Sony MDR-F1 Open-Air Headphone
Jan 21, 2003 at 6:37 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 12


New Head-Fier
Dec 19, 2002
These look cool, they are new on

Anyone have any info on this headphone? How it sounds etc...



Jan 21, 2003 at 8:11 AM Post #3 of 12
Depends on the application...

For vocals, and airyness... the F1s will eat the ATs for lunch, if driven properly (which is a seemingly hard thing to do)... same if you like a dark sound... The A900/A1000 sound very shrill if you do a direct A/B...

The ATs seem better for slow music to my ears... if you step up the tempo, the ATs seem to trip over themselves getting a little splashy...

Neither 'phone is optimal to me... and, also I think that the ATs and F1s are at very opposite ends of a very big scale...

There are better options whichever way you tread... It just depends what you want out of your sound
Jan 21, 2003 at 12:57 PM Post #4 of 12
HI DUCAN: How are you. Eat my A1000 for lunch? LOL how can they eat my A1000 for lunch when My A1000 already eat them fore breakfast?
Now here we go again. With the right equipment and if you place them just right then they sound ok.
To be honest with you when I did own them was before I got here and had no amp and knew nothing about positing. I don't know why the A1000 sounded like it did to you other than a bad source or not so good amp or surgery. The other day I bought a monster cable rca to mini and plug it into my cd minidisc with my MaxOut META42 and the sound was awesome. Highs were sweet as was the mids and the bass well you know the D.A.D.S.system just kicked in. It would be nice to hear the F1 on my cd minidisc with the GILMORE though. Have a great day and three cheers for the f1s
Jan 21, 2003 at 5:39 PM Post #5 of 12

As it so happens, i have both the F1's and a Gilmore Dynamic kit coming, so i can tell you how they work together
Of course my plan for the future is to save up enough for the W1000's, but maybe i'll just buy those after i move to Japan.

I expect the F1/Gilmore combination will be plenty good for me, since i'm just getting started in this hobby
Jan 21, 2003 at 5:39 PM Post #6 of 12
What is the wires that connect the inner headband made of? They looks thin and fragile. I'm thinking of getting this for my friend but not sure how good it is especially in terms of bass response since it's opened.
Jan 21, 2003 at 8:27 PM Post #7 of 12
Sam, Neo

You may want to do a search (upper right button) for F1 in the headphone review section. You should find full reviews and pictures, etc.
Jan 21, 2003 at 8:49 PM Post #10 of 12
Do a search! In short, it depends on your ears and equipment. They need power -- plenty of voltage swing for a very low impedance headphone. Open as can be, and with few peers for comfort.
Jan 21, 2003 at 11:06 PM Post #12 of 12
I didn't like the F-1. I A/Bed them witht he V6 while listening to a Pink Floyd CD, and they were only like 5% better for me. They were a tad clearer, and a little more open sounding, but lost a little in the bass department. I can't remember exactly, but I seem to recall thinking they were a tad on the bright side.

The reason I didn't like them was that they seemed like some sort of mutant V6, which I've already got a few complaints about. Even though they had slighty more open sound, the sound stage was still very closed in and chunky. Not even so much blobby, but chunky. "Each sound WILL be in one of three sections!"

Well, they almost had it for comfort... They re extremely light, and have large around the ear pads. However, in true sony style, (at least with the sony's I've tried thus far) the driver elclosure rested on my ear, which I really hate. To combat the small sound stage, I tried pushing them forward and down. I actually managed to make a significant improvement, but at the cost of pushing them so far that my ears stuck out the back betweent he pads and the drivers. As if they didn't feel like they would fall off if I moved my head to quickly before, now I wasn't sure I wanted to take my hands off them.

My two main impressions were: "This is like a V6 for the kind of people who like to spend tons of extra money lowering their car."
(Which I find quite silly, since your just throwing money at the wall, as far as I can tell.)

And, "Even though this equipment looks much better than the discman I tried the HD590s on, I like the 590s a lot better."

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