Shure E4c or Etymotic ER-4p
Feb 26, 2006 at 6:21 PM Post #31 of 59

Originally Posted by ChaosCow
That, and every comparison review I've ever found on the internet, including the THREE in the head-fi archive (which compared the E3c with the ER-4P, but it's the same idea).

I'm really very surprised by the responses in this thread.

Huh? You haven't been looking hard enough

The Etymotic is highly rated in many reviews,1759,1649635,00.asp (five stars)
compared to,1759,1828817,00.asp (four stars) (iLounge Rating "A")
vs (ILounge Rating B+)

For the record I much prefer the Etymotic over the Shure
Feb 26, 2006 at 6:39 PM Post #32 of 59

Originally Posted by warpdriver
Huh? You haven't been looking hard enough

The Etymotic is highly rated in many reviews,1759,1649635,00.asp (five stars)
compared to,1759,1828817,00.asp (four stars) (iLounge Rating "A")
vs (ILounge Rating B+)

For the record I much prefer the Etymotic over the Shure

Right, except those aren't comparison reviews; those are two different people doing two different reviews in both cases. I'm talking about somebody having both the E4 and the ER4 with them, and testing them right next to one another. Yes, this is hard to find, and with the exception of the poster on page one of this thread, I've always seen the Shures come ahead in this sort of comparison (the three in the head-fi archive, as well as the other linked thread). Frankly, I trust these sorts of reviews more than two different people in two different periods of times listening to phones using different songs and assigning an arbitrary score.

That's where I was coming from.
Feb 26, 2006 at 8:21 PM Post #33 of 59
I had a chance to compare the two and I like the Etymotics better. This could just be because I am used to their sound.

Compared to the Etymotics, Shure E4s have louder, better bass, and not overpowering. I think the Etys have too quiet bass. And I know I have a proper seal and all that, only the red and blue ends are visibly sticking out of my ears and they are properly angled. I still think the bass is a bit too soft. The Shures win here for me. Nowhere else, though.

Moving up on the frequency scale, the Shures have a prominent boost in mids that makes them sound nasally compared to the Etys. Some might not mind this, and if I had gotten a chance to listen to the Shures for longer I may have gotten more used to it, but it was annoying to me and sounded inaccurate.

Finally, it's easier to make out highs on the Etys. It could be for a number of reasons- maybe the louder mids and bass mask the highs of the Shures, maybe the Shures have less treble extension, maybe they just have quieter highs as a taste thing. Maybe the Etys' highs are loud. Whatever the case may be, I like the highs of the Etys more and I think they reveal more subtle detail.

Overall, the Etys are more accurate and detailed, with the exception of the bass being a bit too quiet. They are great for listening at home when there is no outside sound to mask the bass and they are also very good for portable listening, although then the bass is masked. The Shures may be the better choice if you are listening in loud places often and like to hear a good amount of bass. But overall they are less accurate (too nasally), and less detailed when compared to Etys.
Feb 26, 2006 at 8:31 PM Post #34 of 59
I haven't listened to any of these headphones (looking to buy a pair, actually), and I'm interested in their characteres RELATIVE to each other (yeah, so comparison reviews are useful for me).


"Moving up on the frequency scale, the Shures have a prominent boost in mids that makes them sound nasally compared to the Etys."

Nasally... like, congested? close to clipping? Is that an indication that you're listening to the music in too high volume?
Or, the Etys are more "airy" and have a wide soundstage? less congested?
Feb 26, 2006 at 8:38 PM Post #35 of 59
Similar to how a person with a "nasally" voice sounds. You can try reproducing it by holding your nose closed and speaking. That will give you an idea of it, but of course it is more subtle on the Shures.
Feb 26, 2006 at 8:45 PM Post #36 of 59
^ Or you can just listen to the Beatles.

Edit: Again, the UE 5 pro is shafted from here. I know the topic only asks for two, but the UE, Shure, and Ety have all been fought against each other the most, and each one in the end scores well in something different. Give the UE a chance as well!
Feb 26, 2006 at 9:20 PM Post #37 of 59
If you like the UE you should post your thoughts on how it compares to the others. Although I thought the UE 5s were meant to compete with Shure e5s and Westone UM2s?
Feb 26, 2006 at 9:55 PM Post #38 of 59
The UE is kind of the 'holy grail' in terms of a ratio of sound to price. Cheap, yes. But darn good powerful as well. These are almost like mini-headphones, because they reproduce the bass esp. well. 'Tight and powerful' is how it is referred to. The mids are fine, and the highs are adequate. Songs that have soundstage to them really show on these, but the's are not very forgiving when it comes to old recordings.

I'll post more maybe; gotta see if anybody will care first
Feb 26, 2006 at 10:53 PM Post #40 of 59
I would like to learn more about people's comparisons between the Etymotic ER-4p and the UE 5 Pro. I'm pretty set on getting the Etymotic Er6i, but I might be willing to stretch my budget if I think it's worthwhile. Thanks

Oh, and what are the benefits of either with the PA2V2. I have an iPod Nano and plan on getting a dock for it.
Feb 26, 2006 at 10:53 PM Post #41 of 59

Originally Posted by dk123
Which of E4/ER4 is closer to DT880 in terms of sound signature?

I've never heard the DT880, but I would suspect the ER4. To my ears the Shures I've heard (e2, e3, e5) sound like something you'd get bundled with a walmart $19 cd player.
I just don't get them at all.
Feb 26, 2006 at 11:43 PM Post #43 of 59

Originally Posted by AtheisticFreedom
^ That's a burn

Ya I know.. not to knock walmart or anything.
Feb 27, 2006 at 12:19 AM Post #44 of 59
another vote for the ER4P/S...

i've had mine for 2 years, and i've compared them against every one of the shure line. the only one that came close to matching the etys was the e4c, and it still fell well short.

as mentioned before, the etys, properly inserted and properly powered, are simply outstanding performers.

the e4c had louder bass, but it wasn't as tight or as musical. maybe more visceral impact, because the etys have none. but it was less satisfying all around, almost like there was a veil compared to the etys.

i'm looking forward to the shure E500... i genuinely am rooting for a sub $500 IEM that can outperform the etys.
Feb 27, 2006 at 12:31 AM Post #45 of 59

Originally Posted by VicAjax
i genuinely am rooting for a sub $500 IEM that can outperform the etys.

Me too.. specifically custom. I'm contemplating ordering the ES2 or UE-10 (ok more than $500) but I fear I'll be disappointed.

It would be really nice to have one with magnetic cable clips so that a sharp yank on them wouldn't rip your friggin eardrum out.

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