May 5, 2022 at 5:54 PM Post #3,796 of 16,368
May 5, 2022 at 6:19 PM Post #3,797 of 16,368
in my opinion one’s level of music enjoyment should never be tied to one’s frequency hearing abilities. Music is a dynamic signal with variations in timing, amplitude. Your brain is the decoder of the sound energy that is translated into your own unique sensory experience. Everyone’s music listening memories and experiences are very unique to each individual’s culture and life experiences. Some of us prefer to have strong bass tunes while others enjoy the lush sweet sound of violin sounds.

Does it mean that for example an older man with 13khz upper frequency hearing limit when listening to his 1970s Bee Gees album will not get his same level of music enjoyment as his younger self with higher frequency hearing? Is he listening to the vocals of the singers which is definitely below 13KHz or is he trying to listen to some tape hiss that’s at 15khz or so? His frequency range might be diminished but not his sense of rhythm timings, spacial awareness and soft to loudness perceptions in his music.
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May 5, 2022 at 6:49 PM Post #3,798 of 16,368
Our human ears along with our brain is actually more sensitive about timings of sound than what you would have thought of. It is a unique brain function that allow us to locate directions of sounds.

And also this timing sensitivity is different for everyone:

The best method was a two-interval procedure with an interstimulus interval of 50 ms. The average threshold ITD for this condition at the 75% correct level was 6.9 μs for nine trained listeners and 18.1 μs for 52 un-trained listeners.
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May 5, 2022 at 7:23 PM Post #3,799 of 16,368
If you watch this video, the improvements in this new generation of AKM chips is focused on it's internal dac chip's noise reduction. The specs of the chip remains the same.

It's seems like AKM and Sony is following similar sound signature that delivers that trailing edge of the sound, like in the WM1ZM2 where the notes linger longer into the silence.
May 5, 2022 at 11:12 PM Post #3,803 of 16,368
I have spoken to Sony today and they said that they have stock in the warehouse as of yesterday and are now fulfilling orders
Nice! Hope they have sufficient stock for fulfil all pre-orders.
May 5, 2022 at 11:29 PM Post #3,805 of 16,368
I was curious about this, and it seems that my hearing goes just north of 18 kHz. I tested it with the WM1A connected in a low-latency USB DAC mode, using the MDR-1AM2 in the single-ended port.

Based on this video I start hearing at about 18.6 kHz (I'm 29 years old though):

Nice, I’m 45 year old and I got 15kHz
May 5, 2022 at 11:39 PM Post #3,806 of 16,368
Wow, I'm 42 and my hearing tops out at just before 13KHz :frowning2:

I never listened to headphones loudly, but have been into personal stereos since late 80's. I guess going clubbing going to see bands in my early 20's probably didn't help.
I am topping out at around 15,000 Hz. Don't feel bad. Only those with golden ears approach 20,000 Hz no matter the age. I am sure there are a ton of people with 14,000 to 16,000 KHz as a starting point...genetics...
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May 5, 2022 at 11:52 PM Post #3,807 of 16,368
Nice, I’m 45 year old and I got 15kHz
I'm starting to hear a buzz around here. not sure if i'm doing the test correctly? i'm suppose stop soon i hear that fuzzbuzzchirp sound, right?

not s
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May 5, 2022 at 11:54 PM Post #3,808 of 16,368
I'm starting to hear a buzz around here. not sure if i'm doing the test correctly? i'm suppose stop soon i hear that fuzzbuzzchirp sound, right?
not s
You must be a bat 😂
May 6, 2022 at 12:03 AM Post #3,810 of 16,368
I was curious about this, and it seems that my hearing goes just north of 18 kHz. I tested it with the WM1A connected in a low-latency USB DAC mode, using the MDR-1AM2 in the single-ended port.

Based on this video I start hearing at about 18.6 kHz (I'm 29 years old though):

Probably not a good idea that this video plays background music while doing the frequency sweep at the same time.

This might be a bit better way to test:

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