Sound Technology that is Incredible.
Apr 7, 2005 at 2:09 PM Post #2 of 26

Originally Posted by BigRobb

Its awesome.

BigRobb --

Oh... My... God...

That is the most ridiculous thing to ever come across these young eyes.
...and by ridiculous I mean utterly amazing and ground-breaking...

Did you read the part about stereo/laptop speakers? This is going to be huge...

Even though I think that it already is...

Apr 7, 2005 at 4:07 PM Post #4 of 26
wait? ??!! so this will allow us to be ventriliquists with out the murmuring crap! Hmmm.... the possibilities for pranks and practical jokes are endless!!!!
Apr 7, 2005 at 4:13 PM Post #5 of 26
USA Today is recycling a story from *at least* a year ago. I forget who (Wired magazine?) was talking about it last year.

Doesn't mean it doesn't sound cool, though!
Apr 7, 2005 at 4:36 PM Post #6 of 26

Though the technology is still years from becoming mainstream, HSS could be used to make laptop speakers that blare music to the person in front of the screen, while no one else could hear it. It could allow a grocery store to play audio advertisements that seem to come from, say, the display of Duracell batteries, yet the ad could be heard only by the shopper in front of the display. An HSS-equipped car could play one CD for the parents up front and another for kids in the back. Neither would hear even a whisper of the others' music.

I hates it !

at leasdt with headphones you KNOW why someone is ignoring you.Talk to some knucklehead using this technology and all you see is someone ignoring you.Not good at all if you are an "A" type personality not liking to be ignored (me
) or the boss.

plus "hearing voices" can take on a whole new meaning when someone can be at a distance and focus sound ONLY to one pereson while others hear nothing.i can see many ways this can be abused.

But the military/police application is one worth exploring.Seems to me like a focused communication is one that could be pretty secure since only the one aimed at gets the signal and being focused no "strays" can be picked up by the opposition.
Apr 7, 2005 at 4:41 PM Post #7 of 26

Originally Posted by rickcr42
I hates it !

at leasdt with headphones you KNOW why someone is ignoring you.Talk to some knucklehead using this technology and all you see is someone ignoring you.Not good at all if you are an "A" type personality not liking to be ignored (me
) or the boss.

plus "hearing voices" can take on a whole new meaning when someone can be at a distance and focus sound ONLY to one pereson while others hear nothing.i can see many ways this can be abused.

But the military/police application is one worth exploring.Seems to me like a focused communication is one that could be pretty secure since only the one aimed at gets the signal and being focused no "strays" can be picked up by the opposition.

Your custom title gets now new dimennsions
Apr 7, 2005 at 4:51 PM Post #9 of 26
Yes, we discussed this already. Good for things like "listening stations" at record stores, so you don't disturb others. Bad for getting hit with Britney Spears musical promos every time you plop in a buck and a quarter for a coke.
Apr 7, 2005 at 4:52 PM Post #10 of 26

Originally Posted by jpr703
The intrusive marketing possibilities are just endless with a device like this....

exactly. i've read articles about how they can pinpoint you from across the street with this technology. so you'd be hit by a blast from a McDonald's 'commercial' while walking down the street. just you. the homicide rate increase as a result!
Apr 7, 2005 at 5:07 PM Post #11 of 26
Anyone know if this is similar to the Bose PS1 thing that they advertise for musicians? Seems to follow the same principles ie - constant spl levels throughout an audible range of X meters.

Not sure how practical it'd be for replacing current speakers, however, as they are generally used for their ability to 'fill a room' with audio. Personally, i like hearing my music while i'm in another room, though i will admit it seems like a pretty good development for communication technology.
Apr 7, 2005 at 5:08 PM Post #12 of 26
crap .. if its not the internet spam, now its gonna be sound spam!!!! let the crazyness begin ..... or not ...!!!
Apr 7, 2005 at 5:17 PM Post #13 of 26
Technology like this already exists.... (horn loaded speakers?)

Besides, I bet something like this would be very lacking in the bass department, because bass frequencies are very omnidirectional.

I'd want to hear this before praising its glory, because I don't believe it.
Apr 7, 2005 at 5:39 PM Post #14 of 26
This guy was famous for inventing something else. Anyone remember what that was?
Apr 7, 2005 at 6:55 PM Post #15 of 26
{pssst...hey buddy....yeah WANT this NEED this MUST HAVE this car........think how cool you will look behind the wheel........a real babe can not live without this automobile under you.........}

you say something man ?

"not me !"

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