Singlepower's Response
Oct 22, 2004 at 1:24 AM Post #61 of 211
You make unsubstantiated claims in your "translation," though. Mikhail says his circuit isn't the same as Chu Moy's, and your translation is "he's lying."
Oct 22, 2004 at 1:26 AM Post #62 of 211

Originally Posted by bln
You make unsubstantiated claims in your "translation," though. Mikhail says his circuit isn't the same as Chu Moy's, and your translation is "he's lying."

I would be interested to see an impartial "tracing" of the amp to disprove/verify this, personally. For now we have to take Mikhail at his word.
Oct 22, 2004 at 1:29 AM Post #63 of 211

Originally Posted by bln
You make unsubstantiated claims in your "translation," though. Mikhail says his circuit isn't the same as Chu Moy's, and your translation is "he's lying."

I have never used the word "lying" and I will never do so.

Mikhail does not say that his circuit is not the same as Chu Moy's; he merely says that his circuit may indeed look a lot like someone else's. This lends creedence to the statements of people like Angel_teres who claim to have opened up their amps and found the circuit (except the power supply) to be identical to Chu Moy's.
Oct 22, 2004 at 1:31 AM Post #64 of 211

Originally Posted by Mikhail
The circuit, implementation, layout, power supply and other aspects of our design are ours.

How is that *not* claiming the design is his and his alone? I'm not saying he's telling the truth -- I wouldn't know. But you're attributing malicious and deceptive phrasing to him, when really he made straightforward statements.
Oct 22, 2004 at 1:33 AM Post #65 of 211
case not closed. it sounds amazing and never breaks, and hell even if it does mikhail will fix it for free. i bought a used ppx3 prototype from a user here, and it was still under warantee. who knows when / where that amp was made / been, or what it had been through. all that matters to me is SQ and reliability, and i get all that. not to mention i transport my amp occasionally with no problems whatsoever. names don't mean jack sh-t to me, i couldn't care less whether something is "class a" or whatever. if it was class a would you think it sounds any better? mislabeled, maybe. saying that just because an amp doesn't live up to a name = bad is just wrong. head-fi has really pissed me off. we have a builder building amps that do not break and that sound better than any tube amp we have ever had for headphones. i am pretty sure this fact is uncontested. names and labels and wiring jobs will not change the fact that my mpx3 probably sounds much, much better than your woo audio's or mapletrees or otl32's or whatever. go listen to some music.
Oct 22, 2004 at 1:37 AM Post #66 of 211
OK, I'm going out on a limb here.

Is it entirely out of the question to simply ask Mikhail to build an amp with super neat wiring work inside for whatever extra labor it would cost? Mikhail does build customized amps for his customers. Is it too much to ask for a "special" MPX3 "AE" or Supra "AE"?

If it really bothers you that much, and you want to buy a Single Power amp, why not ask?

Oct 22, 2004 at 1:37 AM Post #67 of 211
Let me make this absolutely clear: I am not accusing Mikhail of either lying or malice or deception. Please stop putting words to that effect in my mouth. I do not want his lawyers on my back.

Mikhail's words are carefully couched to avoid core issues. This may mislead people. That is all I am saying.

There is nothing new under the sun in terms of tube amps. Mikhail did not invent the White cathode follower. Neither did Chu Moy, for that matter.
Oct 22, 2004 at 1:41 AM Post #68 of 211

Originally Posted by akio
names don't mean jack sh-t to me, i couldn't care less whether something is "class a" or whatever. if it was class a would you think it sounds any better? mislabeled, maybe. saying that just because an amp doesn't live up to a name = bad is just wrong.

The implication was never made that just because the amp may be labeled erroneously that the amp is not a great sounding piece of equipment. I don't think anyone has made this connection.


Originally Posted by akio
head-fi has really pissed me off. we have a builder building amps that do not break and that sound better than any tube amp we have ever had for headphones. i am pretty sure this fact is uncontested.

The first thread on this subject, on the matter of posting pictures of the internals, was because an owner had an internal problem with his amp and wanted to try to fix it himself (when really he just should have contacted Mikhail directly). So the idea that the amps "do not break" is inaccurate. Then again, everything breaks, does it not?


Originally Posted by akio
names and labels and wiring jobs will not change the fact that my mpx3 probably sounds much, much better than your woo audio's or mapletrees or otl32's or whatever. blow off. go listen to some music.

