Spirit Torino Valkyria
Mar 3, 2024 at 4:01 PM Post #916 of 1,176
I consider them different and not the Valkyria better (in fact I prefer the Pulsar)
The Valkyria is slightly sharper in resolution while the Pulsar is a little smoother. Similar to the difference between high End Solid State and High End Tube amps.

Very very interesting that you prefer the Pulsar over the Walkyria..... You might help me to save 6000$ :wink:

Anyone else prefer the Pulsar over the Walkyria ?

Also, does someone know what is the difference between the Pulsar (2.1) & the Pulsar Long (3.0) (cost + $255.00 USD) ?
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Mar 3, 2024 at 4:13 PM Post #917 of 1,176
Very very interesting that you prefer the Pulsar over the Walkyria..... You might help me to save 6000$ :wink:

Anyone else prefer the Pulsar over the Walkyria ?

Also, does someone know what is the difference between the Pulsar (2.1) & the Pulsar Long (3.0) (cost + $255.00 USD) ?
The cable length 7ft (2.1m) vs 10ft(3m)
Mar 3, 2024 at 4:34 PM Post #918 of 1,176
Your last line sums it up in the most meaningful and truthful way, and I have direct proof of this: I had invited two friends, husband and wife, for tea. He is a German music producer and owns his own studio, and the wife shares the passion for music. They're no spring chickens, and neither am I, so our memories in terms of music go way back. I offered them to try on my Valkyria, first to the guy. When his wife's turn came, I knew from our previous conversation that she loves Genesis, as I do, and she selected a live concert, the Lamb Lies Down On Broadway Tour of 1974. A few minutes, and tears started flowing down her cheeks. When I asked her, after she finished listening to the songs, she said: "You know, I was there in person, in 1974. As soon as I closed my eyes, I was transported back in time by the music, and it felt as I was there physically, again" Like you wrote "I'm there, it is real".
P.S.: You can easily adjust the clamp force of the headband by twisting it in a certain way. If you email Andrea at Spirit he will send you a short video that explains how, It's really super simple.
Thanks for sharing this amazing experience. This is very encouraging for making the decision to get a Valkyria (despite the fact that I still hesitate between Valkyria & Pulsar).

Can you tell us what Amp was driving your Valkaria ?
Mar 3, 2024 at 4:37 PM Post #919 of 1,176
P.S.: You can easily adjust the clamp force of the headband by twisting it in a certain way. If you email Andrea at Spirit he will send you a short video that explains how, It's really super simple
Very interesting, I'm going to ask him
Mar 4, 2024 at 12:11 AM Post #920 of 1,176
I am tempted to get the Valkyria ( or Pulsar ? ) to use with my EC445 tube amp but also with my portable DAP, the mighty Cayin N30
So, I wonder :
- is the Valkyria efficient enough to be driven by a TOL DAP ? (now I sucesfully use IEM & D8000 pro Ltd).
- the the Valkyria really better than the Pulsar ? Pulsar is not only cheaper but also Lighter and a more discret colour (to my taste).
- and finally, is the Valkyria really a « limited edition » ? it seems that anyone cas still get one if they are ready to pay for it !

thanks for your advices


Half a year ago you wrote: "The Valkyria is a joke (at least for me). I was very interested to listen to it and... what a disapointment !"
Now, you say: "I am tempted to get the Valkyria... ".
What happened? What changed your mind? Spending 12000 euros on a joke is not a joke... :relaxed:
Mar 4, 2024 at 1:10 PM Post #921 of 1,176
I inquired about the Clamp Force adjustment Video in hopes that tighter clamp might mitigate the subbass roll off to some degree.

In addition to the Video Andrea shared the following:

So everyone into EQ, might want to give this official setting a try.
Mar 4, 2024 at 2:03 PM Post #922 of 1,176
Half a year ago you wrote: "The Valkyria is a joke (at least for me). I was very interested to listen to it and... what a disapointment !"
Now, you say: "I am tempted to get the Valkyria... ".
What happened? What changed your mind? Spending 12000 euros on a joke is not a joke... :relaxed:
Well… based on the various writing about it I understand that because it is a very unusual headphone, it needs to be listened with specific genre of music and with a “relax & non-analytic” state of mind ..
Mar 4, 2024 at 2:55 PM Post #923 of 1,176
Well… based on the various writing about it I understand that because it is a very unusual headphone, it needs to be listened with specific genre of music and with a “relax & non-analytic” state of mind ..
I listen to a lot of technical instrumental progressive rock and metal with the Valkyria, and am generally always analytic and looking to be energized rather than to relax. But I love the Valk.
Mar 6, 2024 at 5:56 PM Post #924 of 1,176
I just wanna say, these are great with metal. Pronounced sub-bass isn't needed with most metal, but the midbass is awesome. They sound great with Behemoth for example:

Mar 8, 2024 at 4:48 PM Post #925 of 1,176
These really do not sound like anything else I've owned. I don't know what to compare them to. It's a great addition to my collection. I wish the sub-bass was better, but the mid-bass is very good. They are not for rap, but everything else....they work really well :metal:
Mar 10, 2024 at 4:53 PM Post #926 of 1,176
Have been pretty busy and haven't had much time for updates. I spent almost a few weeks straight with the Valkyria only in my system, and it's just glorious. I'm back from a short trip listening to it only today (few hours now), before heading back out for a few weeks for work on Tues. Same things standing out as before, tone and timbre, rich like chocolate.. without being overbearing to the rest of the sound spectrum. The layering and detail are the things that I didn't really pick up on when I demoed them at CanJam, that also took a week or so to start to understand even after owning them.

The only downside to them for me is price, which I won't belabor. But that, for me, not bass or anything else, is the main knock on these for me. Bass impact and subbass is for sure on the lighter side, but a complete non-issue for the music I listen to through headphones. I always try to be as transparent as possible, so those are the few caveats for me. But even with those things in consideration, just absolutely incredible--without question.
Mar 10, 2024 at 4:55 PM Post #927 of 1,176
I gave them a listen at canjam,impressive but simply too expensive
Mar 11, 2024 at 5:13 AM Post #928 of 1,176
I gave them a listen at canjam,impressive but simply too expensive
Can find them half price on the used market if your patient
Mar 11, 2024 at 2:23 PM Post #929 of 1,176
Have been pretty busy and haven't had much time for updates. I spent almost a few weeks straight with the Valkyria only in my system, and it's just glorious. I'm back from a short trip listening to it only today (few hours now), before heading back out for a few weeks for work on Tues. Same things standing out as before, tone and timbre, rich like chocolate.. without being overbearing to the rest of the sound spectrum. The layering and detail are the things that I didn't really pick up on when I demoed them at CanJam, that also took a week or so to start to understand even after owning them.
These really do not sound like anything else I've owned. I don't know what to compare them to. It's a great addition to my collection. I wish the sub-bass was better, but the mid-bass is very good. They are not for rap, but everything else....they work really well :metal:

Happy you are liking them, given your experience and arsenal the bar was very high!

To me, the most remarkable feature of the Valkyria in nowadays offering is that they dare to be different, accepting a) not being perfect (far from it) and b) not pleasing everyone.

They have something really special to offer, so unique that no other headphones I have tried can replicate, both sonically and most importantly at an emotional level, provided they 'click' with one's sensory apparatus, which may happen immediately or - as in my case - after several weeks of aquaintance.

The price is demential in every possible way, but I don't regret a single coin spent on them.
Mar 11, 2024 at 2:37 PM Post #930 of 1,176
Can find them half price on the used market if your patient
I will keep an eye out...outstand HP but not worth the ridiculous price

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