Sony XBA-H1 and XBA-H3 Hybrid Dynamic and BA IEM
Oct 9, 2013 at 8:16 PM Post #414 of 3,257
  Obviously, some crappy dynamic isn't going to beat dual BA bass. But it's a different story if they are Sony's EX1000 or 7550 drivers. They are more than capable of outperforming multiple BA in terms of bass.

I'm not just talking about crappy dynamics. I think some multi driver BA's such as the Westone 3 can definitely rival or outperform certain dynamics in terms of bass.
Oct 9, 2013 at 8:24 PM Post #417 of 3,257
  Well, for sure! Have you heard JH13/JH16? Their bass out performs most dynamic drivers that I've heard.

Nope, too rich for my blood! My main point is just that some BA's can put out bass just as good as other dynamics. While I agree dynamics are generally better in terms of bass response, people shouldn't write off all BA's as having inferior bass. :) I don't think we are disagreeing. heh.
Oct 9, 2013 at 8:28 PM Post #418 of 3,257
Nope, too rich for my blood! My main point is just that some BA's can put out bass just as good as other dynamics. While I agree dynamics are generally better in terms of bass response, people shouldn't write off all BA's as having inferior bass. :) I don't think we are disagreeing. heh.

There always are exceptions, and they can't be ignored. While I find dynamics to be "generally" good at bass, there are BAs that gives very good bass response as well. JH... whoa. Impressive super bass. It's like having ultra quick sub-woofers in your ears. Never heard something like that yet.(TG334 came close though).
Oct 9, 2013 at 8:29 PM Post #419 of 3,257
Yep. I wish I could hear the TG334's. I'm sure I'd love them. Perhaps when I get my job in Asia I can try out all sorts of new things! Being a college student has its perks, but having money for top end IEMS isn't one of them :D
On topic, I'm interested in hearing the XBA-H1. It sounds promising.
Oct 9, 2013 at 8:32 PM Post #420 of 3,257
  Yep. I wish I could hear the TG334's. I'm sure I'd love them. Perhaps when I get my job in Asia I can try out all sorts of new things! Being a college student has its perks, but having money for top end IEMS isn't one of them :D
On topic, I'm interested in hearing the XBA-H1. It sounds promising.

Yup. I'm a bit worried about treble extension though. Would the BA be like mid/treble driver? I think they might need a extra BA just for super tweeter, but that's just my dream.

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