Sony EX70 silver mod
Mar 3, 2003 at 6:53 AM Post #31 of 41
it looks like you executed the silver mod perfectly. good job!
Mar 15, 2003 at 11:18 PM Post #32 of 41
Couple of questions

- What does the foam in the tube do to the sound? Does it make that much of a change to the sound?

- I use the EX70 for working out. Will sweat make the tape fall out? I would hate to have metal tape stuck in me ear canal.

- Will sealing the three holes cause harmfull air pressure on the eardrum? Un-modded air escapes thru the three holes when inserting the EX70. Modded I feel pressure against my eardrum...feels funny and not too safe.

- Every time I take off the rubber tips the tape falls off. Do you guys just not wash ur tips or do u clean them without taking them off.

I tried the mod a couple of days ago and the bass is tight and the treble is no longer muffled but maybee a bit too bright. Im modding again with smaller holes as I write this.

Thanks to all of those involved with the mod. Good work.
Mar 16, 2003 at 12:01 AM Post #33 of 41

Originally posted by traficante
- I use the EX70 for working out. Will sweat make the tape fall out? I would hate to have metal tape stuck in me ear canal.

Mine have never fallen appart.


- Every time I take off the rubber tips the tape falls off. Do you guys just not wash ur tips or do u clean them without taking them off.

I can remove the rubbers without the tape coming loose.
Mar 21, 2003 at 7:03 PM Post #35 of 41
I'm about to receive my EX-71's any day now. Can someone tell me if the mod is applicable for the 71 as well as the 70?

Also, (I'm a complete newbie here, my apologies in advance) where exactly do you find the foam that you should use? Are you just referring to the detachable foam covering from another pair of buds?

Thanks for your help!

Mar 21, 2003 at 7:27 PM Post #36 of 41

Originally posted by ktp
I'm about to receive my EX-71's any day now. Can someone tell me if the mod is applicable for the 71 as well as the 70?

Also, (I'm a complete newbie here, my apologies in advance) where exactly do you find the foam that you should use? Are you just referring to the detachable foam covering from another pair of buds?

Thanks for your help!


i don't know of anyone who did this mod has done it to the ex71. try your new earbuds for about a week (to burn them in), and decide then if you want to mod them. if they are similar design to the ex70 (and they do look similar), you may be able to apply the silver mod. the foam is from the pads that come with stock headphones, you know the ones we throw in a drawer and never use when we get a new discman.

did you make sure there was no oil from your fingers on the ex70 tubes before applying the silver tape? did you use the thick paper-backed silver duct tape, and did you apply enough pressure to make it stick? i usually just wipe the outsides of the tips with a clean cloth, and when i wash them the tape stays in place for me.

right now my medium ex70 tips are doing a tour of duty on my ety er6 for the "dome tip mod". in fact i think they have found a new home on my er6, it sounds and feels so right.
Apr 27, 2003 at 8:20 PM Post #37 of 41
OK i have a few questions...

I am intrested in doing the mod to the 71's but i have something weird happened.(well not THAT weird)

After listening them for a while i decided the medium foamies were too big so i went to the smalls. when i made the switch every aspect fell. instead of upfront bass, its almost not there. instead of really high highs, they are gone. the only problem i had with them was the highs, so i was going to mod them. but now i dont know if modded hem will save the base.

Is there anything i can do?
May 19, 2003 at 11:18 AM Post #38 of 41
Hi people!

Reporting another HAPPY user of silver modded EX70!

Well, the sticker over the tube comes from MD label paper sticker, but stays in place, and the hole is pretty rounded in it.

I use one small hole in the middle and leave rear holes open.


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