Snow Storm!!!
Dec 5, 2002 at 10:19 PM Post #16 of 57
Anyone remember the Chicago blizzard of '67. 40" of snow in 1 day!
Never seen it like that since. Totally buried our car so you couldn't even see it.
Dec 5, 2002 at 10:21 PM Post #17 of 57

Originally posted by Steven Vujovic
Anyone remember the Chicago blizzard of '67. 40" of snow in 1 day!
Never seen it like that since. Totally buried our car so you couldn't even see it.

Nope. Living in Scotland we don't see much Chicago snow
Dec 5, 2002 at 10:22 PM Post #18 of 57
I had lots of fun biking back and forth to and from the boathouse this morning in the snow. Have you ever tried riding your bike in five inches of snow? -- it's actually kind of tricky. I'm surprised I didn't end up in the Potomac on my trip down the hill. So, ha, some day I can honestly tell my kids I had to bike a mile in the snow every morning at 6:00am just to get to the boathouse to erg!

This town is a real mess in the snow. I'm surprised they didn't call out the National Guard. I think mine was the only school that didn't close -- even all the other universities cancelled classes. Good thing it'll all melt this weekend, otherwise people might be getting scared. The snow also brings out all sorts of interesting people, like the skiers I saw cruising the streets this morning. Seriously, who does that?

Dec 5, 2002 at 10:28 PM Post #19 of 57
Ahh I livejust south of lake erie in the Snow Belt. heheh it can get kinda wicked sometimes. Noting like pusihing a foot (literly) of snow off your car after sitting for 4 hours. God I loved New Years 99. Heheh Freakin blizzard, standing on the shore of the frozen lake in Erie PA with 40 mile hour a wind and snowing like mad. Was like 10 degrees F. Thats bout the most hardcore ive been out in. The snow Blasted your face man, could not even trun my head to watch the fireworks.
Dec 5, 2002 at 11:00 PM Post #20 of 57

Originally posted by ServinginEcuador
Uphill......BOTH WAYS!!!

OBTW, what's the single largest dumping of snow you've been in?? In 1979 here in MD we had a blizzard come thru and drop 39", 1 full meter of snow in about 36 hours of straight snowfall!!!! That was impressive. I remember it so well since we had off school for a whole WEEK straight!!! Fun in the snow at 11 years old.

When I was a kid we had a storm here that lasted 5 days if I remember correctly. We didn't have power for much of it. After, I remember seeing a picture in the newspaper from the western part of the island where the snow was higher than the trailer of an 18 wheeler. We didn't get quite that much in the central part of the island but pretty darn close. Probably about 8 years ago the maritimes had one almost as bad as that. People ended up with snow car ports!

and yes I had to walk school uphill, backwards, etc...
Dec 5, 2002 at 11:35 PM Post #22 of 57
Hey wallijonn, my wife has the same prediction for the third week of January. She got hers from reading the plants.

We get our share of snow here also. Usually 3 or 4 inches at a time. The winter of 88/89 was our last big one. I remember driving from town toward where we lived and seeing what looked like lightning flashes. It was power lines and transformers giving out from all the ice. Ice storm then snow storm in one 2 day period. The wind was so high that I was driving at 50mph holding a bic lighter out the window and it would stay lit! I have pictures of my cars where all thats visible is the roofs.

My mom had to walk 3 miles in 6 feet of snow to school. I guess she was lucky.
Dec 5, 2002 at 11:49 PM Post #24 of 57

That's because it's Pittsburg, man. I doubt they close the schools in Buffalo also.

lol, right. The thing is, I remember when I was REALLY young, 93, maybe 94, we had those blizzards. Wow, that horrible/amazing at the same time. It seems like we get less and less snow each year here in Pittsburgh. I mean, lately, we our Christmas's have come without ANY snow!

This is the first time I remember there being lots of snow in the beginning of December. . .
Dec 5, 2002 at 11:57 PM Post #25 of 57
it's death storm 2002....stay tuned for the death count later this evening...

I love the news headlines they come up with on tv.
Dec 6, 2002 at 12:00 AM Post #26 of 57

Originally posted by RickG
Doug, is that you in the red jacket?

If not then I'm actually my wife in the blue jacket in the background!!!!
Dec 6, 2002 at 12:01 AM Post #27 of 57

Originally posted by andrzejpw
I remember when I was REALLY young, 93, maybe 94,

If you were 93 or 94 when you were young, how old are you now?????
Dec 6, 2002 at 12:11 AM Post #28 of 57

Originally posted by wallijonn
SE, is that your daughter in the background? If so, nice... If not, my apologies.

Nope, that lovely creature is the woman I talked into marrying me!!! She's the little lady who encourages this sickness of mine, and my pursuit of audio bliss. She's quite a catch and not going anywhere. I won't let her!!!
Dec 6, 2002 at 12:26 AM Post #29 of 57

Originally posted by Mr.PD
Hey wallijonn, my wife has the same prediction for the third week of January. She got hers from reading the plants.

One of the nurses in the office is saying the same thing because it was a wet summer here. I'm not looking forward to the ice this year as I am without a FWD or 4WD vehical this year and my town is hilly
. The ice, which is what Arkansas usually gets will be no fun this year.
Dec 6, 2002 at 1:43 AM Post #30 of 57

Originally posted by akar
Oh no, not snow.

Coming from an Alaskan, I take that as sarcasm!!!

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