SR-60 to SR-225?
Jun 18, 2007 at 10:12 AM Post #2 of 16
You're going to need to give a bit more information than that - source, amp, music preferences, all that jazz. This was the first headphone upgrade I made, but it really depends on the rest of your system whether it's worthwhile. I will say that I've never quite loved my 225s like I did my very first SR-60s, though that's for sentimental rather than aural reasons.
Jun 18, 2007 at 11:39 AM Post #4 of 16
If you love Grado sound, the SR225s would most likely be the next logical step.
Jun 18, 2007 at 12:01 PM Post #5 of 16
A big upgrade with a small budget is buy a flat pad, you have more bass and the sound more breath, more present, better in all point

Myabe keep the money for a Amp/DAC if you listen from you PC ?
Jun 18, 2007 at 2:51 PM Post #8 of 16
I think the difference is very slight, I did sell my 60's but I never really felt the 225's were that much better. Sometimes on certain songs I liked the 60's better! I have to agree with Alchemy you might want to try another brand and explore more. My favorite phone now is the Denon AH-D2000's, they about $50 more than the 225s and are well worth it.
Jun 18, 2007 at 3:22 PM Post #9 of 16
I went with another brand, but....kept my Grado/Alessandros and bought the other cans to complement the first! Unless you simply MUST sell the SR-60 to finance the new phones, my suggestion would be considering having two somewhat dissimilar phones to choose from. It really adds to the fun!

And yes; pad rolling with the SR-60 can go a long way in helping with the Comfort/Performance ratio!
Jun 18, 2007 at 4:53 PM Post #10 of 16
When A/Bing between 225s and 80s (very close to 60s), the difference was very small without an amp right out of an ipod. With an amp and better source, I do think the difference is worth it. So for you Id recommend getting an amp first or just trying another brand to have a wide variety of headphones.
Jun 18, 2007 at 10:02 PM Post #12 of 16
thanks guys. If it wasn't for head-fi I would've set myself up for disappointment. Thank you and I'll be investing in something more worthwhile like some IEMs for my upcoming trip!

thanks again
Jun 19, 2007 at 8:38 PM Post #13 of 16

Originally Posted by lerio /img/forum/go_quote.gif
A big upgrade with a small budget is buy a flat pad, you have more bass and the sound more breath, more present, better in all point

Myabe keep the money for a Amp/DAC if you listen from you PC ?

couldnt agree more! thats a great advice!
Jun 19, 2007 at 8:39 PM Post #14 of 16
you could always buy some decent amp and some SR325...
Jun 20, 2007 at 10:16 AM Post #15 of 16
I've listened to SR225's powered from Vincent KHV-1 hybrid headphone amplifier and I realized... they're not good enough. Quick bass, shiny mids, but too silky highs. Not quite matching Grado house signature. If things people say about 325i are true, I think it's not a worthy business to go from SR60 to SR225, especially unamped. Better wait to afford SR325i, my friend owning SR60 and several sources says the same.

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