Shure E3c vs Sony EX71- my experience (long).
Oct 21, 2004 at 4:27 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 30


100+ Head-Fier
Oct 20, 2004

First post, woopee

Anyway, my EX71 headphones died (left channel blew) and I got myself a shiny pair of E3c headphones based on the recomendations on this forum.

I've had the Sony EX71 headphones for just over a year before the left channel blew and the E3c headphones I've been stress testing for over 2 weeks now.

My opinion about the Sony EX71
I am really amazed by the quality of these $50 headphones. Asside from the common wax problem, I had them yanked out of my ear with tremendeous force several times, and no matter how badly I mistreated them, they always worked just fine afterwards. I suppose after over a year of daily rough usage. It was just their time to fail.

In comparison to my Logitech Z-680 THX certified (what a joke) speakers, they give slightly more clarity! -- I was quite amazed by that but I do notice new sounds in music when I listen to the EX71 after the Z-680 -- and although the sounds are there on the Z-680, they arent as pronounced or clear as on the EX71.

Another plus is the bass is extremely powerful. I let friends that own quite expensive sound equipment listen to them, and they are opened mouthed by the power of the bass these little things produce - When listening to them personally, I constantly checked if maybe I left the subwoofer on the Z-680 on -- the bass is really that great!

I would have to say they have given me great pleasure, and whenever listening to them, I found myself drifting in complete bliss and relaxation with moderate isolation, enormous bass and relatively clear sound (or so I thought).

My opinion about the Shure E3c
When I initially got the E3c's, I was very disappointed. Sure the chopin piano solos sounded great, but where was the bass in Evanescence? -- There was complete absense of bass so I did what anyone would do: I left them on relatively loud volume playing THX bass sound samples overnight ofcourse
In the morning -- there you are bass

So ok, the wearing in did good to the headphones, and the bass is getting better by the hour. In comparison to the EX71 however, its very fast and sharp, unlike atmospheric and boomy. From an audiophile stand, thats a good thing - from strickly bass pleasure, not as fun.

On the upside, I noticed an incompareable boost in sound clarity to anything I ever heard before (clarity even a friend's $2.5k speaker system doesnt produce). So I surely see the value in these things.

In all truth however, the sound is very upfront, dull and fatiguing. It feels very clear, but the "air" effect and resonance are practically zero. You feel like you hear mids and although with astonishing quality, it reminds me of listening to a cheap old radio that plays nothing but mids at times -- I wish the mids werent so over emphasized.

There is no "bliss" feeling. You dont get taken away by the music as with the EX71's and although as they are wearing in, they are getting significantly better, I dont see how listening to them could cause a calming sensation I got so used to with the EX71's.

One last thing that no-one covers for some strange reason. The warranty! -- Shure offer a 2 year warranty and a 30 day money back warranty. Having every pair of headphones fail during the second year, that was the leading factor that sold me on the E3c's over the Ety's -- they just look like they've been built to last.

Paradox. Although I really enjoyed the EX71's and find the Shure E3c too sharp and fatiguing, listening to the Z680 or the EX71 now brings tears to my eyes. Having actually tolerated 64kbps wma with them because of a lack of clarity! I now can clearly hear negative sound artifacts on 128kbps recordings, and sometimes even 160kbps isnt enough! -- 64kbps is now a joke, even if using the superior ogg encoder.

Naturally, I will never enjoy listening to the Z680 or the EX71 ever again now that I've seen the light. Although I dont find the Shure E3c's nearly as blissful and relaxing
-- so only choice seems to get a better pair (damn you!) :p

I'm am however going to keep the E3c until I can afford a better pair like the Sensaphonics Soft 2X (I only want in ear monitors), but would just like the wonnabe audiophiles to get some warning of what they are getting themselves into.

Lastly, speaking of strickly "non boring" or artificially coloured sound. Any tips you have to get that artificial bliss and power effect from the E3c's? -- They are definitely technically capable (listening to those thx samples). Maybe some mod, or maybe I should get the triple flange or custom earmolds? -- whats your experience in this respect?

