Shure E4c or Etymotic ER-4p
Feb 27, 2006 at 1:05 AM Post #46 of 59

Originally Posted by Oistrakh
Out of the two headphones Shure E4c or Etymotic ER-4p, which is the overall better IEM? Which one is more musical and is "fun"? Which one is better for classical.

I'd have to answer Shure E4 for all of those.
Feb 27, 2006 at 1:31 AM Post #47 of 59

Originally Posted by ChaosCow
Right, except those aren't comparison reviews; those are two different people doing two different reviews in both cases. .

Ok, here's a better attempt:

same person: E4 and ER4S. Verdict TIED BOTH 4 STARS,1759,1853882,00.asp,1759,1828817,00.asp

One thing I want to convey to you is: both are good headphones with their own strengths. And both have notable sonic flaws also. Just because you were able to find a handful of detailed comparisons that concluded the E4 is better doesn't mean it is that clear cut. There are obviously quite a few people that prefer the ER4P, and if everybody in this thread took the time to write a long review, you'd be saying "I went on the net and found a lot of reviews favouring the ER4P"
Feb 27, 2006 at 1:35 AM Post #48 of 59
As you can tell overall, it's pretty much (kinda) an even split between the two. If I were you, I would try them out before I get either one. UE may be better though all-around...
Feb 27, 2006 at 1:36 AM Post #49 of 59

Originally Posted by dk123
Which of E4/ER4 is closer to DT880 in terms of sound signature?

I don't think either sound like the DT880 (the DT880 is a much better headphone than any single driver canalphone), but if I had to say, the ER4P sounds much more like the DT880....I was actually listening to the 880's after my ER4's today
Feb 27, 2006 at 1:40 AM Post #50 of 59

Originally Posted by Shoey Peachew
I would like to learn more about people's comparisons between the Etymotic ER-4p and the UE 5 Pro. I'm pretty set on getting the Etymotic Er6i, but I might be willing to stretch my budget if I think it's worthwhile. :

Yes it's worthwhile, but I am pretty darn happy with the ER6i's (even considering all the other cans I have to choose from)
Feb 27, 2006 at 2:18 AM Post #51 of 59

Originally Posted by warpdriver
One thing I want to convey to you is: both are good headphones with their own strengths.

Oh, I'm sorry, I completely agree; there's absolutely no basis to say that one is definitively better than the other. To be honest, I haven't listened to the Etys; I never discussed what they sound like, only how I perceived their standing in the audio community.

I'm certainly not trying to say that the ER4Ps are bad, just that the direct comparison reviews I had found up until the time of this thread were in favor of the E4c.
Feb 27, 2006 at 3:10 AM Post #52 of 59

Originally Posted by warpdriver
I don't think either sound like the DT880 (the DT880 is a much better headphone than any single driver canalphone), but if I had to say, the ER4P sounds much more like the DT880....I was actually listening to the 880's after my ER4's today

second that! neither sounds like the 880. the er4p is very clean and bright sounding, the e4 is very dull and warm. the beyer is somewhere in between but if i had to put it in a scale, it would be slightly towards the e4's sound.
Feb 27, 2006 at 3:30 AM Post #53 of 59

Originally Posted by kin0kin
second that! neither sounds like the 880. the er4p is very clean and bright sounding, the e4 is very dull and warm. the beyer is somewhere in between but if i had to put it in a scale, it would be slightly towards the e4's sound.

So you're saying that the Er-4p is brighter than the 880

I love my 880 but I would not want to get any brighter although I would like more "shine" than the E4 gives.
Feb 27, 2006 at 3:52 AM Post #54 of 59

Originally Posted by GreatDane
So you're saying that the Er-4p is brighter than the 880

I love my 880 but I would not want to get any brighter although I would like more "shine" than the E4 gives.

that's exactly what I said when I had the 650. "i can't imagine listening to anything brighter than the 650" and apparently I proved myself wrong. If ur moving from the beyer to er4, u're gonna miss the bass...alot, but you might actually hear more details than the beyer could give. The er4's brightness aint really caused by overly exegerrated extreme highs like the sr325s which sounded quite thin, but simply due to less bass and a small peak at upper range.
Feb 27, 2006 at 4:25 AM Post #55 of 59

Originally Posted by GreatDane
So you're saying that the Er-4p is brighter than the 880

I love my 880 but I would not want to get any brighter although I would like more "shine" than the E4 gives.

I don't think the ER4P is really that much brighter than the 880, it's just the 880's brightness is in the upper treble whereas the ER4P's brightness is in the tends to start in the mid treble. Because the ER4P has less impact in the bass, the treble tends to stand out a bit more. The resolution of both is comparable, but the Beyer is more refined throughout, with a richer more organic sound, with a lot more space around each instrument.
Feb 27, 2006 at 7:44 PM Post #56 of 59

Originally Posted by Gino
What's the difference with the ER4s and the ER4p?

Simply resistance. The ER4S is rated at 100 Ohms, the ER4P at 27 Ohms. The former was designed for home and pro use, the latter was made more sensitive for use with portables. The 4P to 4S converter is simply added resistors in-line. One advantage to the lower resistance of the 4Ps was an increase in bass, which also worked out well with DAPs.

This may be similar to your iM716s where it has been purported that the difference beween HD and Bass modes has to do with inserting (HD; DC resistance, 68 Ohms) or removing (Bass; DCR, 37 Ohms) resistors with the pod switch.

So Gino, got that X-acto knife sharpened yet???

I'll be waiting
Feb 27, 2006 at 10:30 PM Post #57 of 59
I have the er4p. Although the sound of the ety is great, I really do not like the way they go into my ear, even using the foam inserts.

When the er4p is not inserted properly, you lose the bass. When you insert them properly, it begins to hurt.
Feb 27, 2006 at 10:33 PM Post #58 of 59

Originally Posted by Gino
And how would each (ER4s and ER4p) behave on an Ibook and Ipod unamped?

The er4p really shines if you put an amp in. I'd say the difference is night and day, even the source is the headphone jack of ipod.
Feb 27, 2006 at 11:29 PM Post #59 of 59

Originally Posted by ejoy
The er4p really shines if you put an amp in. I'd say the difference is night and day, even the source is the headphone jack of ipod.

Completely argee. Try the ER-4S, I think that makes a pretty big difference also. Just add 75 Ohms to each channel.

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