SoundMagic HE200 ~VS~ HifiMan HE-400 (What Should I Get?)
Aug 1, 2014 at 10:42 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 16


Feb 9, 2013
What Are You Looking For:
I am looking for a pair of open back headphones. I'm looking to start small in headphones, but hope to get the big boys like HD800, LCD-3, HE-6 in the future.

What Do You Want To Do With It:
Sound Editing & Mixing for a Production group, and for a friend who like ponies...*sighs* ANYWAY, I'd like something that will be revealing of bad recordings, errors and the likes. But I still want to be able to use the headphones for enjoyment purposes.

What Kind Of Sound Do You Want:
I'm looking for Neutral. With the best extensions on the bass, I want to be able to hear the Sub-Bass, I don't want it to sound elevated, I just want to hear it.
I'm extremely fond of Rich sound, especially in the Mids. Additionally I can NOT handle Harsh treble at all, I don't hate treble, I just don't like when it hurts.

Additional Info:

+ Keep in mind that I AM set up with Equalizer APO, so I can system wide parametric EQ to fix any issues with sound and tune the headphones for my ears. However I want to keep EQing to a minimal of countering how sound echos/amplifies for MY ears.

+ I already own the Audio-Technica's PRO700MK2 and love them. (Often mistook for being bass heavy, really just a extreme extension down to ~15 Hz after a ~2 years of burn in and heavy use.)

+ I do own an AMP, the Fiio E12. Powerful little thing, and has a Subtle Bass boost for the songs that need it... or for when your showing off your headphones to your (non-audiophile)friends...

+ I do NOT own a external DAC yet. I intend to get the Fiio X5 and use that as my DAC, until I'm ready to drop a couple thousands on the bigger and better equipment.

What I Would Like In This Thread:
Answers to the Poll attached to this thread. Additionally if you have any Arguments as to why I should pick one over the other, I'd like to hear them. Free to Ask Questions and ETC.

Which Pair I am leaning towards:

SoundMagic's HP200 <| 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | N | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |> HifiMan's HE-400
Aug 2, 2014 at 1:42 AM Post #2 of 16
The X1 is not suitable for a neutral monitoring can. Too dark/muddy/slow, over emphasized bass. I don't know enough about the HP200. I own the Q701's, which I feel like would be perfect for monitoring (Quincy Jones, ahem), but they might be a little too lean for your tastes.
Aug 2, 2014 at 2:04 AM Post #3 of 16
I've heard that the X1's slow bass is mostly due to a high impedance cable and is easily fixed with a cable swap. Additionally if it is too much i still have Equalizer APO to reduce it. as far as I know, you can use EQing to reduce all you want, but increasing is to be kept to the minimal or better yet avoided.

im considering the Q701's now that i've looked into them, and seeing that i can get them 60% Off... im changing the thread a bit now...

Are the Q701's pads replacable?
Do they expose bad recordings well?
Is the treble Harsh/Sharp?

when you say lean, do you mean the sound is not very rich sounding?
Aug 2, 2014 at 11:16 AM Post #4 of 16
I've tried the x1's with different cables... You can only fix so much. Even the X1 diehards don't really recommend it for mixing, though it's better than what many use. To answer your questions three (then, the other side you may see :))... Yes, yes, and the treble is strong/ some find the 2khz peak to be trouble, though many say burn in helps. I find no issues with the treble, it's an analytical can doing it's job.
Aug 2, 2014 at 12:14 PM Post #7 of 16
I was about to recommend the K612's too... I just got tired of typing on my phone, haha! Now I'm on a real PC. HP200 is a loved neutral champ as well. The E12 should be a great amp for either.
Aug 2, 2014 at 2:39 PM Post #8 of 16
I would of been sold on the K612 Pro's if it was not for non-detachable cable.
How is the sound stage on the HP200s? To be honest thats my main consideration, right now im also starting to consider splurging a bit and jump to the HE-400s.

(Thread Has beem Updated with my new Considerations.)
Aug 2, 2014 at 4:54 PM Post #9 of 16
HE-400's are one of the last choices I'd use on this planet for mixing
. Also, I've never heard of cable problems from the K612... if it's anything like the other AKG's I've tried, it'll be a keeper with great quality. Everything that needs to be built strong is, and the rest is just clean. AKG's usually have a great soundstage, too.
Aug 2, 2014 at 6:15 PM Post #10 of 16
I still HAVE to have a detachable cable, there are children in this household and they will break things. i've already lost my 1.2m cable for my current headphones to them... and they were durable sons'a beetchez. If there is a mod for them, or another version with detachable cable, would be much appreciated, and this thread would close quickly.

i HAVE to have detachable. especially if im spending more then $100.

as i said, I am already verymuch liking the what im hearing about the K612 but the non-detachable is a instant deal breaker.

Since I have Equalizer APO, do you think i could get the Q701 and just put a wide, but weak treble reduction? and any peaks that I may hear?
Aug 3, 2014 at 4:29 AM Post #11 of 16
Getting headphones modded to be detachable is feasible, though probably a hassle... same with modding unless you're really comfortable soldering and cutting and such. The HP200 sounds like a great option, though the HP100 I think is said to be more neutral. The Q701's aren't bright IMHO, just slightly more lean than neutral/flat... you could probably EQ it fine, but I hate EQ 
. I can assure you they'd have the detail retrieval and soundstage you want... but I haven't heard the HP200's to compare on that.
Aug 3, 2014 at 4:40 AM Post #12 of 16
This is a selfish request, but if you could get the HP200s yourself, and try them out. i would very much appreciate it.

Just saying this now, i can wait. but i'd like to hear your comparison.

in any case. you do not have to, but it would be appreciated. In any case, you may find that you like them more than expected, or start a collection.
This is a very selfish request so i fully understand if you do not want to. I'm also aware that money can be an issues so again, i don't mind if you deny.
Aug 3, 2014 at 4:55 AM Post #13 of 16
Deny I do... I promised myself my Q701's would be my last purchase for a while, nor do the HP200's sound appealing to me. That makes me think... is there any chance you could audition some at a store near you or at a local meet-up? What area of what country are you in, if you don't mind me asking?
Aug 3, 2014 at 5:05 AM Post #14 of 16
El Cajon, of California (USA)

I've Looked previously for places that audition headphones before, i've checked all sorts of shops, and the only place within a 4 hour drive(one way) is 'Fry's Electronics' and they only audition crappy brands like beats, some "808" brand that managed to sound worse then the old beats studios yet cost significantly more, monster, and some decent ones like bose. that is ALL. If I could have auditioned them, I would have.

There is the Meet on the 9th, but I am already scheduled on that day so I could not go even if i wanted to.

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