EDIT: I use the medium flex tips (not the black/grey or foem ones) -- the black ones are most comfortable, but then highs are even more recessed. And I use the Sound Blaster Live! Platinum 5.1 to drive them, or the Iops MFP-350 OGG player when I'm on the move.
Oct 21, 2004 at 5:25 PM Post #2 of 30
HAH! -- I just happened to have some etymotic earplugs completely by accident, and just out of interest, I pulled the top off and noticed its perfect fit for the Shure E3c!

I wouldnt mention this at all, but that particular triple flange tip (not sure if it differs to typical ones) did make the highs much more pronounced than before! -- I'll test it more and comment further, but from the initial impression, it doesnt harm the bass in the process.
Oct 21, 2004 at 6:53 PM Post #3 of 30
The E3 really doesn't "burn in." I think what's happening is that (i) you are getting better at inserting them, and/or (ii) your ears are just becoming more accustomed to their sound signature.

I also find it confusing when you say in one sentence that they are "dull" and three paragraphs later you say they are too "sharp." Which is it?

Frankly I found the EX71s to be the "fatiguing" earphones, with a horribly colored high end and a low end that "booms" alot but doesn't really reproduce any music. The Shures, to my ears at least, are incredibly accurate, reasonably detailed, and provide a much more enjoyable listening experience.

BTW, I think the triple flanges, while offering great isolation, have a serious, adverse effect on the sound of the E3's. I assume this is because the tips of the flanges are longer than the tips of the phones themselves. Someone once suggest a mod where you cut off the end (smallest) flange. I've been meaning to try it but haven't found the time.
Oct 21, 2004 at 7:05 PM Post #5 of 30

Originally Posted by Pov
Someone once suggest a mod where you cut off the end (smallest) flange. I've been meaning to try it but haven't found the time.

You havent found the time? How long does this take?
Oct 21, 2004 at 7:23 PM Post #6 of 30

Originally Posted by Pov
The E3 really doesn't "burn in." I think what's happening is that (i) you are getting better at inserting them, and/or (ii) your ears are just becoming more accustomed to their sound signature.

err, a complete lack of bass vs more than enough? -- I noticed a major difference after letting them burn in with THX samples over night. I dont think its a coincidence of me not inserting them correctly as I tried different tips for 5 hours or so before letting them burn in. While I was planning on sending them back the previous day, I was happy in the morning -- coincidence? -- maybe my ears adjusted overnight, who knows


I also find it confusing when you say in one sentence that they are "dull" and three paragraphs later you say they are too "sharp." Which is it?

A hard, overemphasised, sharp middle that makes the sound dull. A sharp middle is an association I have with old cheap radios.


Frankly I found the EX71s to be the "fatiguing" earphones, with a horribly colored high end and a low end that "booms" alot but doesn't really reproduce any music. The Shures, to my ears at least, are incredibly accurate, reasonably detailed, and provide a much more enjoyable listening experience.

After using sony earbuds for around 3 years, I'm just not used to the sound signature of the Shures. Before the EX71s, I had the EX51s and some other similar sony earbuds.

Whats good though is with the triple flange the treble is stronger and the volume (at same setting) is louder. I think my ears didnt agree with the stock shure buds. I'm a lot happier with the triple flange.


BTW, I think the triple flanges, while offering great isolation, have a serious, adverse effect on the sound of the E3's. I assume this is because the tips of the flanges are longer than the tips of the phones themselves. Someone once suggest a mod where you cut off the end (smallest) flange. I've been meaning to try it but haven't found the time.

Heh, maybe that adverse effect makes them sound similar to the sound signature I've grown fond of over the years? -- they sound more open.

I am definitely keeping the E3c headphones as the clarity of the EX71's is uncompareable and I guess I'll get used to them over time. I'm pretty happy with the triple flange tip so far, but I'll keep your remark in mind.

