Should I upgrade to the super fi 10vi's? Need help!
Feb 8, 2009 at 11:42 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 13


New Head-Fier
Feb 7, 2009
I am debating upgrading my super fi 5vi's to get the super fi 10 vi's. Does anyone have the 10vi's? How do you like them? I am sure that someone has done an official product review or comparison (I am new to the forum), can someone point me in the right direction in order to get some more information to aid me with my decision?

Do the 10vi's come with the same hard case as the 5vi's?

I am not sure about the 46" cord, wouldn't it get in the way?

Do they come in different colors, not keen on the blue?

How much larger are the 10vi's compared to the 5vi's?

Any comfort difference?

I have compared the specs (well as best I can based on my novice experience) can someone break down the biggest difference in the sound quality between the 5's and the 10's?

Thanks for the help.
Feb 8, 2009 at 11:58 PM Post #2 of 13
Are there any 10 vi? Really? I thought the only "10" were 10 Pro and UE10.
Feb 8, 2009 at 11:59 PM Post #3 of 13
The 10vi is basically a TF10 with microphone cable. There are plenty of reviews and impressions of the TF10 on head-fi.

The primary difference between the SF5 vi and TF10 are the drivers. The SF5vi uses a single balanced armature driver where as the TF10/vi has three BA drivers in each headphone. The TF10's cable is also removable.
Feb 9, 2009 at 12:18 AM Post #4 of 13
my bad, 10vi's.

So I am using them with my iphone so would there really be a significant difference do you think? Again, I listen to a lot of techno/lounge music and really appreciate the highs and zippy sounds that make my leg shivvvvvver. I heard the source is important, and that for me is iPhone 3G. What do you guys thinks? Any difference?
Feb 9, 2009 at 1:45 AM Post #5 of 13
I recently replaced my 4vi with the 10vi. the tf10s are definitely better with my iphone. Haven't tried the 5vis, but the tf10s are the universal version of their custom drivers, and the bass, mid and treble driver arrangement was much better than my 4vi.

The only thing I miss is the small case that came with the sf4s. This one comes with a square box that's about 3-4x bigger (photo on their website). It still fits in my pocket, but I preferred the smaller box. Unfortunately, the 10s will not fit in the small plastic case.

The cord is long, especially if you do not wear the cord over your ear. The 10s have a hard, flexible extension from the earpiece that can shape over the ear, something the super.fis do not. I wrap and secure some of the extra cord on the miniplug end.

The size of the earpiece is large than the ones you're using now. If you can find a sf3, I believe they're about the same size and shape. They do stick out more than your sf5s, but it's not as bad if you drape the cord over the ear as opposed to letting it hang down.

I've only seen the tf10s in blue, although I saw a passing reference and photo somewhere on this website that had them in a chrome or metal finish. Don't know how you'd order one; check with UE.

People have commented on how the tf10s stick out so much. If your ears are smallish, I can see them hitting or rubbing some part of your ear (my left side almost does). I don't notice the extra size or weight while wearing them. The stock tips are fine, but after reading a number of recommendations about comply foam tips, I bought some and now use them all the time (better noise isolation, sound).

Most of the comments I've read against the tf10s are about size and fit. If the sf3s fit you, the tf10s should also. I am very pleased with the upgrade in sound quality over my sf4s, and I think you will probably be also.

BTW, welcome to head-fi. Sorry about your wallet.
Feb 9, 2009 at 8:59 AM Post #6 of 13
I am a little unclear as of the nature of this flexible extension you are speaking of, do you mind posting some pics of the this and maybe the size compared to something I can relate to (like a penny or something)? I am sort of pissed to find out that the case is different, I FREAKKING love the case my 5vi's so perfectly fit into and how nice they just ride in my pocket. Any chance you have a pic of that too (with reference to some size)?

Thanks so much for all the info, I am loving this place so far.
Feb 9, 2009 at 2:09 PM Post #7 of 13
The come in blue and only blue, they use the same cable as the 3, 5 pro and EB, but not 5 rev 2 and its Vi Version, which dosnt have detachable cable,

now the Black and chrome version is the M-Audio IE40 which are manufactured for M-Audio by Ultimate ears, they are identical except for the paint job, M-Audio also offers the IE10 ( 3), IE20 EB ( 5 EB) and IE30 ( 5 pro) and they are usualy priced somewhat higher then the Ultimate ears equivalent,

As for the driver configuration in the 10, it has 3 balanced armatures, but they are not Bass, Mids, Treble,
as this lovely diagram shows, 10 Pro Features - Store - Ultimate Ears Earphones Headphones Personal Monitors
the 10 is a 2 way earphone, having dual balanced armatures for bass and a single balanced armature for mids and treble,

another thing you should take to consideration is that the comfort on the 5 rev 2 is quite superior to the 10 pro, i love how my 10 pro sound, but i cant stand wearing them, so make sure you try on a pair or atleast the 3 or 5 pro which have a very similar body shape before spending the money,
Feb 10, 2009 at 2:33 AM Post #8 of 13

Originally Posted by kpexpress /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I am a little unclear as of the nature of this flexible extension you are speaking of, do you mind posting some pics of the this and maybe the size compared to something I can relate to (like a penny or something)? I am sort of pissed to find out that the case is different, I FREAKKING love the case my 5vi's so perfectly fit into and how nice they just ride in my pocket. Any chance you have a pic of that too (with reference to some size)?

