 at 4:55 PM Post #24 of 46
I really like the direction these guys have gone. Some RHCP fans may see this as them getting "soft". But I think they've matured while still maintaining the "RHCP" sound and have not straying too far. For those wanting to hear old-school, crazy, socks-on-cocks RHCP funk, this is not the album.

I'd say about 80% of the album has a "Scar Tissue" vibe to it, while the other 20% has more of a "Can't stop" feel to it with more bass-slapping funk while still featuring smooth melodies and harmonies in the choruses.

Great album, almost every track could be considered "radio single" material; lets hope I don't get sick of the album by the end of summer.

Between this, and the Gnarles Barkley album, this has been a good month for music.

EDIT: Ohyeah, another good thing about this album. It doesn't sound like it was recorded in a high school gymnasium with the mics placed a foot away from the speakers cranked to 11.
May 10, 2006 at 7:43 PM Post #26 of 46
Yep. The verdict is in...It's Good!

The only track I can honestly say that I don't like is Stadium Arcadium.

I am pleased with the album so far. There is so much content, and so much is good!
May 10, 2006 at 8:08 PM Post #28 of 46
Yeah, I have multiple listens in for Stadium Arcadium, and I must say I am quite pleased. I would say that the songs range from good to great. There really isn't a bad track in the bunch IMO. Although overall the recording quality isn't all that great, it is passable (especially by today's recording standards). 'Dani California' clips and distorts pretty bad at times though.

I think I may have mentioned it earlier in this thread (or maybe in a different thread), but it is worth repeating: I really dig the guitars on this CD, they have a really nice Jimmy Hendrix tone/vibe going on in a lot of the parts. A lot of emotion went into the guitar work on this CD.

I can feel it baby, I can feel it.

Good stuff.
May 10, 2006 at 8:37 PM Post #29 of 46
New impressions after two play-throughs: It IS good. Not great. I'm going to reserve too much comment. I've been a Chili's fan for long enough (and die-hard enough) that I think it justifies a review from the old-school.

You can definitely feel that some real emotion and love went into this one. Been a long time since I could say that.
May 13, 2006 at 2:40 AM Post #30 of 46
I love this album. Really like 'Torture Me', strangely.

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