To answer commando -- we do have the same opinion
-- and although the triple flange tip changes things quite a bit, I'm still not used to the sound signature.

As for what headphones? -- provided I didnt have the E3c's, I might try the E2c's just for the sakes of it (and get them replaced with the E3c's ofcourse). But dont forget I still have more than enough time to get a full refund on the E3c's! -- but hell, if it means getting the Ety's with that crappy warranty -- to me thats either get great sound for years to come, or settle for sony's after the Ety's fail 6 months down the road. I am quite rough with my headphones, so I need that additional warranty
-- I'm also unhappy with the notion of the bass being weaker on the Ety's.
Oct 21, 2004 at 7:39 PM Post #8 of 30

Originally Posted by BowerR64
You havent found the time? How long does this take?

What can I say, I'm a busy guy
I also have to go out an buy an exacto knife to do it.
Oct 21, 2004 at 7:54 PM Post #10 of 30

Originally Posted by daveman_84
You want more powerful e3c's? Simple -- get the e2c's. Cheaper, too.

I dont think I'll ever be able to tolerate a lack of clarity ever again
Oct 21, 2004 at 9:49 PM Post #11 of 30
I set the equilizer on my iops to the following settings to get what I was looking for:
50 = +4db
200 = 0
1K = -2db
3K = +3db
14K = +6db

That opened up the sound quite a bit without any distortion or any negative effects I could notice. Now we're at the heavenly bliss I was looking for. Maybe I'm strange, but I like treble.

These eq settings seems to go quite nice against the chart on headroom and it looks like the Ety's can benefit quite a bit from an equilizer as well. Anyway, me is happy

Now to find that patch that makes xmms equilize ogg files as well as mp3s...
Oct 21, 2004 at 10:37 PM Post #12 of 30
I am planning to get the E3c, So how is the bass and detail after equalization.

Is it a big improvement over the sony unamped?
Does the soundstage increase?
Could you write a comparison from before and after equalization.
Oct 22, 2004 at 6:05 AM Post #14 of 30
Hey hackeron,

Great review/compairison of your equipment. It's actually kinda weird because I currently own the Sony EX71, Logitech z-680, and the Shure E3c (along with other stuff) and use that same THX bass test to burn in my 'phones.

Anyway, I agree with pretty much everything you said
. I too was disappointed with my E3c's when I first listened to them. I missed the "full" sound of the EX71's. Sure the shures had clarity but the music sounded dead[read: "A hard, overemphasised, sharp middle that makes the sound dull. A sharp middle is an association I have with old cheap radios."] which (imo) spoiled all the fun of listening to music.

Since EQ'ing isn't really my thing, what made me keep them passed the 30 days was listening to them thru my amp. When paired with my Grado RA-1 clone the E3c's bass comes out of hiding and the phones really come alive. I don't know if my specific amp is responcible or if the E3c just need any ol' amp's love but I can't go back to the unamped sound.

In fact, I'd completly agree with MuffinMan's analysis if I never tried amping them. To me it makes a world of difference

So yeah, your profile doesn't contain any info on what equipment you have but (imo) you should definally try them amped when you get the chance.

And hey! don't diss the z-680's THX certification!
Oct 22, 2004 at 6:52 AM Post #15 of 30
>Since EQ'ing isn't really my thing, what made me keep them passed the 30 days was listening to them thru my amp. When paired with my Grado RA-1 clone the E3c's bass comes out of hiding and the phones really come alive. I don't know if my specific amp is responcible or if the E3c just need any ol' amp's love but I can't go back to the unamped sound.

I totally agree with you on this one. I never thought e3c will get much of a difference playing through an amp or not, so I had never tried, just use them on the road. Until my friend brought his e5 in to try them on my amps, so I thought I might just as well pop those e3c into my amps and see how it compares to e5 with and without amp. The difference is unbelievable. With e5, its just gets louder with an amp, but e3c came alive, as I have mentioned in another post, it goes a few levels up, and I never thought they could sound this good.

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