Please do not assume the sound of another amp just based on the idea that it "probably" sounds better than any other one out there. Listen to other amps at meets and prove this to yourself that way.
Oct 22, 2004 at 1:41 AM Post #69 of 211
i have listened to amps at meets. hell i've hosted one.

my amp says "no user serviceable parts" and "do not open panel." you're right, it was a bad call for the original poster to open it up.

i'm not saying that the connection has or has not been made, i'm just saying that it really doesn't matter. pleasant is pleasant. this whole thing is rediculous.

i used to think there were very, very smart people on this board who really could deal with these technical terms etc ... but now we see so much dissent within the group. nobody knows what the exact meaning of whatever label ... which further proves that the labels are pointless. from what i understand, dr. gilmore says that past a point basically nothing is pure class a? not even the dynahi? krell?

these repetitive threads have sown a seed - people who we all thought knew everything about amps and could give strait answers are now disagreeing left and right. this leads me to believe that this entire classification process is one big gray area.

Oct 22, 2004 at 1:42 AM Post #70 of 211

ick now i really would like to know how you would consider any single ended output stage to be other than Class a up to the clipping point. Since one device handles the entire waveform how can it be none other than class a up to the clipping point. This is true of the seekers amp as well as all the single ended OTL Amps when you run out of current or voltage swing you are clipping and otherwise any single ended output stage is Class A up to the clipping point Am i incorrect in this statement?

First off,it has not been established yet if we are talking about a single ended amp or not.That is something yet to be determined by others

Second :Some have questioned what class A is and is not.Not all Head-Fi members are techies and they have no idea what a thing means other than "it is supposed to be a good thing"

Third :You CAN have single ended push pull and still be in the pure class A zone.

and finally,some of the best sounding class A/B amps are as good as they are because they are bised into class A for a portion of the output and on music peaks go into A/B.

since most music reproduction is in the forst 10% or so of an amps power potential the more into class A you can bias without undue heat or power supply limitations the better.

Kinda having you cake and eating it.

So i think explaining to the non technical in every day language is a good thing and if they need more information at least they have a start at understanding

again,just stating the facts as i know them and since no one else wanted to weigh in exept in response to me then i did my job in getting information out.It matters not to me how something sounds that comes down to personal preference,i just want to clear up some of the questions that have been asked.

again,pure class A is pure class A.

if I drive to your house in my jeep i don't ask you "how you like my cadillac"

Your answer would be "are you on crack man ?"

And why ?

because everyone knows a jeep from a caddy but most don't know squat about circuit topology
Oct 22, 2004 at 1:43 AM Post #71 of 211

Originally Posted by Edwood
OK, I'm going out on a limb here.

Is it entirely out of the question to simply ask Mikhail to build an amp with super neat wiring work inside for whatever extra labor it would cost? Mikhail does build customized amps for his customers. Is it too much to ask for a "special" MPX3 "AE" or Supra "AE"?

If it really bothers you that much, and you want to buy a Single Power amp, why not ask?


Interesting idea. The claim is that the amps are wired as such to maximize the quality of sound coming from the amp. We have to take his word that this is true. It might be interesting to see a better internally organized SinglePower and compare sound directly, though.
Oct 22, 2004 at 1:44 AM Post #72 of 211

Originally Posted by akio
all that matters to me is SQ and reliability ... i couldn't care less whether something is "class a" or whatever. if it was class a would you think it sounds any better? mislabeled, maybe. saying that just because an amp doesn't live up to a name = bad is just wrong.

Well, we all have different priorities. What matters to me is not handing my money over to someone who says things that aren't true ("it's single ended") and who stretches the truth ("it's pure class A"). People who misrepresent their products don't deserve my money, even if their products sound good. You clearly have different priorities. Such is life.

If it was class A, yes, I do think it would sound better with low impedance headphones. I'm speaking from experience. There are legions of single-ended class A triode fans over at Audio Asylum who would agree with me.
Oct 22, 2004 at 1:44 AM Post #73 of 211

Originally Posted by Wodgy
Let me make this absolutely clear: I am not accusing Mikhail of either lying or malice or deception. Please stop putting words to that effect in my mouth. I do not want his lawyers on my back.

Mikhail's words are carefully couched to avoid core issues. This may mislead people. That is all I am saying.

There is nothing new under the sun in terms of tube amps. Mikhail did not invent the White cathode follower. Neither did Chu Moy, for that matter.

Fine, I made my point. Ironic that you ask me not to put words in *your* mouth, though.
Oct 22, 2004 at 1:49 AM Post #74 of 211
I only reposted the photos to point out my specific observations and concerns. There is a lot of speculation an innuendo going on. We need to stick to the facts as seen and known. We’d be better off if more people opened up the amps and posted pictures.

Is this representative of what is produced? Are the other amps better or worse than this example?

Here’s an interesting question about having a patent pending.

I think we’ll eventually know the truth.

Oct 22, 2004 at 1:54 AM Post #75 of 211

Originally Posted by braillediver
Here’s an interesting question about having a patent pending.

I think the implication made by the first post in this thread is that the patents have yet to be filed. This could either have been an incorrect statement earlier or a misunderstanding of what "patent pending" means.

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