Sleep Paralysis... followed by a SCARY dream!
Apr 17, 2006 at 5:14 AM Post #17 of 28
I have it when I don't get enough sleep and am exhausted, but have a lot of my mind (ex: cramming for tests). And I used to work a night job, 8+ hours a night. Then was taking 16+ hours a semester. Did this for 2 years. Probably did some irreversible damage to myself.

Just get more sleep and it won't happen. But yea, the feeling is horrible. I always feel like I'm going to die if I don't pull myself out of it.
Apr 17, 2006 at 5:22 AM Post #18 of 28
once got a text message at 11 in the morning from a special girl i've had my eyes on for about a year saying that she was sorry she woke me up with her early morning phone call
the only problem was...i didn't remember getting a phone call

or the time i woke up screaming and yelling at the top of my lungs "ONE!!!" 4 months after marching band season
Apr 17, 2006 at 12:34 PM Post #20 of 28
I started having bouts of sleep paralysis my senior year of high school. I'm a sophomore in college now, and it continued all the way up to the end of my previous semester. It started without any of the hallucinations or whatnot, and I looked it up online to figure out what was going on. The weird thing is that it was only happening when I was taking naps during the day, which is in accordance with what people here are saying about an irregular sleep cycle. Also, one of the websites I found said your likeliness of having sleep paralysis goes up dramatically from sleeping on your back as opposed to your sides (although I've always slept on my sides and got it anyway). In any case, I just try to stay calm when it happens because I know it'll be over soon. That's what a lot of people who've never experienced it have trouble with; you really are in a normal, waking state of mind, but you just can't move. So the next time it happens, just relax and wait it out. It's annoying, but not much more.
Apr 17, 2006 at 1:43 PM Post #21 of 28
I've had a lot of very weird sleeping experiences, and one of the scaries experiences I've had was that when i was very young, i was suffering from sleep paralysis while i was in a dream, I was dreaming and I was aware of it, i tried to move and wake up but couldn't, i couldn't even open my eyes, so i was still stuck in a dream and while dreaming i was consciously getting really freaked out... so i was struggling with myself to actually fully wake up, It seemed like there were two things happening at once, one with on the sub-conscious side of the mind and one of the conscious... after about the longest 5 - 10 minutes of my life... i actually woke up and was probably suffering from a bit of shock, since i was actually afraid i was going to be stuck inside my own head...

note that this was very difficult to explain...

but usually after a period of time, it goes away, i think i suffer from this almost every morning... maybe an enormous amount of will power is required or you just have to wait until it subsides...
Apr 17, 2006 at 4:39 PM Post #22 of 28
Ah, nightscares... Happens to me occasionally, sometimes a few times in one night. Not a pleasant experience. Typically, I just feel super heavy to the point that I can hardly move (sleep paralysis), or I'll try talking or calling out and I cant say anything louder than a whisper. It's pretty scarry stuff, especially when a bad dream follows up. It's not scary in the sense of being immature, it's just the overall shock of the situation.

So yeah, nightscares suck.
Apr 17, 2006 at 8:38 PM Post #23 of 28
Whenever I try to scream in a dream I can't, it just comes out as a hoarse whisper, but that doesn't sound like what you guys are talking about.

I've never had sleep paralysis, thankfully. It sounds pretty freaky and annoying.
Apr 17, 2006 at 8:57 PM Post #25 of 28
out of a group of 30 kids back in high school chatting about it, four of us had this happen - it happened once to me, pretty freaky, but it went away after a minute and i could move. but this one guy had it BAD - he said he felt this pressure on his chest and there was a damn devil cackling on his chest and everything turned red - freaked us all out.
Apr 17, 2006 at 9:23 PM Post #26 of 28
I've experienced sleep paralysis once in my life and that was about a year ago. I was having just a normal dream when all of the sudden I saw what looked like that dead girl from The Ring just rushing at me. It was very creepy because it felt so real. Anyway, I remember my eyes being half opened, feeling terrified to death, and unable to move a muscle for a minute or so. I had never head of sleep paralysis at that time so I thought that I was being possessed.

A few months before that, I was sleeping when I felt something cold against my body. It woke me up, and I literally jumped out of my bed because in my half-awake state I thought it was a snake. It turned out that it was just my arm, which had gone a little cold from the circulation being cut off because my body was laying on top of it.
Apr 17, 2006 at 10:42 PM Post #27 of 28
I've had that happen a few times and its really scary. The odd thing was in my sleep paralysis state, I was straining my muscles to the point of exhustion, then when I woke up (or whatever), my muscles were totally relaxed. Very scary and disorienting.

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