Sorry I didn't describe this well. They're more like ear loops that fit around the cable, but are stiffer than regular cable. They extend a bit more than 2", but except for the extra stiffness, are indistinguishable in diameter from the audio cable.

Sorry also, don't have the sf4s anymore, so can't post a comparison. The tf10 case is 2.75 x 2.75 x 1.125 inches. It's a well made case, but yeah, a lot bigger in the pocket. It's on the website at: Super fi 3 Studio Incl. Accessories - Store - Ultimate Ears Earphones Headphones Personal Monitors

Hope this helps.
Feb 10, 2009 at 2:56 AM Post #9 of 13

Originally Posted by Aevum /img/forum/go_quote.gif
As for the driver configuration in the 10, it has 3 balanced armatures, but they are not Bass, Mids, Treble,
as this lovely diagram shows, 10 Pro Features - Store - Ultimate Ears Earphones Headphones Personal Monitors
the 10 is a 2 way earphone, having dual balanced armatures for bass and a single balanced armature for mids and treble,

The UE website you referenced states: "Housed within the universal body are three individual speakers and an integrated passive crossover circuit board that directs the low-end frequencies to a dedicated speaker for bass, the mid-range frequencies to a speaker for the vocals and the high frequencies to a speaker dedicated for treble." I could be wrong, but that sounds like a speaker each for bass, mids and highs.

The M-Audio website (thanks for the info, I didn't know about them) states: "the use of three separate high-definition, precision-balanced armature drivers for high, mid and low frequencies." If these are tf10s under the skin, it would seem to indicate dedicated speakers for bass, mids and highs.

I'm not inclined to take apart my 10s to count the armatures, but assume when the diagram you reference states: "dual precision balanced armatures for low and mid range frequencies" that there are two speakers, one for mids and bass, and there is a "single precision balanced armature for high frequencies." Again, I'm not an expert, but it sounds like three speakers for three frequency ranges. I can say they sound superior to my sf4s, which have dual drivers.
Feb 10, 2009 at 3:05 AM Post #10 of 13

Originally Posted by Aevum /img/forum/go_quote.gif
another thing you should take to consideration is that the comfort on the 5 rev 2 is quite superior to the 10 pro, i love how my 10 pro sound, but i cant stand wearing them, so make sure you try on a pair or atleast the 3 or 5 pro which have a very similar body shape before spending the money,

I would agree. While the sound is superior, make sure you're happy with the fit and size first as that seems to be the biggest con. Good luck.
Feb 10, 2009 at 2:58 PM Post #11 of 13
the 4 has a single armature 4 Features - Store - Ultimate Ears Earphones Headphones Personal Monitors
same as the 5 Rev2, except the 5 is configured to side fire while the 4 is straight fire,

the differance is that on the 4, the sound is 100% dependent on the nuzzle and armature,
while on the 5 Rev 2, the sound is shaped by earphone body acustics, it is quite good actually, and outclasses several dual armature earphones,
Feb 13, 2009 at 6:58 PM Post #12 of 13
So just to update everyone, last night I went to the apple store to check some stuff out and low and behold I see that they sell the UE 10 ear phones, unfortunately they didn't have them where you could test them out so I bought them to try them out while I walked around the mall for a bit. The sound difference was amazing. I switched between the 10's and my 5vi's to see how big the difference was. I think the highs and mid's were close to the same leaning towards the tf10's, but when it came to the bass the difference was drastic. I noticed that my 5vi's sort of sounded muffled when the bass was mixed with other sounds while the 10's delivered clear, deep and well rounded bass sounds.

BUT, I decided to stay with my 5vi's. I mean the sound of the TF10's was definitely worth the extra money, but didn't see it feasible to spend that kind of cash for a pair of headphones that were that uncomfortable. I felt like it took me at least a few minutes to get them in my ears far enough to where I could hear the sound (and not hear the outside noises) and so they wouldn't fall out. Those things suck for comfort man. I love my 5vi's cause I can quickly get them in and out while hopping on the subway, running out the door late to class or whatever, they are so convenient, but the 10's didn't favor so well. In the package they seemed noticeably larger, but didn't stick out when I wore them, they just didn't really work well for me. The curved monitors were weird, I couldn't get them to feel good on me.

SO I am sticking with the 5vi's, no doubt the technology of theTF10's is amazing and worth the cash, I think I am going to wait until they make them smaller or more comfortable.

What other kind of IEM's do you think I should check out? (under $300) and fit better (and sound as good if not better) than the TF10's (iPhone compatible too)?
May 24, 2009 at 1:58 PM Post #13 of 13
I'm trying to decided on IEMs for my iPhone and I'm about to pull the trigger on the 5vi. How do you wear yours - with the cable straight down or looped around your ear? If you wear it looped, is the mic positioned too high? Also, what's your impression about durability of the cable since it's not replaceable?

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